Obedience (hupakoe from hupó = under + akoúo = hear) means - TopicsExpress


Obedience (hupakoe from hupó = under + akoúo = hear) means literally to "hear under" which conveys the picture of listening and submitting to that which is heard. This response often involves a change of attitude in the hearer. The idea is to obey on the basis of having paid attention to. Romans opens with obedience and Closes with obedience The Obedience of Faith in the Letter to the Romans Part I: The Meaning of (Ro 1:5; 16:26) For your obedience is come abroad unto all men (Ro 16:19- Today the main problem in the midst of families, in believer is disobedience. This creates all the difficulties. Especially in family relationship. Girls does not like to go to their husbands home. They remaining with their parents. They never thinking about others, they thinking about themselves. My brother also got married let them live and enjoy their family life. why should I become a obstacle to them. Wives not submitting their husbands-Eph 5:22 Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord. Husbands = Eph 5:25 Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it; The children not obeying their parents=Eph 6:1 ¶ Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right. Why I mentioned this topic because of my counseling ministry experience. If any one of you have problem do not hesitate contact us we are willing to serve you. What does the bible say about Obedience=Obeying God 1. Characteristics of Obedience 1) Obedience Accompanies Faith and God’s Calling-Acts 6:7; Rom. 1:5; Rom. 6:16–17; Rom. 15:18; 2) Obedience Accompanies the Fear of God-Deut. 6:24; Josh. 24:14; 1 Sam. 12:14; 3) Obedience Accompanies Repentance-1 Sam. 7:3; Isa. 1:18–19, 27 4) Obedience Establishes a Pattern for Others to Follow-Eph. 6:1–3, 5–9; Col. 3:20–24 5) Obedience Is Accomplished through Christ-Rom. 5:19; Heb. 5:8–9 6) Obedience Is Better Than Sacrifice-1 Sam. 15:22 7) Obedience Is Commanded-Exod. 34:10–11; Lev. 18:4–5; Deut. 6:3; Promises to the Obedient 1) God Promises His Love and Faithfulness to the Obedient-Deut. 7:9; Neh. 1:5; Ps. 25:10; 2) God Promises His Peace and Guidance to the Obedient-Ps. 19:8; Isa. 48:18 3) God Promises His Spirit to the Obedient-Acts 5:32 4) God Promises the Obedient Communion with God and Christ-Matt. 12:50; John 9:31; John 14:23; 5) God Promises the Obedient Entrance into His Kingdom-Matt. 7:21 6) God Promises the Obedient Eternal Life-Matt. 19:16–17; John 8:51; Rom. 2:7; 1 John 2:17; 7) God Promises the Obedient Future Prosperity-Deut. 4:40; Deut. 12:28; Deut. 13:17–18; Deut. Illustrations of Obedience Jesus Christ Obeyed God-Matt. 3:13–17; Luke 2:41–50; John 4:34; John 8:29; John 15:10; John 17:4; Phil. 2:5–8; Heb. 5:7–8; Heb. 10:5–7 Joseph Obeyed God=Matt. 1:24–25; Matt. 2:13–15 Zechariah and Elizabeth Obeyed God-Luke 1:5–6 Paul Obeyed God-Acts 23:1; Acts 26:9–20; 2 Tim. 1:3 Paul Followed Christ-1 Cor. 11:1 Obedience, to God A willingness to submit oneself to the will of God and to put it into effect. Scripture emphasises the necessity for God’s laws to be followed, gives examples and reasons, and describes the rewards. Obedience is demanded of God’s people Lev 25:18; 1Sa 15:22 See also Dt 26:16; Dt 32:46; Ro 6:16-18; 1Pe 1:14-16 Examples of obedience in the OT Jos 11:15 See also Ge 6:22; Ge 12:1-4; Ge 22:2-3; Ex 40:16; Jnh 3:3 The example of Jesus Christ Mt 26:39 ; Mk 14:36; Lk 22:42 Jn 14:31 See Jn 17:4; Ro 5:19; Php 2:8; Heb 5:8 Obedience to God-Commanded. De 13:4 INCLUDES 1. Obeying Christ.; 2Co 10:5; Ex 23:21 2. Obeying the gospel. Ro 1:5; 6:17; 10:16-17 3. Christ, an example of. Mt 3:15; Joh 15:20; Php 2:5-8; Heb 5:8 4. A characteristic of saints. 1Pe 1:14 5. Saints elected to. 1Pe 1:2 SHOULD BE=From the heart. De 11:13; Ro 6:17 Obedience, to human authorities Scripture teaches that all people, Christians included, should submit not only to God himself but also to divinely instituted secular authorities. Obedience is owed to rulers-Ro 13:1-7 See also 1Ti 2:1-3; Tit 3:1; 1Pe 2:13-14,17 Jesus Christ expounds this principle Mk 12:17 pp Mt 22:21 pp Lk 20:25 Obedience is owed to church leaders-Heb 13:17 See also 1Pe 5:5 Obedience is owed within the household-Eph 6:1-3 See also Pr 15:5; Col 3:20 Jesus Christ sets the example Lk 2:51 Obedience to secular authority is limited by obedience to God -Ac 5:29 See also Ac 4:19
Posted on: Fri, 16 Aug 2013 02:47:10 +0000

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