Observations of super moon madness, Destin style, part II. 1. - TopicsExpress


Observations of super moon madness, Destin style, part II. 1. We werent all speaking by the time we reached the restaurant, poor Cole was still being such a butt that Lloyd told him son, I love you, but you make me drink a little ( ala Ellen Degeneres) A dad near us laughed, and said that his kids make him drink a little, too. I was feeling sorry for poor little Cole at that point, so I had him sit next to me, and we all ended up having a nice meal after only an hour and a half long wait. 2. Back at the condo, instead of the planned relaxation, I decided to start packing up to leave. Cole took Hermie, formerly known as MJ out of his bucket to let him walk around under the careful supervision of Lloyd while he was deflating all the water rings. I personally thought this was a terrible idea because we had decided to try to find a place to take Hermie, as we just werent up for taking care of a hermit crab. We researched enough to know that we needed to buy him more stuff, and get him some friends. Lloyd found out that he was a large purple pincher, and we really felt like we were going to be able to find him a good home. So, there Cole was, laying in the floor, playing with the Hermie for at least 20 minutes, singing crab crab crab...I caught a crabby crab crab crab. Id passed through the living room approximately 20 times with stuff I was packing up and told Cole at LEAST 10 times to put that crab up. Put the crab back in the bucket. Put Hermie away. Put the crab up, Cole. Put him up. Bucket. Crab. NOW. Please put Hermie in the bucket. Did he do that? No, he did not. What happened next is not in the least bit surprising, but happened, it did. Apparently, Hermie got tired of being manhandled, or maybe he didnt like the crabby crab crab song, because he took his large purple pincher and pinched Coles finger with everything he had. Have you ever slammed your fingers in a car door? It hurts so bad you cant even scream at first? Yeah...thats how it went down. Cole opened his mouth wide to scream...nothing came out...at first. But when he did scream, it was BLOOD CURDLING!! Given our fish chum neighbors...GOOD...I hope it woke them up. He screamed a good long time too. Loooong time. During the first half a minute of screaming, Cole was hysterically waving his hand at approximately 200 miles an hour in an attempt to get Hermie off. He flung him off alright. Fortunately, it was onto the carpeting, and he only suffered a minor crack in his shell. I feel terrible about that. I swear to you all, I positively lost it in a National Lampoons Christmas Vacation newel post is fixed with a chainsaw kinda way. I was so sick of the neighbors cooking smelly cr@p, gagging on it every time we opened the door, got off the elevator, or just woke up. I just wanted a nice family picture...but nope, cant have that. I never wanted a hermit crab. I definitely didnt want it loose in the living room, its not like its a fuffy cute kitten. I told him to put it up numerous times. So, I completely lost it and I yelled at him that THIS is why I told him to put it up. THIS is what crabs do. They eat, they poop, they make more crabs, and they PINCH THINGS. THATS ALL THEY DO SON!!! I even imitated the pinchers with my fingers. (Keep in mind, hes still screaming). Blood pressure, through the roof. I had to go out on the balcony to calm down. Definitely not getting mom of the year. 3. Cole was fine, a little ice, an advil and a healthier respect for pinching sea creatures, possibly. Sometimes the most valuable lessons are the hardest. Hermie was ok, too. The bummer was that none of the surf shops or pet stores would take him after multiple phone calls this morning. They suggested taking him to the state park where we tried to get the pictures done the day before. We sat in a long line to get into Henderson State Park, and the lady at the window told us that hermit crabs dont live there, we need to go over the mid bay bridge, as thats where the hermit crabs lived. *sigh*. Of course. 4. I hate bridges. They make me sick. Anxiety...I already knew we had to go over the bridge to get home, but the crab had been traveling around in a solo cup in our back seat for about an hour already. The plans were to take him to the state park, find a good spot, hit the outlet malls and THEN go over that big bridge on the way home. But with Hermie in the solo cup in the back seat with a little bit of dasani, and us feeling pretty bad about not being able to get a good home for him, and events from last night, well...we were going the distance on this one. Nothing else could get weird. Right? If you think that, please go back and read the last 5 days worth of posts. So, 10 slooow miles later, were on this huge bridge, I feel like puking. Theres a storm overhead. Cole yells out...tornado!! What??? Thats right...a waterspout. Tornado on water. Fear of bridges be damned, I love me some bad weather. I had my good camera in the front seat (first piece of good luck), rolled the window down, stuck my head and snapped away from the top of the bridge. I cant get a decent picture of my family, but I got a waterspout. Its going above the fireplace. 5. Back off the bridge, we found another state park with sand, rocks, and evidence of other hermit crabs. So, with rain and lightning nearby, Cole said goodbye to Hermie, who seemed pretty pleased to be away from us. Cant say as I blame him. 6. We really had an awesome vacation, we love the beach. There were a few not so moments, too, but thats normal for us. We are so thankful to have been graced with a good sense of humor...it will get you through most anything. Weve really appreciated all of the likes, comments, laughs and the opportunity to get to share our vacation with you. Youve all been really great!!
Posted on: Sun, 13 Jul 2014 01:47:29 +0000

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