Oct. 24th 1861 Camp Keyes Uptons Hill Dear Father . . - TopicsExpress


Oct. 24th 1861 Camp Keyes Uptons Hill Dear Father . . . I have just come in after a drill of two hours and I tell you we have drilled too. The Col. put us right through today drilling us nearly half the time on double-quick. We drill now four hours a day and that with Dress Parade keeps us pretty busy these short days. I am very sorry to hear that Maria is Sick but hope that hers is not a case of Dipthera. I have a very small opinion of Leon. Norton and if I wanted to enlist ever so much I would not enlist where he was having anything to do with it. The reason that he takes any interest in the matter is the he will stand a chance to get a good office and any man that goes for that reason is not the man for me to go with. The weather here has been very cold for the last two or three days so cold that while we were drilling my hands were so cold that when I got through they were quite numb. We have just drawn some new blankets if it were not for that it would be impossible for us to sleep, on accoutd of the cold but as it is we are comfortable. The blankets that we have drawn are white and double just twice as thick as the one I had lined when I was home last spring. I have that yet and would not take five dollars for it. If I had to give up one of my blankets I would give up the new one for I think the old one is the warmest and it is nearly as good as new. How is the weather there? You say you can send me anything I want I am supplied with every thing but boots I stand much in need of a pair of boots. I have drawn two pair of shoes and the ones I have now are good for nothing we can draw nothing but shoes and they are not fit for this country at this time of the year. I am allowed four pr. a year and if I do not draw them I get paid for them so I think it will pay to have a pair of boots if I had to pay the express on them. I do not recollect how them Kip boots of mine are but if they are not in good shape I think you had better make me a new pair. What I mean about their being in good shape is whether they look well or not for although I am not proud I want a pair of boots that will look well for I have to appear on inspection every Sunday morning and then If my gun is not clean, my plates scoured and my boots blacked and everything nice and clean Gen. McDowell points me out as one who must be attended to and be made to clean up. He has never found any fault with me and in fact he has complemented me on several different inspections, but the amount of it is I want a pair of boots that I can clean up and make look pretty nice. If you make me a pair you had better make them of very heavy calf or light Kip. I do not want them made on a coarse boot last but I want good heavy soles I think one good heavy sole and then a good top. When it is rainy (and it generally is when we march) the mud is very deep and there is a great amount of it. I would want the legs made large and about four inches longer than I have been in the habit of having them made. I suppose that what I want would be called coarsefines but I want a good heavy sole and the heels just high enough to make them level. If I live to get home I can wear those Kip boots as well then as now and if you are so you can I think you had better send me a new pair if not send the Kip boots along. If it were not for inspections and parades I would prefer those heavy boots you made me last spring. But you see how it is. If you send the Kip boots send them along, immediately and if you make a pair make and send them as quick as you can and you will much oblige me for I need them very much. I think I have made this about long enough and I must close any way for it is Nine Oclock and the lights must go out and then I should be obliged to stop I intend to write to Maria and Herbert but now I will have to put it off until tomorrow as I cannot write them in time to go out with this Please write as soon as you get this and let me know what you think of the boots. Your Affectionate son. Albert. P.S. Asa says he wants you should make him a pair just like the ones I have sent for and send them along with mine He is going to write to Chloe tomorrow to see about it A. E. Higley
Posted on: Fri, 24 Oct 2014 12:14:36 +0000

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