Observing positive interactions between children and parents makes - TopicsExpress


Observing positive interactions between children and parents makes my heart swell and brings a smile to my face. Today I witnessed a dad with his daughter who was about 18 months old and they were sharing a meal. At first I sat, not looking but listening. I heard the dad say ,would you like some, its chicken? The little girl shook her head no and the dad said, thats ok, let me know if you change your mind. She was eating with her hands, dropping food on the floor (accidentally) and even knocked over her sippy cup. Her dads reactions were so matter of fact and his tone so calm. I know it doesnt sound like much, but you can learn a lot by simply observing. The connection, dads calmness and the way he allowed his daughter to just be told me the dad understood his daughter, her needs and her development. The dad didnt know listening and making mental notes. He was too in tune with his daughter to notice my stares and goofy grin. If someone sat back and observed your interactions with your children, would they be inspired and left with heartwarming thoughts? Or would they hope for better interactions? Yup, this is what I do. I observe and with every positive interaction I know the future is changing for our youngest. Before I left, I smiled at the dad, waved to the little girl and said, you are doing an awesome job. The dad was caught off guard but words of encouragement go so far.
Posted on: Wed, 16 Apr 2014 05:23:44 +0000

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