Obasanjo: Flawed memories, unending ego faults (2) December 20, - TopicsExpress


Obasanjo: Flawed memories, unending ego faults (2) December 20, 2014 Written by Yomi Odunuga IT is somewhat comical to read Obasanjo castigating Jonathan for lacking the capacity to pick “aides sufficiently imbued with the qualities and abilities to help him out.” It is benumbing that Obasanjo could express frustrations that most of the aides were too busy “manoeuvring and strategizing” on how Jonathan could realise his dream of a second tenure in office such that it would be difficult for the revered statesman to “buy the idea of presidential innocence!” Can you just beat that? Obasanjo was expecting Jonathan to call his own aides to order when he did nothing other than pleading innocence each time he was asked his take on the controversial, money-gulping tenure elongation agenda that was eventually quashed by the National Assembly! If I may ask: How many of his key aides did Obasanjo punish for supporting and funding the Third Term Agenda when, as he once said, it was not part of the favour he sought from God then? Did he do anything to his close aides to whom an erstwhile governor, Saminu Turaki claimed to have delivered billions of Naira for Baba’s Third Term project? Today, and in a sardonic twist of the tale, the story has changed. The agenda for self-perpetuation in a tenured office was never his, Obasanjo now says. He said the brains behind it were state governors who would have benefitted more from it. He said though he would not feign ignorance of the permutations, yet it was never his intention to benefit from it. Listen to Obasanjo talking on Obasanjo at the venue of the book launch: “People say that it was obvious that I wanted a third term and I ask those who say I was behind the third term to bring concrete evidence to prove that I spearheaded it. I have presented evidence in my book that proves that I was not behind it, even though I knew about it. Some governors were the ones behind it because they felt the governors would benefit from it. I have evidence to prove that everything I wrote is true and anyone that feels otherwise should present concrete evidence to prove his point. Third term was not my agenda or intention although I would not say I did not know about it. I did not mastermind third term. Those who were telling me to go on were the governors that were going to benefit from it.” Ha, Baba! How dare you give truth a direct whack in the face with a baggage laden with lies in such brazen manner? How can Obasanjo describe Jonathan as a President who is “not too weak to be able to butter his bread and, if necessary, to engage the services of Satan to achieve his self-centred interests on the altar of all else” and yet refuses to see that the leader he imposed on the rest of us has simply copied his script and was merely implementing such with an assured self-centredness that beggars belief?So, in Obasanjo’s warped thinking, Jonathan is the only Nigerian leader in recent times who devotes quality time dealing with “supposed enemies and various matters that would not serve his interests?” Well, it is understandable when some elders fail to recollect their irascible and self-serving wiles. With or without the deliberate effort to embellish and distort reality, it is called selective amnesia spurred by the onset of senility. Somehow, it cannot be all knocks for the retired Army General. It would be interesting to read his accounts about how a once-impregnable relationship with General Theophillus Danjuma went awry. What exactly could be responsible for the biting criticism unleashed on his person by the unsmiling Danjuma when Obasanjo was seeking re-election in 2003? How did Otunba Oyewole Fasawe, who had the privilege of flying with him across the globe as a “Friend of the President”, become a persona non grata few months into Obasanjo’s second tenure? What were the intrigues and nocturnal power play that were going on in the dark crevices of Aso Rock when normal human beings would have gone to bed? What were the notorious facts and fables surrounding House 7, which some VVIP were said to have chosen as a perfect centre to wantonly indulge in carnal rascality? Well, maybe some of those salacious details would be in Obasanjo’s trilogy. Most importantly, I am curious to know how and why Nigeria’s reigning presidential Rottweiler, Dr. Doyin Okupe, was sacked by Obasanjo. Although, that was some years before he saw the sense in playing a perfect fit role as President Jonathan’s attack dog, Obasanjo must have seen something that was to manifest in Okupe’s latter years as a rabid, locally-trained, rabies-infected dog for a man he would gladly liken to Jesus Christ. Of course, those who felt insulted by Okupe’s blasphemous statement against the body of Christ need not fret. Like Lara Wise wisely counselled on her Facebook page, it is not within our power to fight, maim or kill for Christ. Hear Lara: “Relax peeps. Relax. Jesus does not like curses and insults. He has not sent us to say such stuff to anybody okay. There is no basis for comparison. After all, Jesus never contested for any election not to talk of seeking another tenure. Jesus is Lord, not a politician! How can one round up the folly this man? For me, that settles it. Doyin Okupe’s silliness, no matter how condescending, knows there are boundaries that he would never cross when it comes to playing snooker games with some prophets’ names. Why should he quiver while engaging in such blasphemous act when Obasanjo said his principal would gladly engage the services of Satan to sanctify his butter and bread? While no one should quarrel with Okupe’s new-found fad of rinsing his mouth with a name which his principal should ordinarily bow and tremble at its mention, it would be interesting to know how Okupe reacts to Obasanjo’s dismissal of his antecedents as “one man whose case I know too well.” I just hope he would be man enough to come clean on the circumstances surrounding his dismissal as Obasanjo’s spokesperson in early 2001. If he does this convincingly, then he would have the bragging right to dismiss Obasanjo’s statement as the rant of a frustrated, power hungry old man. By the way, has anyone within the corridors of power given a thought to Obasanjo’s verdict that Jonathan surrounds himself with spokespersons who cause more harm than good to his person and office? By now, if all efforts made to dab King Nebuchadnezzar with a saintly fragrance could only fetch him an epaulette of infamy which proclaims his place as “the most criticised President in the world”, those tasked with that responsibility should know that they have simply failed. Ouch! I know it is a painful pill to swallow especially when such atrocious judgement is being spewed by no less a self-conceited fellow like Obasanjo. It is even more frustrating when one finds it difficult to fault the man who has a record of one’s misconduct. Could that be the reason why Okupe has been treading with caution even with the backing of his “Jesus Christ” in Aso Rock? By my reckoning, it is sheer illogic for the government to adopt a defeatist strategy of not dignifying Obasanjo’s allegations against Jonathan with a response. Clinging on to some legalese cannot justify the loud silence in Aso Rock since the public launch of the book. Without mincing words, Obasanjo says the stealing and corruption currently being perpetrated under Jonathan’s watch are unprecedented in the history of graft as an official policy of state since independence. If a key player in the harvest of mis-governance inAfrica’s largest gathering of the black race says so, it should not be waved off as the anguished cry of a sinking man. It is not something that should be knocked off with a bottle of choice wine. It calls for genuine concern. Obasanjo may have made the mistake of pointing an accusing finger at Jonathan while the remaining four giggle at his foolishness. Yet, that single finger exposes too much rot and the silence in high places only gives credence to his statement that the blind, systemic looting of our common wealth has “left a bad taste in the mouths of most Nigerians.” Ordinarily, the real Jesus we know would not hesitate to whip some sense into the brains of those who desecrate his temple. Sadly, Okupe’s ‘Jesus’ has only succeeded in tongue-lashing the band of despairing and alienated Nigerians who continue to equate stealing in billions of Naira with corruption! Now, why won’t Obasanjo come out smelling like a speciallydesigned silverware in a China shop when corruption seems to have been emblazoned with the official vote of confidence by the highest office in the land? I’m sure Baba, in spite of everything, is having a big laugh in his farm right now!Jesus wept! …Are the Chibok girls gone forever? It is exactly 250 days since over 200 girls were abducted by the Boko Haram insurgents in their dormitories in Chibok, Borno State. After weeks of wringing its hands in disbelief, the government eventually admitted that the girls were actually abducted by the insurgents following a disturbing video clip in which a leader of the group threatened to sell the innocent young minds into slavery. Nudged by persistent protest across the world as captured by the initiators of the #bringbackourgirls movement, the Nigerian government wobbled through countless reasons to justify its painstaking efforts at rescuing the girls without causing any collateral damage even as the spectre of female suicide bombings persists. Yet, Nigerians keep hope alive, believing that the girls would soon be back home by some undefined miracle. They also cling to an assurance given by the security authorities that government was aware of the location of the girls. Today, 250 days on, it appears the government is passing a message to Nigerians to forget the girls. They may have gone forever if we are to believe statements credited to the Special Assistant to the President on Public Affairs, Dr. Doyin Okupe, when he appeared on a television programme last Monday. Asked about the fate of the Chibok girls, Okupe stuttered: “The issue of Chibok girls is a tragedy but it is a tragedy that we must bear with fortitude. Chibok girls are a torn in the flesh of the administration. If it was possible to get them yesterday, I know that this government would have done it.” Well, the government could not rescue them yesterday, they have not done it today and, going by the ominous prognosis embedded in Okupe’s words, there is no guarantee that they will be back tomorrow. Harsh reality it seems. But, after 250 days in captivity, who is sure of anything other than to keep hoping endlessly on hope?
Posted on: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 20:27:52 +0000

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