Occupy Indianapolis #1. Its a secret. While parts of the TPP - TopicsExpress


Occupy Indianapolis #1. Its a secret. While parts of the TPP draft texts have been leaked, the Obama administration is brokering this deal behind closed doors & aggressively pursuing an agreement that, if the text were in fact shared publicly, the deal would be impossible to sign because that opposition to it would be so great. But who has time to sit down and parse through 24 chapters of legal babble, bicker and balderdash- that is what we have our elected officials in Congress for right? Yes, well, about that- as Lori Wallach and Ben Beachey wrote in a New York Timed op ed on June 2nd: While Congress has constitutional authority to set the terms of trade, so far the executive branch has managed to resist repeated requests by members of Congress to see the text of the draft agreement and has denied requests from members to attend negotiations as observers — reversing past practice. This is congress we are talking about- these gals and guys are by and large total yes men for corporate interests. If you cant find allies in that group of swine, than what exactly are you selling here? A few days ago, after navigating a labyrinth of red tape- Congressman Alan Grayson was allowed to read the text of the agreement. In a private room. With no aides present and under the conditions that no notes could be taken or copies made and that the contents are classified top secret. 2. The TPP makes corporations more powerful than governments. Say that out loud to yourself and let it sink in: The TPP makes corporations more powerful than governments. As Kevin Zeese points out, that even though the public and the media can not see the texts, and select members of congress only get very limited access 600 corporations have been advising the president and suggesting amendments as they have full access to the documents. This includes some of Americas worst corporate citizens: Monsanto, WalMart, Bank of America, JP Morgan, Phiser and big Pharma, Cargill, Exxon-Mobil, Chevron among them. In other words, a corporate advisors to what Matt Taibbi famously called a great vampire squid wrapped around the face of humanity, relentlessly jamming its blood funnel into anything that smells like money gets to read and craft the text and you me and just about everyone we know, including our so called representative officials, are locked out. 3. The third thing you need to know about the TPP is the most important: we can stop it. Obama wants to fast track it through Congress this October. If you want to help stop the TPP, visit PopularResistance.org and sign up. youtube/watch?v=zxklYigMBac&feature=youtu.be
Posted on: Mon, 11 Nov 2013 14:54:57 +0000

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