Obviously, the Republicans are always to blame when it comes to - TopicsExpress


Obviously, the Republicans are always to blame when it comes to the issues of global warming and pollution, but in reality its our whole system of capitalism/consumerism which is to blame. The EPA, the Democcrats, and even Obama are ineffective because all government supports the economic system which creates the pollution in the first place because all the pigs feed from the very same money trough and so will never go against the system that sustains them, especially over the people who are effected by all the pollution to begin with. The first thing that needs to be done is for Obama to get that executive order pen out of his pocket again and sign some immediate orders to deal with the problem and not just let the EPA do some more millions of dollars studies and in the meantime put some nice band aids on the problem. Also, just like at the VA Adm, some heads need to roll. What we are looking at with this Lake Erie pollution is a historical equivalent to Moses turning the Nile red with blood. Actually, Moses was pointing out with his staff that the Nile was turning red with a red algae due to the unchecked pollution from the surrounding Egyptian population which was too busy building pyramids to notice that they were destroying their ecosystem which gave rise to one of the first advanced civilizations. And look what happened the the Egyptians, pollution, droughts, famine, disease, wars, and the ultimate collapse of their civilization. In Lake Erie and numerous other bodies of water around America and the rest of the world, the same thing is happened which happened a few thousand years ago, but this time on a massive global scale, the Gulf of Mexico, the Mediterranean, the entire US East coast, Fukashima nuclear plant Pacific ocean radioactive contamination and anywhere else around the world where unchecked pollution from industry, agriculture and civilization continues to poison our water and our environment and ultimately us. With that said, just keep in mind what happened to the Egyptians. Even though they build and left some really cool pyramids, the original Alexandria is 30 under water in the Mediterranean and there original civilization is now a desert of blowing sand. So now I ask you, as my old man used to say, The past is prologue, therfore, is the Egyptians fate what we are now facing? What do you think? In the meantime and as our modern day Emperor Niros fiddle around while our American Empire burns, maybe you better stock up on a few truck loads of bottled water, set up a rain collection and filtration system and/or drill a deep water well, hopefully no where near where fracking is going on and definitely not if you live in an apartment building or in an urban area.
Posted on: Tue, 05 Aug 2014 18:32:06 +0000

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