Oct 26th Sunday 2014 . After a good half hour every one showed - TopicsExpress


Oct 26th Sunday 2014 . After a good half hour every one showed up and Rehearsal Began . The evening went well then we all headed back to my Parents place . As Leo and my parents arrived walking into the house we Smelled like a sweet smell . Hun whats that smell ?i asked him , O Dear its the Hot sauce . What ! it smell s Fantastic ! But that also tells me that it is going to be very Hot . Dear H_____ will be fine . I am not to sure about that Hun . As leo took out the Chicken wings From the oven. Dear look Leo said as he pulled back the Tin Foil , Holy Crap ! i said getting a Blaze of warm steam into my Face . Dear are you Ok ?Leo asked Laughing I Laughed as i took in the sweet smell of the Sauce from the wings. Well Hun i guess i dont need to go for a facial . Leo looked at me . Dear it was not that hot the oven was off . I know Hun. Smiling i said H_____ is going got either Love you or Hate you Hun . Leo looked at me as he brought the wings back into the oven . Hun i am going to go Take these heels off . Dear are you Ok ? Yes I said . Dear ? Leo looked at me Hun I said i was ok . Walking into my Room i then sat onto my bed taking of my Wedding shoes that i wore to Practise walking down the aisle . Lord i prayed Watch over me tomorrow and Please Also watch those who are all involved in our special day . O Lord and Please Give Leo the words to use in his Vows for Lord i know he will do his best but i also know Lord that he may need you to Guide him a bit . In My Room i heard the door Bell ringing . As i ran towards the door My dad had already answered it . H_______! T_______ ! My Dad was very Happy to see them both .How are you Doing ? Good T______ said and You ? My Dad replied Good Good . H____ You doing Good ? Sure i am Mario H____ said in his very Confidant Voice . . Hey Guys i said as i made my way to the door . Glad you guys made it . I went to them Both gave them a hug . Where are the Girls ? They are here . SlowlyPushing themselves to wards the House H________,said with Laugh . H______ you have only been here 30 Seconds and already you have started . Started what Rose ? I looked at H____ walked over to Him , Glad you are here H_____ i said Smiling . Glad to be here H____ replied back . Walking into the Kitchen i went to get Leo ,OK Hun Your target is in the Living room . Leo began to Laugh . Hey Guys Leo walked into the living Room . How have you guys been ? Good T___ said and you? . Doing Good. Hey where is N_____ and her Niece They here ? Yes T______ said they are just out side the are coming . H_____ My Man Leo said as he patted Him on the Back How are you ? Good Leo , Hey H_____ Leo said to him have i got a treat for You . As Leo took H___ into the Kitchen to see the Hot wings , I went to go get the Door . Hey Girls ! Great to see you guys . I Gave them Both a huge hug . OchhOcch ! ! ! Rosie My shoulder... ! Are you ok N_______ ? Yes her Niece said she will be fine she tripped at the air port and really bruised her shoulder . O My Gosh! N______ Do you want to lay Down on My bed ? No No I am Fine . (Now N____ being a friend of Mine that i meet from the Thalassemia clinic out in Toronto i became very worried about her having gotten hurt . N_____ Let Me know Please if i could get you any tylenol or anything . I will Rosie But i am fine now . As i Got all My friends settled in and with a drink in hand i was busy at the same time Greeting other Guest But my Mind all night was on My Friend N_____ . The House was Full in no time at all . I sat down by My Friend N_____ . Rosie You Look very Happy . You really Do Her Niece said to me . has this always been your dream ?N_____ asked Me . Yes Always i Replied . Rosie You are A very Strong Person and a lot of People Love you N______ said Look around this Room The House is Full . N______ Gave me a huge hug . Rosie I am so so Happy for you Both . What about you N______? Marriage Is it one of your dreams ? Yes And i can not wait for that day ! It will come sooner then you think N_____ . Rosie I I Hope so I really Do . As i stood up i asked My Guest if they wanted any drinks. Walking into the Kitchen there was H______ and T______ along with leo . What Are you guys Doing ? Coughing away in a distance was H_____ as he tried to speak along with a cough He said. We are Trying out theses Amazing Hot wings Coughing and Coughing ..T______ Looked at Me Laughing . Are they really that Hot i asked T_____ . Dont Know but by H____s face They look like they Are . T______ said smiling . Hun I took Leo over by my side You Crazy ! YOU want to Kill H____ ? O No Dear he is fine . These are Amazing wings Leo. Thank you H______ . But i really need a glass Of Milk right Now H______ said with a Cough . Here you are H_____ i said drink before i need to call the Paremdics . H______ took his Glass of Milk and went back into the Living Room . That evening i was running all over the house trying to talk to every one . I slowly went into my Room With out any one noticing i opened my bed room Door Made my way to sit on my bed And i just sat there Listening to all the Voices Coming from My Parents Living Room . I sat there Listening Wow ! i Said to Myself . I really dont believe this is happening to me . My Child Hood Dream has finally come true ! Looking at my Wedding shoes in the Corner of my Room i went To Pick them up . Lifting one shoe at a time with My Toes onto my Bed in order to have me reach them easier . As i held them tight in my hands. I then put them down onto the floor . Still looking at them . Lord Thank you I said for watching my every step towards this part of my Journey in My Life . Lord Thank You . Lord Like N________ Mentioned I have a lot of People who love me and have been with me throughout My life Thank you for each of them . Lord am i asking to much now ? You have already took me this far in my life. Is it to much to ask you to also Guide me in my Journey into my Married Life? Lord i dont know how to thank you and i dont want to be selfish Lord . Please Please Guide me and My Future Husband as we enter this new chapter in our Journey of life called Marriage . Rose ! I Heard A voice calling me Rose !
Posted on: Sun, 26 Oct 2014 21:16:06 +0000

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