Obasanjo… always firing from all cylinders Any honest writer - TopicsExpress


Obasanjo… always firing from all cylinders Any honest writer or analyst will acknowledge that President Goodluck Jonathan’s national political career was a creation of former President, Chief Olusegun Obasanjo. At a time the President meant little politically outside his Bayelsa State base, Obasanjo located him and attached him to the late President Umaru Musa Yar’Adua in the 2007 presidential race. That appeared the peak the Otuoke-born Jonathan would go. But, fate intervened and today, he is President and Commander-in-Chief of the Nigerian Armed Forces. It would seem then, perhaps as Obasanjo himself envisaged, that Jonathan would be incapable of creating an independent platform and would therefore run to his godfather at every opportunity for advice (more of instructions). However, that was not to be. The man has come of age politically. He has been weaned off the milk of the godfather and is demonstrating that he is not only in office but in power and in charge to the discomfiture of his mentor. Things have fallen apart between the two men and their political structures. For some time now, Obasanjo has been throwing jabs at the President, whose official and unofficial image makers have been fighting back. Early this week, while receiving a group of women leaders from the Southwest at his residence in Abeokuta, the Ogun State capital Hilltop mansion, the former Head of State accused Jonathan of squandering oil cash, adding that the President was carrying on as if no one could hold him accountable. He urged the people to vote wisely next month. He has joined issues with the President on the security policy and depletion of the Excess Crude Account (ECA). His attacks on the President have raised some posers: What role will Obasanjo play in the 2015 election? Is he really a factor? Could he contribute meaningfully to the direction towards which the pendulum would swing? He has, of recent, consistently hit at his ward, describing him as incompetent in managing the country and especially the economy. Most resounding is the divergence in the views of both men on the political direction. Obasanjo wants Jonathan to play the statesman after one official term in office. Although constitutionally permitted to sit on the throne for eight years split into two terms, the former Head of State says the North deserves to be allowed to complete the Yar’Adua term. Always attempting to present the picture of a nationalist, Obasanjo wants the North appeased. Jonathan and his kinsmen think this is out of order. They argue that the North should wait for the Southsouth to exhaust the legal opportunity of a second term before the North could assume power again. In the argument, only a token attention is paid to competence. When Obasanjo was made President, he did not have the support of his Yoruba kinsmen. He was the choice of the North and the East. Overwhelmingly, the aggrieved people of the Southwest wanted Chief Olu Falae, who was the candidate of the Alliance for Democracy/All Peoples Party. As a chieftain of a party that has a dominant standing in the Southwest said: “In what ways did the Obasanjo presidency benefit his people more than the others.” It could be differently asked: “Why should any section of the country benefit more from a particular government simply because one of its sons is in power?” There are men whose personalities excite controversy and passion. They fear no one and would drop the bombshell anywhere. Obasanjo has cut for himself the image of one who “speaks truth to power”. Nobel laureate Prof Wole Soyinka sees him differently. He considers him a man versed in the art of appropriating others’ achievements. But many point at his attacks on past leaders to justify the image that he is not afraid to speak to power. When Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida, a four-star General, ran national affairs, Obasanjo was a regular critic of the administration. He wasted no time in suggesting that the Structural Adjustment Programme (SAP) lacked a human face. He was equally disdainful of that government’s political agenda. He founded a body to promote good governance as that regime began to show the reluctance of its leader to quit office. At the time, he was regarded by many as a spokesman for the voiceless majority. Under the late Gen. Sani Abacha administration, the most brutal regime in the history of the country, Obasanjo joined the Abacha-must-go movement, even some maintain till date that he was duplicitous in so doing. He later paid the price as he was slammed in jail for a phantom coup plot. It was a sheer device to take him out of circulation and buy peace for the government. Eventually, when the maximum ruler permanently exited the stage, Obasanjo was freed and found himself in the seat of power in 1999. Since he left power, he has remained active in tackling his successors and presenting himself as a compassionate leader; a patriot. He chose a public forum to denounce his direct successor, Alhaji Umaru Yar’Adua. He called on the then ailing leader to save the country heartache by quitting the stage. In doing so, he spilled the beans, making public the private discussions he had with the late President, his health status and literally mobilising the public against the man who was presented as a sit-tight ruler, holding the nation to ransom. It was vintage Obasanjo. He showed he could both sting and bite. He cleverly omitted the part he played in scheming out others who were hale and hearty and had banked on emerging through the due process. As another election approaches, what does Obasanjo really want? As Obasanjo’s ship of state tottered on the high sea, Obasanjo’s verbal bullets rang out with the usual devastating effect. As he made pronouncements to rattle the military president, he schemed behind the scenes for what he considered most beneficial to his interest. He wanted an interim government which many felt he had wanted to head. Now, again, there are reports that he would not, at almost 77, be averse to leading such a government, even if that would be a way of achieving the proverbial third term. He is yet to come out with the idea. Knowing who he is, this might not take long in coming. Truly, the Egba man is brewing something that should be on the shelf any moment from now. Statesmen on parade Election time is a period when politicians choose to show the stuff they are made of. Everything they do is dictated by interests, declared and undeclared. But, elderstatesmen are expected to moderate views and actions in the general interest. The more discerning members of the public believe the utterances and suggestions of men who had played the game at the zenith before they bowed out fully or partially. They are usually old and wizened by age. They understand the country and will do anything literally to protect its corporate existence. In Nigeria, the elderstatesmen were either politicians or former military rulers. While sometimes featherweights electorally, they still have influence on public affairs. Such elderstatesmen include Obasanjo, the only person to have been privileged to rule the country twice- once as a military Head of State, and later as a democratically elected President for eight years. Others are former military rulers Yakubu Gowon, Babangida and Abdulsalami Abubakar. In the civilian arm of the ruling elite, former President Shehu Shagari and his deputy, Dr. Alex Ekwueme could play some role too. Although both men are reticent, with Shagari being more of an establishment man who supports any government in power. Dr. Ekwueme, who started this dispensation seeking to upgrade his political profile by becoming the first President of the Fourth Republic, soon after recoiled somewhat into his shell. His influence has been limited with very little like other political elite from the Southeast. However, he has grown bolder in recent times mobilising his people to realise that the future could be bleak if the corporate existence of the country is not guaranteed through competent management. This declaration appears to be gaining some ground as the usual political monolithic front of the region is breaking. The Ohanaeze meeting, convened to decide what direction the region will take in the next few weeks, rejected a move to endorse the Peoples Democratic Party’s candidate. This is seen as a sign of what to come. The positions of Abukakar and Babangida are not particularly discernible. While, on the one hand receiving Jonathan in his Minna Hilltop home at the end of 2014, suggesting support for him, his aides were quick to indicate that Babangida was merely being courteous. He followed that with a veiled criticism of the Jonathan administration as very corrupt in an interview he granted the official organ of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC).He said if the level of corruption going on now is compared with his time, public officials in his time were angels and saints. There are suggestions that the former rulers and military chiefs may be meeting behind the scenes to forge a common ground in saving a country deemed to be failing. How far will they go? Will they succeed? Unfolding scenarios will dictate what happens on February 14.
Posted on: Thu, 08 Jan 2015 05:18:11 +0000

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