Obedient to the Faith If anyone wills to do His will, he shall - TopicsExpress


Obedient to the Faith If anyone wills to do His will, he shall know concerning the doctrine, whether it is from God or whether I speak on My own authority. – John 7:17 My heart is breaking for the bride of Christ. Her Middle Eastern limbs are being decapitated. The church is being marked for destruction. Thank God for our eternal security in Jesus. Thank God for the staying power of the Spirit. And thank God for His promise that in the end we will be more than conquerors against His foes. But there is another reason my heart breaks for the bride of Christ. A great portion of the church in the west, in America in particular, is lethargic, fat and out of shape. Here we are living in the last days of the Laodicean church. There is a large portion of “The Church” that is either dead or lukewarm. Jesus, His call and ministry in life has degenerated into a take it or leave it proposition. When the spiritual rubber meets the road of application many are leaving God’s word behind. People talk christianeze but they walk in the world at ease. Jesus is not the top priority in the lives of many in the church; He’s just something else to be fit into a busy schedule. Some of this is due to the compromise of scripture and lost vision of those leading the congregations. Pastor Millard Milk-toast and Pastor Worldly-Willie are in some pulpits. There’s something missing in the message to the flock of God. But pastors and church leaders are not the only ones to blame. How is it that people can sit in churches where God’s word is taught and show little to no lasting fruit? How can people look you straight in the face and say, “Yes” to the word taught and then walk away living “No” to the word applied? Conversion means change; from darkness to light; from the power of Satan to God. God in His word speaks of accountability, responsibility, confession and repentance. The blessed effect of the gospel is a new creation and being transformed by the renewing of your mind. If that is true why are so many in the church so similar to those in the world? Why are so many in the church adopting the methods, mannerisms and immoralities of the world? The answer to that question is that a “gospel” is being preached that is devoid of repentance. There is a doctrine of grace being taught that frees people to sin rather than frees them from having to sin. “Christians” are not growing in their faith. “Christians” are not challenged. “Christians” are bearing little to no fruit. “Christians” are not overcoming; they are not victorious. “Christians” are living in sin, with little to no conviction of their sin, and still settled and satisfied they are good “Christians.” To that the inspired words of Paul still resound, “Shall we continue in sin that grace may abound? Certainly not!” (Romans 6:1). If you would like to learn more about the importance of being “obedient to the faith” go to Pastor Claude’s teaching blog for the rest of this study located at this link – theshepherdofhope.blogspot . God bless you and edify you as you seek to obey Jesus the Lord!
Posted on: Tue, 02 Sep 2014 15:13:17 +0000

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