Oct 13 915am Lincoln county county house of criminals Branford is - TopicsExpress


Oct 13 915am Lincoln county county house of criminals Branford is going to harm me more IN THE 17th ADMINASTRATION CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE STATE OF OREGON CORPRATION Public Notice and criminal complaint living life man Victim edward-malone: johnston VS. Acting judge Thomas Branford ) ) ) ) ) ) Case No: ____________ CR _12-279 Clerk of Court: ________________________ Judge: ___omb____CASE #131799-- DA case# 12-279 public demand and notice to Recuse acting judge Thomas Branford on His criminal action including all administration judges Please submit your re-insurance policy number and name of the insurer along with all necessary claim forms. Also provide you error and omissions policy number and name of insurer along with all necessary claim forms. Comes the Victim of crimes ,piracy kidnapping, assault, contamination etc, Corpus delicti edward -malone : Johnston U.C.C. 1-308 All Rights Reserved for the fact that his acting Judge Thomas is not capable of maintaining the appearance of impropriety. 1.9 Rule 1.9 Conflict of Interest: Former Client Cannon 3(1). Plaintiff relies on the authority provided by the Western District Court of Appeals in 1999: Robin Farms Inc. v. Bartholomoe, 989 S.W.2d 238 (Mo.App. S.D. 04/06/1999) Supreme courts ruled Without Corpus delicti there can be no crime “In every prosecution for crime it is necessary to establish the “corpus delecti”, i.e., the body or elements of the crime.” People v. Lopez, 62 Ca.Rptr. 47, 254 C.A.2d 185. •In every criminal trial, the prosecution must prove the corpus delecti, or the body of the crime itself-i.e., the fact of injury, loss or harm, and the existence of a criminal agency as its cause. People v. Sapp, 73 P.3d 433, 467 (Cal. 2003) [quoting People v. Alvarez, (2002) 27 Cal.4th 1161, 1168-1169, 119 Cal.Rptr.2d 903, 46 P.3d 372.]. As a general principal, standing to invoke the judicial process requires an actual justiciable controversy as to which the complainant has a real interest in the ultimate adjudication because he or she has either suffered or is about to suffer an injury. People v. Superior Court, 126 Cal.Rptr.2d 793. Statement of Claim, edward-malone:johnston Criminal defendants have stolen and been held hostage for ransom edward -malone; johnston property and I want and demand it back. Beginning on or about July 2004 the INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE (I.R.S.) counterfeited financial statements from Lincoln county and the city of Toledo and began using edward-malone:johnston ) as “Income Taxes” were ruled unconstitutional by the United States Supreme Court in 1895 for the union States, and that case has never been overturned (Pollock v. Farmers Loan and Trust 157 U.S. 429, 442, 555, 556, 573, 582 595) now crime victim, non of which are found in the IRS Code nor Section 26 which they continued to ignore. . THE DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE inspectors generals report Clearly stated that the elected and public servants of the city of Toledo and Lincoln county have a personal vendetta out for me have gone ignored and with response at to date Im still being attacked . Any court, government or government officer who acts in violation of, in opposition or contradiction to the foregoing, by his,or her, own actions, commits treason and invokes the self-executing Sections 3 and 4 of the 14th Amendment and vacates his, or her, office. It is the duty of every lawful American Citizen to oppose all enemies of this Nation, foreign and DOMESTIC Know who is and who isnt a government entity: Close review of 31 U.S.C. disclosed that the Internal Revenue Service, a Private Corporation, is not shown as a division, bureau, or any part of the U.S. Treasury Department. All this can be looked up any time on Firstgov. 31 U.S.C. Chapter 3 does not list the IRS as an agency or part of the Treasury Department. 31 U.S.C. Subtitle VI section 9101 does not show the IRS as a Government Owned Corporation under “ Government Corporations “. 31 U.S.C. Subtitle I Chapter 9 section 901 does not list the IRS as an authorized agency. No authorized agency can use the IRS Code against anyone thus you are now talking mail fraud and extortion. As a private Corporation the IRS must register in every state to do business correct? You will find them in the State of Delaware Division of Corporations. At footnote 23 in the case of Chrysler Corp. v. Brown, 441 U.S. 281 (1979), the U.S. Supreme Court admitted that no organic Act for the INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE could be found, after they searched for such an Act all the way back to the Civil War, which ended in the year 1865 A.D. I.R.S. would send me their financial statements, without OMB numbers on the forms, and have no standing in law thereof. I changed my W-4 to exempt and notified their PA office as required. NO response. My employer stopped the withholdings. Violation of the Paperwork Reduction Act 3500 – 3520 Specifically 3512 Public Protection; 18 USC § 341 fraud, 18 USC § 872 extortion, 18 USC § 876 mail fraud, 18 USC § 4 Misprisons. Note U.S.C. Codes, laws and statutes as I could find them to be printed at bottom of complaint. , RICO ACT 1950s Organized Crime Syndicate, nation wide and I rejected each of them as well by marking their letters and forms “void for fraud” and returning them. Mail Fraud and Attempted Extortion, listed above. The IRS were ruled unconstitutional by the Supreme Court in U.S. v. Constantine 296 U.S. 287 (1935) and are a non-government entity operating out of Puerto Rico under French Law – Foreign to us. They have no Page 2 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT DISRICT OF OREGON COMPLAINT CHARGING OFFENSE – Continued __________________________________________________________________________________ jurisdiction within the Union States (50). Their 1040 form has no standing in law. They are Government Impersonators – a fellony. Their only supposed jurisdiction may be only within a U.S. Territory not covered under the Original constitution for the united States of America; IE Gum, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, et al. IRS refused to produce any law that requires payment thus there can be no law that requires anyone to file a return: Racketeering (civil) 18 USC §1694 - $250,000.00 Racketeering (criminal) and 18 USC §1964 $250,000.00 The lawful meaning of “income” for all Tax Legislation as ruled by the Supreme Court: Stratons Indep. V Howbert 231 U.S. 339 (1913) “the gain derived from Capital, from labor or from both combined, provided it include the sale of a capital asset“ the result of corporate activity. Fictious Names 18 USC §1342 Rule of Grammar for the use of CAPITAL LETTERS used in a [NAME]: when CAPITAL letters are used anywhere in a [NAME] this always refers to a LEGAL ENTITY/FICTION, COMPANY OR CORPORATION no exceptions. For example [JOHN DOE] (PASSPORTS, DRIVERS LICENSE, MARRIAGE CERTIFICATES, your LICENSE PLATE REGISTRATION) et al No exceptions. Everything you get from Social Security, IRS, Courts place your name under the [ALL CAPS NAME] better known as Identity Theft and Fictious Names. Courts can only deal in fiction so the Clerk altars your paperwork and makes you that fiction, in my case [EDWARD MALONE JOHNSTON], [ED M JOHNSTON], [EDWARD M JOHNSTON], intentional fraud instigated by SOCIAL SECURITY ADMINISTRATION [SIR EDWARD-MALONE DBA] for the purpose of C.U.S.I.P., Bond and Commodities Fraud by which the court then steals your Birth Certificate Bond and Your Cesta Que Vie Trust, AKA, One Peoples Trust without your knowledge and consent through unknown contract agreements the court issues – a violation of uberrma Fides – ultimate truth in Contract law. Thus Defendants acting Judge Thomas branford and the Clerk of the Court Tara Bailey . Violations 18 USC § 2382. Misprision of Treason, 18 USC § 4. Misprision of Felony, 18 USC § 876 mail fraud, 18 USC §1342 Fictitious name or address, Violation of Public Trust, Treason (combined above acts and more) Know who is and who isnt a government entity: Close review of 31 U.S.C. disclosed that the Internal Revenue Service, a Private Corporation, is not shown as a division, bureau, or any part of the U.S. Treasury Department. You will find them in the State of Delaware Division of Corporations. Close review of 31 U.S.C. Disclosed that the Internal Revenue Service, a Private Corporation, is not shown as a division, bureau, or any part of the U.S. Treasury Department. All this can be looked up any time on Firstgov. 31 U.S.C. Chapter 3 does not list the IRS as an agency or part of the Treasury Department. 31 U.S.C. Subtitle VI section 9101 does not show the IRS as a Government Owned Corporation under “ Government Corporations “. 31 U.S.C. Subtitle I Chapter 9 section 901 does not list the IRS as an authorized agency. No authorized agency can use the IRS Code against anyone thus you are now talking mail fraud and extortion. As a private Corporation the IRS must register in every state to do business. You will find them in the State of Delaware Division of Corporations. Last I checked the IRS were not registered to do business in the State of Oregon/OREGON whatsoever – So where is their business license? Every mailing to an Oregon resident is one count of Mail Fraud thereof. There is no law that requires me to pay an income tax in Code Section 26 or the IRS Code for that matter. And Key Case 03 - cr-20111 U.S v. Kluglin USDC Memphis, TN Case dismissed when U.S. Attorney could not produce a law from the IRS Code that required a payment. Also see U.S. v. Linda Wall 2:04 cv 05352 DDP MAN and 2:03 cv 08406-DDP-MAN USDC CA (2005) Wall a paralegal handed them their you know what in court. In Schulz v. IRS 04-0196-cv 2nd Circuit Court of Appeal for the Second Circuit Room 1702, Page 3 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT DISTRICT OF OREGON COMPLAINT CHARGING OFFENSE – Continued _________________________________________________________________________ U.S. Courthouse, 40 Foley Square, New York City, NY the court ruled: no action can be taken without a court order. In my case it is called violation of due process of law – Fraud. The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that a natural individual entitled to relief is entitled to free access to its judicial tribunals and public offices in every State in the Union (2 Black 620, see also Crandell v. Nevada, 6 Wall 35. Plaintiff should not be charged fees, or costs for the lawful and constitutional right to petition this court in this matter in which he is entitled to relief, as it appears that the filing fee rule was originally implemented for fictions and subjects of the State and should not be applied to the Plaintiff who is a natural individual and entitled to relief. Hale v. Henkel, 201 U.S. 43] Yet the UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURTS, Toledo and the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals have thrown my cases out of court fornot paying filing fees. Intentional Fraud and obstructing justice on part of the justices. Charges have been levied against those justices as well in the U. S District Court in Washington, DC. 18 USC § 2382. Misprision of Treason. Liability in damages for unconstitutional or otherwise illegal conduct has the very desirable effect of deterring such conduct. Indeed, this was precisely the proposition upon which 42 USC section 1983 was enacted. Judges may be punished criminally for willful deprivations of constitutional right on the strength of 18 USC Section 242.” (Civil Rights) (Imbler vs. Pachtman, U.S. 47 L.Ed. 2nd 128, 96 S.Ct.). 18 USC §2331 Acts of Terrorism 16th American Juris Prudence Section 177 (this line is not intended to be here and I cant get rid of it) The State did not give the Citizen his rights and thus cannot take them away as it chooses. The State did not establish the settled maxims and procedures by which a citizen must be dealt with, and thus cannot abrogate or circumvent them. It thus is well settled that legislative enactments do not constitute the law of the land, but must conform to it. From the 16th American Jurisprudence, Second Edition, Section 177: “The general misconception is that any statute passed by legislators bearing the appearance of law constitutes the law of the land. The U.S. Constitution is the supreme law of the land, and any statute, to be valid, must be in agreement. It is impossible for both the Constitution and a law violating it to be valid; one must prevail. This is succinctly stated as follows: The general rule is that an unconstitutional statute, though having the form and name of law, is in reality no law, but is wholly void, and ineffective for any purpose; since unconstitutionality dates from the time of its enactment, and not merely from the date of the decision so branding it. As unconstitutional law, in legal contemplation, is as inoperative as if it had never been passed. Such a statute leaves the question that it purports to settle just as it would be had the statute not been enacted. Since an unconstitutional law is void, the general principles follow that it imposes no duties, confers no right, creates no office, bestows no power or authority on anyone, affords no protection, and justifies no acts performed under it... A void act cannot be legally consistent with a valid one. An unconstitutional law cannot operate to supersede any existing valid law. Indeed, in so far as a statute runs counter to the fundamental law of the land, it is superseded thereby. No one is bound to obey an unconstitutional law and no courts are bound to enforce it.” Any court, government or government officer who acts in violation of, in opposition or contradiction to the foregoing, by his,or her, own actions, commits treason and invokes the self-executing Sections 3 and 4 of the 14th Amendment and vacates his, or her, office. It is the duty of every lawful American Citizen to oppose all enemies of this Nation, foreign and DOMESTIC. Page 4 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT DISTRICT OF OREGON COMPLAINT CHARGING OFFENSE – Continued _________________________________________________________________________ 42 USC 1985. (2) ...If two or more persons conspire for the purpose of impeding, hindering, obstructing, or defeating, in any manner, the due course of justice in any state or territory, with the intent to deny any citizen the equal protection of the laws, or to injure him or his property for lawfully enforcing, or attempting to enforce, the right of any person, or class of persons, to equal person except judges.” See U.S. 29 L.Ed. 619, 91 S.Ct., Bivens vs. Six unknown named agents of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics. (Civil law) 18 USC § 4. Misprision of Felony. Government immunity violates the common law maxim that everyone shall have a remedy for an injury done to his person or property.” (Civil Rights) (Firemens Ins. Co. of Newark, N.J. vs. Washington County. 2 Wisc 2d 214; 85 N.W.2d 840 1957.) The corporate STATE has stolen my property and I demand it back immediately. False flags under color of law: Courts are flying martial law flage which fall under military regulation. See Executive Order by DDE 10834, 18 USC § 242 Deprivation of Rights under color of law. Grand Jury indictments demanded. Obstruction of Justice $1,000,000.00 Conspiracy against rights 18 USC § 241 $250,000.00 Deprivation of Rights under color of law 18 USC § 242 $250,000.00 Attempted Extortion 18 USC § 872 $250,000.00 Mail Fraud and Mail Threats 18 USC § 876 $250,000.00 Frauds and Swindles 18 USC § 341 $250,000.00 Fictitious name or address 18 USC §1342 $250,000.00 Concealment, removal, or mutilation 18 USC §2071 $250,000.00 Acts of Terrorism 18 USC §2331 $250,000.00 Breach of Oath Contract 18 USC §3571 $250,000.00 Denial of Special Appearance 18 USC §3571 $250,000.00 Enticement into Slavery 18 USC §3571 $250,000.00 Converting a Constitutional Right to a Privilege 18 USC §3571 $250,000.00 Treason (combined above acts) 18 USC §3571 $250,000.00 Misprision of Felony 18 USC § 4 $500,000.00 (U.C.C. 1-308 All Rights Reserved a living man, edward-malone:johnston (Non-corporation) P.A.G. OFFICE OF GRANTOR/SETTLER FOR THE: [EDWARD MALONE JOHNSTON], [EDWARD JOHNSTON], [EDWARD MALONE JOHNSTON II] et al, TRUST C/O 1540 N NYE STREET Oregon Territory [97391-9998] Phone 5413361233 Fax: 5413361233 Public Notice. *The Electronic Communications Privacy Act, 18 U.S.C. 119 Sections 2510-2521 et seq., governs distribution of this “Message,” including attachments. The originator intended this Message for the specified recipients only; it may contain the originator’s confidential and proprietary information. The originator hereby notifies unintended recipients that they have received this Message in error, and strictly proscribes their Message review, dissemination, copying, and content-based actions. Recipients-in-error shall notify the originator immediately by e-mail, and delete the original message. Authorized carriers of this message shall expeditiously deliver this Message to intended recipients. See: Quon v. Arch. 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Posted on: Sat, 11 Oct 2014 19:48:09 +0000

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