October 1, 2013 Focus Today From the Word: The Lord Is Our - TopicsExpress


October 1, 2013 Focus Today From the Word: The Lord Is Our Refuge! “In the LORD I take refuge.” Psalm 11:1a David writes of how God watches both the just and unjust. He explains in short detail the judgment that comes upon the unjust, which is fire and brimstone like the fire storm that rained down on Sodom and Gomorrah. David also notes that despite all that happens to the unjust God spares and saves the just. From this notion he concludes that he takes his refuge in the LORD. Where else do we take refuge but in the LORD? There is no other place where we can find refuge from the storms of life. People have tried for eons to take refuge in themselves, others, things, money, fame, demons, and all sorts of stuff. They found out eventually either through conversion to Christ or upon death that there is no other source of salvation, refuge, and protection than in the loving, protective arms of God the Father. People do desperately want to avoid the troubles of life, but no one ever promised that life would not have difficulty. Thus, we have to choose how we deal with them as they arise. If we choose any source but God for our safe harbor, the storms of life will wreck our boat, capsize it, and drown us in the midst of the maelstrom. Let me ask you this question. In whom do you put your trust and seek refuge? Is it the LORD, as David said? Or, do you trust in people, things, ideas, or even the demonic? I pray and hope, truly hope that you seek refuge in the shelter of the shadow of the Almighty’s wings. When you are in the nest with God the Father, nothing can touch you. Sure, life may hurl boulders at you and even try to toss you down a cliff or two. However, if you are attached to the lifeline of Jesus, you have nothing to fear or worry about. He will save you!! He has already saved you from eternal damnation when you gave your life to him. Jesus took the sting out of death and the victory from the grave when He rose up on the third day with all power in His hands. The things life brings before us are mere distractions trying to get us to cut that lifeline and fall back into the abyss of sin, which used to be our master. Instead, we must trust in the LORD, the one who is the sure foundation, the tried cornerstone, and the one who became the capstone. Jesus is our Rock, our Safe Harbor, and our Strong Tower. As the Bible says, if God is for us, who can be against us? He has not given us the spirit of fear but of love, power, and a sound mind. When fear tries to grip you and terrorize you, you have the Word of God with you and living inside you. Thus, it is vital to our spiritual and physical health that we know God’s Word and apply it in the right moments correctly!! The Spirit of God will recall to your memory passages of scripture that will help you through your toughest of times. If you hold fast to the Word and apply it, you will have refuge in the LORD. Let us pray Heavenly Father, we thank You for being that Rock that is higher than each of us. You are a shield for us, our glory and the lifter of our heads. Though ten thousands may encamp around each of us, You prepare a table for us in the presence of our enemies. We can walk through the valley of the shadow of death and not fear evil because You are with us. You are our light and our salvation so whom shall we fear? You are the strength of our lives of whom shall we be afraid? You are our refuge and strength, a very present help in time of trouble You are our great shepherd, and we do not want. Because of You, we are safe. Because of You, we have peace of mind. Because of You, we do not fret or worry! We praise and give You the glory. In Jesus name we pray. Amen.
Posted on: Tue, 01 Oct 2013 09:16:13 +0000

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