Obstaja velika nevarnost, da 200 povsem novih gorivnih elementov v - TopicsExpress


Obstaja velika nevarnost, da 200 povsem novih gorivnih elementov v bazenu bloka 4 v Fukushimi povzroči jedrsko verižno reakcijo. Arnie Gundersen, Fairewinds’ Chief Engineer: "The Unit 4 fuel pool has 200 bundles of brand new fuel. Brand new fuel, while cold as a cucumber, runs the risk of starting a nuclear chain reaction. The nuclear fuel in the new portion of the pool is more likely to undergo what we call an inadvertent criticality, a nuclear chain reaction that nobody wants. I build fuel racks, and I know that the gap between the fuel is really, really critical. If the fuel gets too close together you will get a chain reaction. That’s not something you want to happen in the fuel pool. As they’re pulling this fuel out, they have to be very, very cautious that they don’t get the fuel too close together."
Posted on: Mon, 30 Sep 2013 08:51:15 +0000

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