Obomba support islam and is under the chosenites boot! The plot - TopicsExpress


Obomba support islam and is under the chosenites boot! The plot started 2000 years ago! Under its aegis they developed a long-range master plan for impovrishing, subjugating, dominating, and humiliating the Southerners, while destroying their culture and brainwashing them into third-rate copies of the Northerners. Mr. Conner has noted that a culture war, of which the War of Northern Aggression and the subsequent reconstruction were a major part, has gone on against the South since the 1830s. He says: Actually, this cultural war has raged unabated since the 1830s, when Northern liberals (joos) decided to supplant Christianity with secular humanism as the official religion, and they selected the religious South as their battleground...the present-day villification of the Confederacy is part of a long-term ideological war being waged against the conservative white South for the purpose of destroying the Southerners as a people and rendering them socially, politically, and economically impotent. Conner notes the main objectives of this ideological war. They are: [1] to discredit white Southerners; [2] and thereby discredit Southern Christianity; [3] which would clear the way for them to discredit Christianity throughout the United States; and [4] replace it with their own religion of secular humanism as the official religion of the U.S. Reconstruction in the South after the war was intended to tax what little was left in the South, to put the South under Northern military rule and fill all the political offices with Northern carpetbaggers and their friends, to make sure the blacks got the vote and to make sure they all continued to vote Republican so the pillage could continue as long as possible, and to destroy the white Southern value system [based upon Christianity] and to enforce this destruction with a powerful central government in Washington. What we have today, and have had since the 1830s, is an ideological [religious] war against Southern Christianity by apostate Northern liberals (joos), be they Unitarians or of some other persuasion, but all united in their efforts to stamp out the Christian faith, first in the South and, if that is finally successful, in the rest of the country. . This truth is something we need to begin to grapple with, otherwise we will never have a true understanding of what the war or reconstruction were really all about. Subvert, pervert, dilute and pollute. knowsouthernhistory.net/…/Cu…/reconstruction.html
Posted on: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 17:57:47 +0000

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