Observations from the Iowa Freedom Summit: Donald Trump is a - TopicsExpress


Observations from the Iowa Freedom Summit: Donald Trump is a buffoon. I once again call on Reince Priebus to forbid this man from appearing on any ballot as a Republican. Sarah Palin has this down to a parlor game, but what does she get out of being a Republican Kardashian? Ted Cruz wants to be Ronald Reagan, but what would the Gipper actually think of him? I see more Goldwater than Reagan. Rick Perry needs to tell more jokes. Hes the funniest man in politics. Scott Walker is still a freakin rock star among the right. If you want to unite conservatives, nominate this man for President, Iowa GOP. Hurricane Carly Fiorina is skewering Hillary Clinton. Notice she says nothing about Bill. Mike Huckabee confirms that for some reason, a lot of Iowans must think their pastor should be President. Ted Cruz is clearly kicking off a campaign, so he must have recieved the memo that Iowas caucus voters are looking to unite behind a conservative, early, to win next year. Scott Walker and Marco Rubio cant wait. Iowa needs to exalt the best-funded conservative alternative to Jeb Bush and Mitt Romney. Letting Ted Cruz, Rick Santorum, or Mike Huckabee pull off a win there will decide if theres a real chance to beat the establishment or merely token opposition like last time.
Posted on: Sun, 25 Jan 2015 00:15:27 +0000

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