Obedience is the Doorway to Blessing – 4th May 2014 Todays - TopicsExpress


Obedience is the Doorway to Blessing – 4th May 2014 Todays Scripture “I will make you into a great nation and I will bless you” - (Genesis 12:2). Thoughts for Today Abrahams life was one of obedience. While he was not perfect, he certainly was a man who wanted to obey God. He went from worshiping many gods to worshiping only one-the Lord God. In Genesis 12:1, we read that the Lord said to Abraham, Leave your country, your people and your fathers household and go to the land I will show you. Immediately, Abraham answered Gods call. His love for the Lord was so great that he responded by packing up his family and setting out for a new home-one known only to God! Most of us would never consider a move like this. We usually want God to lay out every detail before we make a decision. We pray that He will reveal His will to us, and then we ask Him to provide the evidence we need in order to step forward. We never read, however, that Abraham did this. In fact, his faith was so pure that when God said go, he went. There will be times when God will require us to do things that from our perspective do not make sense. We may struggle with our decision and long for God to repeatedly make His will known to us. However, if the Lord calls us, we must go. If He instructs us to take a certain route, make a certain decision, or work toward a certain goal, we had better get busy doing it. Obedience is the doorway to blessing. Abraham became the father of a great nation. God fulfilled every promise He made to His servant, and He will do the same for you. Before He does, He may require a step of faith on your part. Are you willing to step forward into His blessing? SAY THIS: Our Loving Heavenly Father, please help me to step forward in obedience to you when you make your will known to me. Although I may not know the final destination, please grant me courage to walk with you in the unknown. Thank you for hearing and answering my prayer. Gratefully, In Jesus Loving Name I Pray, Amen. ChristiansMobile WordofGod.in
Posted on: Sun, 04 May 2014 06:33:40 +0000

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