Obesity in teens, as with obesity in every age group, is on the - TopicsExpress


Obesity in teens, as with obesity in every age group, is on the rise. Dealing with obesity in teens can be challenging. Fortunately, discovering natural and healthful treatments for obesity can be simple. With more overweight teens now than ANY other time in history, Skinny Body Care is committed to making a difference! No matter how long you have struggled with weight issues, or how much weight you need to lose, The Skinny Fiber Teen Challenge might be EXACTLY what youve been hoping for! Teen Obesity Statistics Some days if feels like the statistics are going to overwhelm us all and it can be easy to either ignore or downplay the numbers. If we are to have our eyes opened to the challenge, however, and move towards making change, it is important to see where we currently are with regard to some of the statistics on obesity in teens and children. Overall child and teen obesity rates: A recent Health Affairs news release reported childhood and teen obesity statistics based on the US National Survey of Children’s Health. In the 10-17 year old age range, there was a bit of good news and significant bad news. Between 2003 and 2007, there was a slight drop in the percentage of children aged 10-17 in the overweight category (from 15.7% to 15.3%). Unfortunately, there was substantial increase, from 14.8% to 16.4%, in the obese category. Geographic differences in obesity rates: Investigation findings lead researchers to believe there is an increase in the severity of the epidemic of obesity in teens and children, with rates varying geographically by state from 25% to 50% of children being overweight or obese. Location also impacts obesity in teens and children in that neighborhoods without a park or recreation center had higher rates of obesity as did neighborhoods that parents felt were not safe. Role that unhealthy snacking plays in obesity: Another recent study, conducted by researchers at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, looked at data on more than 31,000 American children from 1977 to 2006 and discovered snacking patterns (both increased numbers of children that snacked outside of meals as well as increased snack intake of foods such as crackers, potato chips and candy) play a likely role in obesity in teens and children. Teen Obesity Facts Though the numbers are important, it is where the numbers lead us that is of equal importance. Each number in a statistic represents an overweight or obese child or teenager, and a child that is on his or her way to decreased physical and emotional health. We know for fact that excess weight and obesity in teens leads to increased risks of many ailments including: Asthma High blood pressure High cholesterol High rates of inflammation that can contribute to cardiovascular disease Type 2 diabetes Injury in childhood (particularly ankle, leg and foot injuries) and longer recovery times from injury Later onset of puberty for male teens Earlier onset of puberty for female teens Sleep apnea Fortunately we also know for fact that a few simple things reduce the likelihood of childhood obesity and therefore, hopefully, teenage obesity: simple routines such as eating supper together as a family keeping television viewing under two hours/day and ensuring a child gets enough sleep have been shown to significantly reduce the risk of a child becoming obese. Healthy Treatments for Obesity in Teens As with childhood obesity, in treating teen obesity it is essential to: Have an individualized plan with simple steps that can be walked out for a lifetime Develop and put in place key motivators and support in maintaining positive attitude Ensure that while the seriousness of dealing with teen obesity is understood, solutions include play and enjoyment factors Make physical activity of some type a regular lifestyle choice Emphasize healthy sleep patterns Eat for health following sound principles of teen nutrition Improvements for obesity can be simple with parental involvement & Skinny Fiber! DaleAdams.SBCTeenChallenge/
Posted on: Sat, 22 Mar 2014 23:36:34 +0000

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