Obviously I finally made it through the alphabet with the roster. - TopicsExpress


Obviously I finally made it through the alphabet with the roster. I’d like to thank all of those that provided addresses for themselves and others. I’d especially like to thank all the people that tagged other people. Because of your efforts and this endeavor, we’ve added 11 new “Likes” to the page – which means we’re reaching at least 11 new people. If I was able to get a specific address, I removed the person’s name from the missing list. But if I was only able to get a city, or relative connection, I added the information to the roster but left the person’s name as “missing”. After all the smoke has cleared, I’ve added dozens of addresses and deleted dozens of names from the missing list. But since I’m a product of West Virginia public schools, I’ve probably made a goof or two. I know I made all the changes to the roster – but it’s possible I forgot to delete a name from the missing lists. Therefore I’m going to consolidate all the lists and throw them out there one more time, before I start addressing the reunion announcements for mailing. Please give it one more look, and tag whoever you can (even if you’ve previously tagged them). Getting names off this list means one more person gets invited to the reunion (June 28th, but details will be posted after I’m done with this). As mentioned before, I just want each individual to get their own invite; maybe they will hang it on their fridge as a reminder. Even if they don’t want to come this year, at least they will know they’re invited and be on the mailing roster for future years. Who knows…maybe some year they will actually come to visit with YOU! Meanwhile, I’ll drag a paper copy around with me (Bonnie and Doyle’s 50th reception tomorrow; Neoma and Frank’s wedding next Sunday), and show it to people like Minnie Moore. I suspect she and others will be able to tell me about some of the older folks that have passed on. Again, my thanks to everyone that has helped. Please tag or retag anyone you can. Name Class of Gerladyne Acker 1947 Bessie Alsbury 1938 Dorthy Alvord 1941 Ray Alvord 1941 Ailene Anderson 1970 Emily Anderson 1941 Vera Anderson 1940 Jessie Andrews 1935 Ann Artman 1950 Joyce Artman 1943 Lois Artman 1941 Betty Ash 1951 Sabrie Baird 2003 Martha Baker 1938 Dewey Barnard 1939 Eva Rae Barnard 1955 Fred Barnard 1937 Helen Barnard 1940 Joe Barnard 1939 Juanita Barrett 1938 Charles Bauman ? Juanita Bauman 1945 John Bledsoe 1950 Jammie Bonner 1993 Raymond Bookout 1942 Vernus Bookout 1942 Juanita Bothwell 1951 Ruby Bothwell 1948 Billy Bouchard 2000 Jessica Bouchard 2002 Gary Brackett 1991 Carolyn Fruits Bradley 1962 Clint Bradley 1988 Debbie Brantley 1972 Mary Bridges 1939 Clarene Brotherton 1943 Sandra Carney Brown 1963 Timmy Brown 2004 Patricia Brunette 1988 Lois Bryan 1941 Brenda Burch 1977 John Burch 1970 Linda Burch 1975 Roger Burch 1970 Ronnie Burch 1972 James Buren 2010 Eric Campbell 1992 Pyllis Campbell 1940 Avis Cannon 1936 Nita Canterberry ? Chris Capehart 1981 Dean Carey 1947 Francis Carey 1935 Gorden Carey 1940 Irma Lee Carey 1936 June Carey 1938 Tanner Case 2004 Guy Casey 1971 Nicholas Chapman 2008 Rachelle Chapman 2013 Billie Christensen 1950 Carrie Christenson 1971 Georgia Christian 1972 Jim Christian 1993 Kay Christian 1998 Zack Christian 1996 Doris Christy 1938 Pearl Christy ? Ralph Christy ? Chris Claborn 2004 Steven Claborn 2000 Frances Clapp 1967 Mary Clements ? Rena Mae Clifton 1947 Bob Clover 1978 Joyce Coldiron ? Phil Coldiron ? Nathan Cole 1938 Camille Conley Green 2006 Sky Conley 2012 Jeraldine Cook 1940 Katherine Cook 1936 Irene Corbell 1941 Beulah Culp 1950 Freida Culp 1962 Melvin Darbe 1941 David Davis 1972 Trevor Davis 2004 Nickole Dean 2013 Kenneth Dehoff 1952 Hubert Dew ? Marvin Dick 1937 Benny Dickison 1946 Linda Nottingham Dillingham ? Brent Doyal 1995 Mary Lothes Dryer ? Keith Ducotey 1978 Kent Dummer 2006 Vivian Dyer 1939 Daniel Eberhard 1989 James Ellis 1943 Jessica Emerson 1997 William Alfred Emery ? Glenn Felty 1937 John Firrel 1994 Deede Fitzgerald 1988 Mark Flood 1984 Katie Ford 2005 Van Ford 2004 Jo Ann Fortune 1951 Earlene Fortune 1958 John Fortune ? Gail Frank 1942 Wilma Franklin 1950 Ella Etheredge Freeman 1937 Olen Freeman 1943 Lottie Lee Gardner 1941 J.C. Garrett 1937 Jess Gates ? M. Marie Judkins Gates ? W. Herbert Gates ? Chris Gauger 1992 Bill Gibson 1991 Gerald Girdner 1939 Janice Glass 1972 Wanda Glass 1967 Buddy Godfrey 1993 Crissy Godfrey 2004 Gene Godfrey 1988 Polly Godfrey 1997 Frances Gracey 1948 Maxine Gracey 1939 Michael Greder ? Roy Grimm 1950 Dorothy Christy Grove 1940 Niel Grover Jr. 1966 Dale Hadden 1941 Rosemary Hadden 1943 Alexis Hall 2014 Diana Kendrick Hall ? Irene Hall 1940 Marie Hall 1939 Eric Harbeson ? Garnet Harrington 1940 Anne Marie Harrison 1945 Taylor Harrison 1944 Hanna Hartness 2010 Barbara Hawkins 1976 Joyce Hawkins 1972 Kathy Hawkins 1978 Terri Hawkins 1979 Kathy Haworth 1965 Krystal Hein 2003 Delores Herrington 1946 Josephine Hill 1938 Charlene Hindman 1943 Scott Hisey 1990 Donna Hogan 1999 Velda Hogard 1939 Alice House 1936 Don Hughes 1949 James Hume 1950 Harold Humphrey 1940 Chris Hustead teacher, 1978 Irene Ingle 1939 Sue Ingle 1942 Randy Isreal 1981 Ruby Isreal 1976 Tony Isreal 1977 Ann Jackson 1940 Betty Hughes Jackson ? Loma Jackson 1975 Rita Jackson 1973 Debbie Jacobs 1972 Elaine Jacobs 1970 Esker Jamerson ? Kevin Jeffries 1995 Maxine Jenkins ? Audrey Jernegan 1949 Chris Johnson 1977 Dale Johnson 1979 Sara Jane Johnson 1943 Thelma Rose Johnson 1946 Michael Johnson 1991 Airadean Jones 1935 Bob Jones 1937 Eddie Jones 1939 Lorena Judd Hurst 1984 Donny Kendrick 1993 Donna Kerns 1987 Bennie Ketts 1943 Lorene Hogard King ? Patrick Kitchel ? Nicki Klinger ? Bonnie Klous 1936 Brittany Lampe 2001 Jordon Lampe 2001 Stella Lansdowne 1937 Frances Lauver 1947 Keith Lawson 1987 Vicki Layton 1977 George Lemons 1967 Frank Lessert 1968 Jasmine Lewis 2004 Betty Lieber 1942 Lela Lieber 1943 Phillip Lieber 1946 Phillip Lieber 1978 Betty Jane Little 1944 Bob Little 1947 Roberta Little 1939 Maxine Logan 1937 Betty Thompson Love ? Guy Loyd 1936 Robert James Loyd 1942 Alfred Luna 1946 Jerry Luna 1958 Katherine Luna 1947 Lola Lynn 1950 Buddy Marley 1954 Dorthey Marley 1940 Ed Marley 1942 Jamie Marshall 2001 Jimmy Kenneth Martin 1943 Charley Martin 1939 Dale Martin 1939 Jay Martin 1984 Reta Martin 1943 Ruby Martin 1939 Ruth Martin 1941 Alice Mashburn 1954 Ann Tapp Mauk ? Jennifer Maxson 1970 Page Maxson 1978 Steve Maxson 1971 Cheyene McClure 2015 Dorothy McComb 1950 Tia McConnell 2014 Lezlee McFadden 1985 Melvin McGee ? Patsy McGuire 1939 Terry McHenry 1964 Bill McIlvain 1942 Danny McKeever 1972 Imogene McKinney 1950 Pauline Mayfield McMahan ? John McNew 1984 Tasha Meneely Fox 2002 Maxine Miller 1936 Melissa Mobley 2006 Travis Mobley 2002 Coenia Mongrain 1935 Dana Moore 1982 Earl Moore ? June Moore 1943 Kelsi Moore 1997 Sherry Morgan 1980 Roy Morris ? Carey Mullins 1981 Gordon Mullins 2011 Karlee Mullins 2015 Rick Murr ? Ginger Myers 1972 Larry Nolen 1964 Christellin Ogan 1984 Lore Ogan 1987 Scott Ogan 1984 Briyon Olsen 2003 Stanley Peek 1946 Edward Phillips 1940 Mary Phillips 1942 Jessie Christy Picken ? Lois Christy Pickens 1937 Orville Pilgrim 1939 Willis Pitts ? Danielle Pitzer 2012 Whitney Pitzer 2014 Norma Brashier Prentice ? Jim Ted Price 1966 Lottie Price 1942 Suzanne Price 1992 R.C. Price Jr. ? Darlene Brown Puckett 1940 Paul Puckett 1940 Michael Rainwater 1988 Howard Ray 60’s teacher Roy Ray 1971 Jessica Reed, 2007 Elmer Rice 1939 Gracie Rice 1938 Shayni Rice 2009 Vida Rice 1939 Virgil Rice 1946 Alan Riff 1988 Charles Riff 1997 Dee Riff 1990 Herby Riff 1983 Michael Riff 1985 Rene Riff ? Steve Riff 1984 Harley Ringer 1947 James Rist 1972 Wesley Rist 1970 Christie Roberts 1996 Mary Roberts Medlin 1972 Tom Roberts 1964 Richard Robinson 1937 Randy Rollins 1988 Stevie Roque 1996 Janette Rowe 1949 Jeremy Rowe 2008 Marjorie Rowe 1946 Michael Rowe 1992 Wilma Rowe 1942 Connie Rutherford 1971 Ione Ryals 1939 Ruth Sanderson 1936 Coradell Savage 1951 Tim Sawyers ? Robert Schauer 1942 Loren Scheffel 1985 Steve Scott 1971 Gina Serrato 1983 Bryce Settlemire 2006 Mitch Settlemire 2009 Rita Sharp 1976 Carrol Schauer 1939 Martha Sherrill 1976 Vern Shipton 1936 Shirley Simmons 1971 Bobby Sisco ? Diana Sisco 1978 Donna Sisco ? Gwen Sisco 1977 Steve Sisco ? Teresa Sisco Moon ? April Smith 2002 Cecile Smith 1937 Hazel Ann Smith 1941 Jessie Andrews Smith ? Randy Sommer 1978 Betty Joe Speakman 1944 Vinnie Splawn 1998 Richard Spore 1984 Darrell Stephenson 1991 Dixie Harding Stevens ? Hazel Dean Stewart 1938 Freda M. Stocks ? Verna Stoker 1989 Terry Stone 1978 Melba Stout Waddle 1960 Cecil Sullivan 1947 Tracy Sutton 2004 Amber Taylor 1996 Earl Taylor ? Charles Don Thompson ? Elizabeth Hadden Thompson 1937 Judy Thompson 1956 Ray Thompson 1951 Hal Thornton 1941 Cecil Tipton 1937 Bill Tolliver 1942 Becky Trammel 1981 Frank Trumbly 1938 Jessica Vandagriff 1985 Gilford Varner 1938 Rosaland Vought ? Thelma Liebert Vaught ? Patsy Beason Vickrey ? Amy Maxson Viele 1982 Fern Waller ? Lois Waller 1937 Phannie Waller 1935 Billie Sue Keeler Warden ? April Ware 1987 Garrett Watkins 2010 Ben Wayman ? Jack Weiser 1944 Doug White 1979 Larry Willard ? Amber Williams 2012 Harvey Williams 1935 Billie Lou Wilson 1946 Clifford Wilson 1946 Melba Wilson 1957 Paula Wilson 1966 Scott Wilson 1969 Stacey Wilson-McKinney 1998 Adam Wood 2001 Chip Wooten 1984 Vernon Wooten ? Lori Youngblood 1992 Rachel Zindars 1989
Posted on: Sat, 17 May 2014 17:06:55 +0000

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