Observation for the day (aimed at my friends from the youth hockey - TopicsExpress


Observation for the day (aimed at my friends from the youth hockey world): After around thirteen years of being involved with USA Hockey and a youth hockey program, three terms as a league president the question would always be posed what is the program level of sucess. There were many definintions given and it depended on who you asked. Many parents who thought they had the next Wayne Gretzky would define it as the amount of ice time their skater was being given by the Coach. Many Board Members would define it team placements within Divisions and the win loss records. I bellieve I saw the real results last night at the Wolfpack Game. In the afternoon eight teams took to the ice for the benefit of the Wounded Warior Project. The teams were made up of Public Safety professionals from the State (Police, Fire, EMS etc..) These guys arent kids anymore they are young professionals well into their 20s and 30s playing for pride and a great cause. The success was that six to ten Lads who skated for the Newington Hockey League playing in the games for different teams that afternoon. They are now Poliicemen, Firemen, Marshalls, Dispatchers , former Military and Medical workers. It made all the effort (money spent, Lord knows what hockey Parents shell out over a players career). Waking in the dark of night to make the 5:15 practice, the unlimited coffee consumed while waiting for the skater go through drills, the cringe of a Parent when that ding happened on the ice and your child goes down. The travel in every kind of weather, hockey is never cancelled, to every corner of Gods creation to sit in an outdoor rink watching your kids eyelids seal shut from the snow blowing into their cage while taking their shift. Yep the sucess shows through when your son, who now has a daughter of his own gets together with his former teamates and skaters gives of their time, Hustles tickets to orgnize such an undetaking for a good cause year after year everyone plays their heart out and leaves the ice with smiles and heartfelt hugs. Yep sucess means different things to different people at different times but as I sat watching the Wolfpack last night surrounded by my grandchildren, my Wife and My Son after games well played I think Ive found it. Worth every minute of Insurance, budgets, difficult parents, Referees and the Connecticut Hockey Conference...well worth the three terms as a youth hockey league president. Oh by the way the Connecticut Guns 3 team beat the Simsbury Fire Department 5-0 to bring the trophy home it will sit in the trophy case at the Hartford Public Safety Complex on High St.
Posted on: Sun, 30 Mar 2014 15:53:21 +0000

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