Observations on the way to Whole foods...I found myself saying - TopicsExpress


Observations on the way to Whole foods...I found myself saying something that would be politically incorrect today but it cracked me up...sometimes I crack my own ass up with what pops out of my mouth......I was sat down by my dad when I was 6 and he told me a black family is moving into the second floor apt when we lived in base housing in Wiesbaden Germany...I had never seen a black man before......he told me that racism and making fun of people that are different was wrong and I never had any issues with race growing up.....The Browns who moved into the 2nd floor sold Gummi candy and were the best neighbors ever and Larry brown was a good friend to me.......in 69 we lived in San Francisco and my neighborhood was very mixed and we didnt know the difference....my best friend was Paul Watkins who looked like Chris Rock and my other best friend was Jimmy Mannibussen who came from a large Latino family........Chris Maderas mother was a large buxom German lady with blond hair married to an African American man and next door to them was a Japanese family and I was friends with them as well...race was never an issue...sure..I would spend the night at Pauls house and his older brothers and sisters called me Honky ...the girls all had perfectly round afros and they very hip looking and political....so were his older brothers in high school...black light posters of naked African goddesses...a black panther poster and one of Easy Rider...but instead of Dennis Hopper and Peter Fonda riding choppers the heads of presidents Johnson and Nixon were superimposed instead.....they also called me Cracker and Wonder bread and I called them burnt toast and we all laughed and got along fine....it was not until I moved here that I learned that there were some lines you didnt cross and the things we did in the military projects I grew up in were not acceptable here and I found myself in many a fight....like the time when Dennis and Janice Swinton twin sisters...who chased me down like cheetahs and...... KICKED...MY...ASS in the 7th grade....or the time when Dena Bostic...a large roung black girl charged me and bounced me into some desks....and when I got up.....she charged me again and bounced me into the chalkboards...then she bounced into a hornets nest called Paula Frazier and Glenda Berhens...where the three of them....KICKED MY ASS!!!!......and thats just the sisters...had many fights with the brothers who I liked and they liked me but we fought a lot...in the 7th grade they called my Eddie Munster because I had a widows peak and in the 8th grade they called me P-Funk and liked my Marvin Gaye cap that I would let Douglass Conyers wear once I got to school.....so that told me that our views are formed by how we are taught and then by our environment.......so a Chinese couple run across the road today on the way to Whole Foods...I have to slow down abruptly to keep from hitting them ....enough to sling things off my seat and into the dashboard......for a second I was ticked and said to myself....Confuscious say...you must rook both ways before crossing street...a wise man rooks both ways before proceeding and a dead man does not ~ mickey........I cracked my ass up at the time and didnt think it was really that bad....we say Yall down here and they say You Guys up north....some say pop..we say cokes....and some talk with an accent and say rook instead of look....its an observation thats all.........that got me thinking about race and a visit I had from a neighbor overwhelmed but the scenes on TV...I say to him...TURN OFF YOUR SET....DO NOT WATCH THE NEWS...it will make you batshit crazy.....both extremes are on fire and will try to scare the shit out of you on the news networks that specialize in opinion and talking points that get repeated over and over again in these echo chambers...the politicians and the talking heads are all on message and say the same thing over and over again....its nauseating to see the spin....and just how politicized the tragedies have become...and it all usually breaks down along party lines.......but fact of the matter is the truth lies in the grey areas...some cops are bad apples and do bad things and most do not......some things may be justified by the police but what we have seen lately is just plain wrong and it is an insult to see the injustice...a good thing the protests are taking place...a bad thing that it results in looting.....people are rightfully angry and their voices need to be herd.....I told my neighbor to turn off the news...its there to scare you....thinking he watched FOX...and to call FOX NEWS yellow journalism would be a compliment...but to swallow the spin from the extreme left takes a pinch of salt too....the truth is in the middle....I tell my neighbor we are on edge out here...far away from the circus and he goes home............I continue on to Whole foods today and notice that everyone looks fit here...and that I am getting the Christmas spirit.......I went for a slice of pizza but when I saw the buffet the inner voice was sying..NOOOOooooooooooooo........not turkey again!!! ......and dressing and gravy!!!!!......couldnt resist...bought some vegan chocolate cookies for my wife and thought that was odd...didnt know meat was used to make them but really dont know what vegan means......walked out and to convince myself that I didnt need the white and grey Kitty cat that was in the cage outside for adoption and continued on......and while walking through the parking lot in a haze...... memories when I showed up here earlier this year...sleep deprived ...2 hours in a 24 hour period and backed my truck up over the hood of a parked car behind me when I was pulling out....thought I hit a shopping cart...a large painting in the back seat blocked my view and I rolled right over it and off it without even knowing I did it.....I got into big trouble for that and they wanted to charge me with leaving the scene of an accident but after I explained they let me off...then I heard a familiar voice...my old college roommate.....Brett......we were two wild guys when we roomed in college but ordinary citizens now....yes today was a good one...people like driftwood in and out in the daily current of life....in...Mayberry by the sea....the moonlit kingdom tonight along the broken coast
Posted on: Sun, 07 Dec 2014 00:07:45 +0000

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