Oct 20 2014 Adrienne K. South is a very talented story teller - TopicsExpress


Oct 20 2014 Adrienne K. South is a very talented story teller with video and in wrting. She recently wrote about her battle with depresssion....If any of you know her ..maybe she could come as a guest speaker fo YOUTH EVENT ALL ABOUT JESUS....Sheis a Chrisian and has helped me via online with linkedin and twitter....I said Id buy her a coffee or A&W root beer some time. As I read her blog the story od Depression i great in our communities ...for any reasons...Its really time to get organized for K-W Support Group depression suicide...There are more problems now than when we first began to look at Youth. They are the next leaders of the community. Lets work together and find the way. You will find that Adrienne is atttending church reading and prayer.... There is a nice building that we could have office meeting space and drop in center. The former PUC buildning King & Gaukel buses stop there and whellchair accessible with old fasahioned elevator & 3 floors. 4,000 sq ft on main floor...Need someone who understands. We are not supported by any community agency ..(religion) peace, [SHALOM] Mike Wolf When a compass just isnt enough Its been over a year since my last post, and a lot has changed since then - for the better! In my last post I had just returned to Ontario after an absolutely devastating break-up with the person I thought I was truly going to spend the rest of my life with. Immediately after the break-up, I flew home with a one-way ticket, and I took to social media. I said I wasnt ready to give up on Alberta just because someone had given up on me. I had no job, no car..absolutely nothing in Alberta, at that point. My ex said I made him miserable and I didnt have enough drive to find a job and get a car. He told me to go back to Ontario, bought me a ticket, had his mom drive me to the airport, and said he would mail me back all my boxes. None of that was a secret. I was very public about my break-up, and my life. But what I barely told anyone was that I was depressed and struggling with major anxiety. A few weeks before my ex and I broke up, I was always feeling alone and had no idea how to deal with things when he was sent away on-course, or to teach far away for months on-end (He was in the military). He would leave for long periods of time, I barely knew anyone here, and I had no car to go out and do things. I would literally crumble onto the floor by the door every time he said goodbye and I heard his loud diesel truck head down the street. Now, he had actually told me that I made him miserable.. and if you truly have known me for longer than a year, Im usually a pretty happy, driven, motivated person. I have always been resilient, and I usually work hard to achieve what I set-out to do. But he didnt understand depression. Neither did I at that point... I kept making up excuses about why I felt the way I did.. but then one day after he left and I spent an hour crying on the floor, I grabbed my runners and I ran to my doctors office down the road, and I told him how I felt. He gave me a prescription for an anti-depressant and told me to try it for six weeks. So I came home and I took it. My ex was out of town for a week and I couldnt decide if I should tell him about the pills or not.. but the reaction I had to them was horrible: I had pain, I felt really sick, I couldnt eat anything, I was shaky and just a complete mess. I ended up telling him about it one night on the phone. He told me he didnt believe in taking anti-depressants and said that obviously my life in Alberta was too hard for me, and he blamed himself for my misery. A week later we broke-up. I went home and I convinced myself he was right and the pills were a bad idea. I went off of them. Then, incredibly, after being home for only a week, I got my current job. I love it! And for the past year I have completely turned my life around- working hard, buying a car, making incredible friends here... and having the opportunity to travel for freelance work, and to meet some truly incredible people. My jobs allows me to be around all sorts of inspiring people, and Ive learned so much! I have had everything going for me. Ive had incredible opportunities, and I life that was really easy to make look perfect through social media-- I posted pictures of fancy events, nights out with friends, traveling pictures, photos of myself doing some incredible interviews.. but I was struggling. What you never saw on my Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram, was me coming home and crying all the time. I felt lonely. Even though I was surrounded by people almost every day and night.. I would come home and cry hysterically. There were honestly days I could barely get through work without wanting to cry. Some days I did close my door and cry. But I couldnt figure out what was wrong with me. I absolutely love my job, and Im so grateful for it, and for the people I work with.. I have a pretty wonderful life here! So what was my problem?? Depression. Just over a month ago, I had a really bad day. I called my Mom and told her I thought I needed to go to the hospital. I couldnt concentrate, I felt worthless, and I felt like I had nothing to look forward to- It was a crazy feeling because in reality, there really isnt anything majorly wrong with my life. So I went to my doctor that night and I got a different brand of pill. Now, Id been sort of seeing someone, and I told him I got the pills and that Id been battling depression and was waiting to see a therapist... well, he told me he thought the pills were a bad idea, and that he didnt support the decision. Guess what?... I learned that lesson before! Needless to say that relationship didnt work out! And Im glad I decided to stick with my plan, and take the pills. Ive been on them about five weeks now, and Ive gone public with my battle with depression. Heres what I posted on Linked In last week: Dealing with Depression Oct 7 2014 I posted this on Facebook yesterday and am overwhelmed by the love and support I received. I think we all need to be able to talk about depression and work together to end the stigma. Im grateful to people like Clara Hughes who have helped pave the way for others to come forward and talk about mental health issues. It is through the support I received online yesterday, that has given me the motivation and courage to share that status here: [views are my own] ____________________________________________________________________________ I went to church today for the first time in a while, and I feel like sometimes no matter how hard it is to speak out, that if God puts something on your heart you should do it. Even if its not something comfortable to be able to say. Part of me is still embarrassed to say this because no matter what people say, I still feel like theres a major stigma about mental health. Aside from a few close friends, Ive never really spoken out about depression and anxiety. Over the last year Ive really struggled with depression, and its been really difficult being away from the friends Ive known all my life, and my family. I talked to a few people about it and I had a few people tell me to just toughen up and get over it. Sometimes its not that easy and we need to talk to professionals and doctors. Its really easy to post happy photos on social media, and to only show the glamorous parts of our lives. Since seeking treatment a couple months ago, and learning to take time for myself, I feel a lot more back to myself and the person I remember being. Life isnt easy all the time... And yes Im sure some people will judge me on this status, but I finally feel normal again and I feel so grateful for everything I have. So if me coming forward about suffering depression can help even one person know they are not alone, and that things can and will get better, than it was worth posting this status. I truly believe God put it on my heart for a reason- that someone needed to see this today. Never judge people and always be kind to one another So happy to be back to myself. Hoping to start volunteering and supporting mental health initiatives. -Adrienne I am so completely overwhelmed by the love and support I received! I feel so much better being honest with myself about what Im going through. And I dont have anything to hide. Im taking the right steps to get better... and I am NOT ashamed of that. Its been interesting to see who has been there for me, and to see certain people slowly fade quietly away out of my life. I still have good days and bad days...but Im having more good days than Ive had in a really long time! I feel happier, more motivated, more passionate, and a lot more confident about being myself- vulnerabilities and all.
Posted on: Tue, 21 Oct 2014 01:45:47 +0000

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