Obviously its important to have consolidation over the attacks in - TopicsExpress


Obviously its important to have consolidation over the attacks in France, but the amount of unity and support that Ive seen for those killed over the Charlie Hebdo magazine and the complete lack thereof for non-Western attacks are astonishing. A 10 year old girl is used to blow up 19 people in the name of Allah in Northern Nigeria and no one gives a shit, as it is when two other females a day prior leave four dead and over 40 people seriously injured after blowing themselves up. Obviously our governments are at least doing what they can to provide training and help improve education in Nigeria, but we still ignore them, just as the Nigerian government with up-coming elections has left the issues of increased terrorist attacks in the country to the side. Then we can look at countries like Pakistan and Yemen, where we just sit idly by as the US military uses drones to blow up targets that they arent even certain about. 1 in 4 of the targets are unknown when it comes to affiliation to terrorist organizations, but somehow the US is justified in killing those targets as a threat to national security. Signature strikes are based solely off of certain behavioural traits that individuals may show and other circumstantial evidence that the CIA can gather. You have an uncle who, unbeknownst to you, is an extremist and you decide to call him and go out for lunch in Northern Pakistan, dont be surprised if your house gets a hell-fire missile launched into it and your wife and children end up dead. The New American Group estimates that between 290 and 387 civilians have been killed by 134 reported drone strikes in Pakistan. That is some of the most conservative numbers I could find and the majority of others is much higher. That of course is because the US wont classify civilians until after theyve killed the target and only if they can prove no affiliation with a terrorist group. When Pakistan has the same approval rating for drone strikes as Americans have for supporting congress, you know that this is obviously not a way to stop terrorism but to aid its growth. If China or Russia thought that we had enemies of their countries within our borders and ended up blowing up your home and killing your family, you wouldnt perceive their government as being an evil dictatorship and any action to protect your nation as an act of terrorism? Instead of aiding in acts of terrorism as our own nations are perpetrators, how about we put that up with Charlie Hebdo at the top of our list when it comes to things in which we should have solidarity.
Posted on: Tue, 13 Jan 2015 04:47:03 +0000

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