Obscene Salaries: This should make every Moral Patriotic - TopicsExpress


Obscene Salaries: This should make every Moral Patriotic American as mad as Hell, and force them into action to reverse this immediately and force all government officials Federal and Local to cut their salaries and their pensions! I have made it a vow to post this on my Facebook page every day for a month in order that hopefully everyone who sees it will share it to show what kind of waste, fraud and spending problems really go on in Washington and why I consider the action to be embezzlement and criminal fraud. I am a retired Firefighter/Ex Police Officer who worked part time jobs for many years to earn extra money so that my family and I could have a better and more lucrative lifestyle. When I retired from the Fire Department and when I became eligible to draw my Social Security benefits that I had worked and paid into all those years, my benefits were cut by over $300.00 dollars per month because I was told I had a “private” pension [from the Fire Department] and receiving my full Social Security benefits was considered to be double dipping according to government regulations. Meaning my Social Security had to be cut by a certain percentage because of my Fire Depart pension. All of those part time jobs I worked all those years should have had nothing to do with the Social Security payments I paid while working them, so why should I and many other professions such as; Firefighters, Police Officers, Teachers, Janitors and many other civil service positions provided by cites all across America be cheated out of our hard earned benefits???? I paid into the Social Security System and “have” been cheated and robbed out of my hard earned compensation by a government who live high on the “Hog” and reap the benefits I and others earned?? Furthermore, this same government puts mine and your benefits into their pockets and gives these hard earned benefits to “Illegal Immigrants” every day, which should be going to those who earned them, and paid into them and should not be going to government officials and “illegal immigrants” or anyone else!! This is highway robbery plain and simple, and a big mismanagement of funds!!!! NOTICE, and remember: These benefits are “not” entitlements; rather, they are hard “earned” benefits paid for by all of us, period, and “anybody” who says otherwise should have it explained to them and they should be straightened out immediately!! I am 66 years old and I don’t expect to be around too much longer so if the younger generation and the Patriotic Americans don’t step up and do away with these Far Left Liberal Communist creeps who are now infiltrating America and changing it rapidly, and these same idiots think this is the way it should be and think this is best for you and every hard working stiff then you deserve what is coming to you!! Political Correctness has ruined this country along with these Far Left Liberal Communist!! Please, stop and consider, and if you are a Christian, pray to end the reign of Far Left Liberal Communism and RINO’s, Republican In Name Only in 2014 and 2016, do some homework on who you plan to vote for, or talk to someone who knows the backgrounds of the candidates who will run, and by doing this I am sure “we all will see true change come to America and to her citizens once again. You should also know that statistics show the average annual salaries for the hard working middle class [the same middle class that Obama continues to “boast” about helping] is $50,000.00, “down” from $54,000.00 in less than 3-4 years, or since Obama has been in office, do the math, and ask yourself, is Obama helping the middle class, or is he only telling more lies?? Wake up you bunch of dummies and see what is right in front of your noses!!!! Expect to see this posting every day for a month, and take some action instead of sitting on your butts!! Please click on the picture I have posted with this article and think hard about what Norman M. Thomas said in 1944!! Impeach the Impostor Communist/Muslim Traitor Obama, NOW!!!! Or Imprison him, or hang him for treason, but do something!!!! “Take Action!!” God bless! Here is the list of the states where the pretax equivalent “salary” that welfare recipients receive is higher than having a job: 1. Hawaii: $60,590 2. District of Columbia: $50,820 3. Massachusetts: $50,540 4. Connecticut: $44,370 5. New York: $43,700 6. New Jersey: $43,450 7. Rhode Island: $43,330 8. Vermont: $42,350 9. New Hampshire: $39,750 10. Maryland: $38,160 11. California: $37,160 12. Oregon: $34,300 13. Wyoming: $32,620 14. Nevada: $29,820 15. Minnesota: $29,350 16. Delaware: $29,220 17. Washington: $28,840 18. North Dakota: $28,830 19. Pennsylvania: $28,670 20. New Mexico: $27,900 21. Montana: $26,930 22. South Dakota: $26,610 23. Kansas: $26,490 24. Michigan: $26,430 25. Alaska: $26,400 26. Ohio: $26,200 27. North Carolina: $25,760 28. West Virginia: $24,900 29. Alabama: $23,310 30. Indiana: $22,900 31. Missouri: $22,800 32. Oklahoma: $22,480 33. Louisiana: $22,250 34. South Carolina: $21,910
Posted on: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 18:19:16 +0000

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