Occupy Chicago Schools. "Chicago teachers see themselves as - TopicsExpress


Occupy Chicago Schools. "Chicago teachers see themselves as engaged in a movement to defend the public sphere from corporate acquisition. American racism makes inner city public schools an easier target, and the privatizers have a great ally in President Barack Obama. Mayor Rahm Emanuel is best known as Obama’s former chief of staff, but he also made millions as an investment banker. Wall Street hedge funders and other speculators are betting heavily on school privatization as the next great investment frontier. Chicago’s teachers are attempting to build a community fight-back coalition that can break the stranglehold of corporate rule, and serve as an example to teachers unions and Black and brown communities across the nation. In the fight against austerity, and for community control of schools, the Chicago Teachers Union is on front line."
Posted on: Thu, 06 Jun 2013 02:45:00 +0000

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