Obedience After watching One Flew Over a Cuckoos Nest, I - TopicsExpress


Obedience After watching One Flew Over a Cuckoos Nest, I realize how too much rules and regimented procedures may ultimately maim the human spirit. Although the theme of the film may no longer be too relevant today, the film is an indictment of how the old ways of institutionalizing mental patients and subjecting them to quasi-quack electroconvulsive therapies, among others, only make mental patients more mental. Mental asylums are no more than cages and this Oregon mental hospital run by a despotic nurse Ratched hiding behind a tranquil, smiling disposition, was all hell for its deranged, delusional and paranoid residents, until a foxy statutory rape-convict McMurphy, who has to feign insanity to evade a more grueling way of serving his sentence, challenges the nurse to a battle of wills, disrupts the hospitals regimens, and brings a sense of normalcy among the cuckoos. This reminds me of the recent imposition of our Landlord, which I quietly circumvent. The other day, I was told by Polong, the man-servant in the house, that I should not bring Coco upstairs, much less bring her to my room. This is accordingly, the new house rule promulgated by our Landlord who likes to keep dogs in the house without giving them the necessary vaccinations, so that all three just died from parvovirus three days ago. In fact, my Alphonse died from parvo after the late contracted it from one of our Landlords un-immunized dog which died two weeks before Alphonse did. So I told him, Tell the landlord that well have a quid pro quo. What I want him to do is make sure Id get uninterrupted, full blast wifi connection 24/7, a spic and span Comfort Room every minute, a pantry with at least five vegetable dishes everday and a supply of bottled mineral water that does not run out and a Sunday free of noisy, sweaty and filthy outsiders playing in the compounds makeshift basketball court, then I wont bring Coco upstairs. Also, tell him to vaccinate the dogs he pets in the house or Ill report him to PETA. Against the rules, I, always a maverick and a bit of a rebel, bring Coco in anyway. Coco neither pees nor takes a dump inside the house. She just plays with soiled sanitary pads that some of my unsanitary house mates just dump in the thrash bins without wrapping them. In a show of defiance, I made sure Coco has his share of the houses amenities. If anything, Coco is entitled to a one-hour of bubble bath moments in the tub during my rest days. One time, Ive heard my housemate say, Myra, Ill just shower in the bath downstairs because Coco is not yet done with her bubble bath. I saw her shampoo outside the door. Just today, Polong came upstairs to do the house cleaning, and Coco, from inside my room, could sense that hes coming so my little girl began barking like mad. Although Coco scoffs at silly rules like her Mom does, she however is very obedient to me. So I told her, Stop barking or he would banish you from the house and you cant come inside my room ever again. Caught between her innate instinct to bark, and her sheer obedience for her mother, Coco opened and closed her mouth in an act of barking, but very smartly, she made sure no sound came out of her mouth. And to make sure Polong wont hear an Arf from Coco just in case Coco let out a sound, I went on meowing inside my room approximating the houses cat to the best that I can, while Coco went on barking soundlessly. After a few minutes, Polong was done cleaning and went downstairs without knowing that Cocos just right inside my room lying on my bed like a little furry princess.
Posted on: Thu, 24 Oct 2013 02:01:05 +0000

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