Obama’s Super Secret Treaty – Even Congress Can’t Get a Copy - TopicsExpress


Obama’s Super Secret Treaty – Even Congress Can’t Get a Copy of the Draft Agreement Did you know that Barack Obama has been secretly negotiating the most important trade agreement since the formation of the World Trade Organization? Did you know that this agreement will impose very strict Internet copyright rules, ban all “Buy American” laws, give Wall Street banks much more freedom to trade risky derivatives and force even more domestic manufacturing offshore? If you have not heard about this treaty, don’t feel bad. Obama has refused to even give Congress a copy of the draft agreement and he has banned members of Congress from attending the negotiations. The plan is to keep this treaty secret until the very last minute and then to railroad it through Congress and have it signed into law by October. The treaty is known as “the Trans-Pacific Partnership”, and the nations that are reported to be involved in the development of this treaty include the United States, Canada, Japan, South Korea, Australia, New Zealand, Chile, Peru, Brunei, Singapore, Vietnam and Malaysia. Opponents of this treaty refer to it as “the NAFTA of the Pacific”, and if it is enacted it will push the deindustrialization of America into overdrive. The “one world” economic agenda that Barack Obama has been pushing is absolutely killing the U.S. economy. As you will see later in this article, we are losing jobs and businesses at an astounding pace. And each new “free trade” agreement makes things even worse. For example, just check out the impact that the recent free trade agreement that Obama negotiated with South Korea is having on us… ◾A 10 percent decline of U.S. exports to Korea ◾The U.S. trade deficit with Korea has climbed 37 percent ◾U.S. auto industry has been crippled ◾Loss of U.S. control where international trade, banking and finance is concerned ◾A projected 159,000 jobs will be lost Wait a second – I though that “free trade” agreements were actually supposed to increase exports. So why have they declined by 10 percent? Did someone make a really bad deal? And of course we have all seen the economic devastation that NAFTA has wrought. When NAFTA was pushed through Congress in 1993, the United States actually had a trade surplus with Mexico of 1.6 billion dollars. By 2010, we had a trade deficit with Mexico of 61.6 billion dollars. And “free trade” with China has turned out to be a complete and total nightmare as well. Back in 1985, our trade deficit with China was approximately 6 million dollars (million with a little “m”) for the entire year. In 2012, our trade deficit with China was 315 billion dollars. That was the largest trade deficit that one nation has had with another nation in the history of the world. But instead of learning from the mistakes of the past, Barack Obama is pressing for more “free trade” agreements. The New York Times is calling the Trans-Pacific Partnership “the most significant international commercial agreement since the creation of the World Trade Organization in 1995“. It is reportedly going to include a whole host of provisions which wouldnever be able to get through Congress on their own. Even though this treaty will affect all of our daily lives, the Obama administration is keeping this treaty a total secret. In fact, Obama won’t even show it to Congress even though members of Congress have asked repeatedly to see it… The agreement, under negotiation since 2008, would set new rules for everything from food safety and financial markets to medicine prices and Internet freedom. It would include at least 12 of the countries bordering the Pacific and be open for more to join. President Obama has said he wants to sign it by October. Although Congress has exclusive constitutional authority to set the terms of trade, so far the executive branch has managed to resist repeated requests by members of Congress to see the text of the draft agreement and has denied requests from members to attend negotiations as observers — reversing past practice. While the agreement could rewrite broad sections of nontrade policies affecting Americans’ daily lives, the administration also has rejected demands by outside groups that the nearly complete text be publicly released. Read more: MinutemenNews/2013/06/obamas-super-secret-treaty/#ixzz2VR39lXr7
Posted on: Thu, 06 Jun 2013 11:39:32 +0000

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