Occupy Canada A damning letter by University Professors, warning - TopicsExpress


Occupy Canada A damning letter by University Professors, warning about the dangers that the Harper Conservatives Fair Elections Act it explains why the government’s proposed changes to our election laws are a dangerous threat to our federal elections. We, the undersigned — professors at Canadian universities who study the principles and institutions of constitutional democracy — believe that the Fair Elections Act (Bill C-23), if passed, would damage the institution at the heart of our country’s democracy: voting in federal elections. We urge the Government to heed calls for wider consultation in vetting this Bill. While we agree that our electoral system needs some reforms, this Bill contains proposals that would seriously damage the fairness and transparency of federal elections and diminish Canadians’ political participation. Beyond our specific concerns about the Bill’s provisions (see below), we are alarmed at the lack of due process in drafting the Bill and in rushing it through Parliament. We see no justification for introducing legislation of such pivotal importance to our democracy without significant consultation with Elections Canada, opposition parties, and the public at large. Read the full letter in its entirety by a group of professors explaining why the government’s proposed changes to our election laws are a threat to Canada’s democratic traditions >>fullcomment.nationalpost/2014/03/11/dont-undermine-elections-canada/ TAKE ACTION, INFORM FAMILY AND FRIENDS, ATTEND RALLIES, CONTACT YOUR MP. SEND PETITIONS. You can find the contact information for your closest Conservative MP here: parl.gc.ca/parliamentarians/en/members. You can also search for your MP based on your postal code here: parl.gc.ca/Parlinfo/Compilations/HouseofCommons/MemberByPostalCode.aspx?Menu=HOC You can find Conservative MPs on Twitter here: politwitter.ca/page/canadian-politics-twitters/category/conservative/mp/house SIGN PETITIONS: Take action to challenge the #UnfairElxnsAct at canadians.org/election Investigate and prevent electoral fraud with a truly fair Elections Act canadians.org/election/letter-to-Harper.html Stop US-style voter suppression from becoming Canadian law you.leadnow.ca/petitions/stop-us-style-voter-suppression-from-becoming-law-in-canada -D
Posted on: Tue, 11 Mar 2014 18:14:45 +0000

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