October 11-12, 2013 P R O G R A M Media and the Economic - TopicsExpress


October 11-12, 2013 P R O G R A M Media and the Economic Crisis With the support from Ministry of Science, Education and Sports of the Republic of Croatia, Dubrovnik-neretva County, Student Center University of Dubrovnik and Student Council University of Dubrovnik OCTOBER 11, 2013 15:00-16:30 Registration 16:30-17:00 OPENING CEREMONY (Large auditorium) Speakers: President of Organization Committee DMD dr. Mato Brautović Vice rector of the University of Dubrovnik dr. Vlatko LIpovac, vice-rector 17:00 - 19:30 PANEL 1: CREDIBILITY OF THE MEDIA: INFLUENCE OF ECONOMY AND SPECIFICITIES OF THE REGION Moderator dr. Viktorija Car, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Political Science, CROATIA Part of the 4th regional conference Credibility of the media / Vjerodostojnost medija In Croatian, Serbian and Bosnian language dr. Dean Donev, FYROM (Ne)ovisnosti medija ekonomskim i političkim utjecaja u Republici Makedoniji / (In) dependence of the media from the economic and political influence in Republic of Macedonia dr. Viktorija Car, University of Zagreb, CROATIA Mediji i javni interes: modeli za djelovanje i opstanak izvan tržišnih okvira / Media and public interest: models for action and survival outside the market framework prof. Rade Veljanovski , University of Belgrade, SERBIA Mediji bez oglasa – utopija ili realna mogućnost / Media without ads - Utopia or reality dr. Boris Beck, University of Zagreb, CROATIA Poslovanje online medija i formiranje virtualne zajednice: laudato.hr, femina.hr, knjigomat, dpkm.org / Business of online media and the formation of virtual communities: laudato.hr, femina.hr, knjigomat, dpkm.org dr. Božo Skoko, University of Zagreb, CROATIA Vjerodostojnost i profesionalizam medija te medijske slobode u Bosni i Hercegovini – percepcija građana od 2009. do 2013. / Credibility and professionalism of the media and media freedom in Bosnia and Herzegovina - the perception of citizens from 2009 to 2013 dr. Igor Kanižaj, University of Zagreb, CROATIA Kako je tržišni model novinarstva utjecao na kvalitetu i vjerodostojnost medija u Hrvatskoj? / How the journalism market model affected the quality and credibility of the media in Croatia? 20:00 DINNER OCTOBER 12, 2013 09:30-11:00 PANEL 2: GOVERNMENT, CORPORATIONS AND THEIRS PUBLIC RELATIONS IN ECONOMIC CRISIS Keynote speaker: prof. Anne Gregory, Leeds Metropolitan University, UK Building Character from the Inside – the Role of Public Relations In Restoring Trust prof. Najil Kurtić, Unversity of Tuzla, BIH dr. Zarfa Hrnjić Kuduzović, Unversity of Tuzla, BIH Applicability of the transparent communication principle for organizations in crisis’ situations prof. Ryszard ŁAWNICZAK, Military University of Technology, Warsaw, POLAND Public relation’s contribution to the global financial/economic crisis Yiannis Mylonas, Lund University, SWEDEN Crisis, austerity and opposition in mainstream media discourses of Greece dr. Domagoj Bebić, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Political Science, CROATIA Milica Vucković, PhD candidate at the University of Ljubljana, SLOVENIA E-governance at work: evaluation of city web sites in Croatia from 2011 to 2013 dr. Davor Ljubimir, University of Dubrovnik, CROATIA Thus spoke F.W. Engdahl Josip Mikulić, PhD student at the University of J.J Strossmayer, CROATIA Sandra Buratović, PhD student at the University of J.J Strossmayer, CROATIA Francesca Vlašić, PhD student at the University of J.J Strossmayer, CROATIA The Impact of Communication with Guests on the Success of the Hotel Business 11:00-11:30 COFFEE BREAK 11:30-13:30 PANEL 3: MEDIA IN THE CRISIS Keynote speaker: dr. Marko Milosavljevič, University of Ljubljana, SLOVENIA Media in the Economic Crisis prof. Dubravka Valic Nedeljkovic, University of Novi Sad, SERBIA Aleksandar Nedeljkovic, University of Novi Sad, SERBIA “Europe here and there” in the context of economic self-sustainability of media in Serbia and in the region dr. Viktorija Car, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Political Science, CROATIA dr. Igor Kanižaj, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Political Science, CROATIA Strategies for Media Reforms in Croatia – How to Save Quality Journalism and the Media of Public Interest dr. Nataša Ružić, University of Montenegro, MONTENEGRO Influence of the editorial policy on reporting on economic crisis in the Montenegrin print media dr. Alaaddin F. Paksoy, Anadolu University, TURKEY Economic crisis in the EU and its impact on how Turkey’s EU membership is covered in news media: A case study on Financial Times Iva Milanović Litre, PhD student at the University of J.J Strossmayer, CROATIA Zvonimir Grgas, PhD student at the University of J.J Strossmayer, CROATIA The Economic Crisis and the New Media: A Double Influence on the Future of Newspapers Vuk Kešelj, University of Novi Sad, SERBIA Nikola Marković, University of Novi Sad, SERBIA Media Reporting on Economic Crisis in the EU - Case of Serbia dr. Đorđe Obradović, University of Dubrovnik, CROATIA dr. Helena Brautović, University of Dubrovnik, CROATIA Necessity of Strengthening Communication Experts Competencies under Economic Crisis Conditions dr. Slobodan Hadžić, CROATIA dr. Anita Jeličić, University of Dubrovnik, CROATIA The role of independent regulators and media policy in the new media environment in the context of the crisis of the media industry dr. Blanka Jergović; University of Zagreb, Centre for Croatian Studies and Croatian Radio, CROATIA Anđelka Raguž; University of Zagreb, Centre for Croatian Studies, CROATIA The influence of economic crisis on science in the media Silvija Batos, University of Dubrovnik, CROATIA Youth Magazines Overcoming Crisis: Critical Socio- Cultural Issues mr. Zdravko Kedžo, University of Dubrovnik, CROATIA Communication in crisis situations - role of local radio 13:30-15:00 LUNCH BREAK 15:00-16:30 STUDENT PANEL Moderator: prof. Anne Gregory, Leeds Metropolitan University, UK Romana John, ma Use of the website and new media tools: Example of advertising agencies in Croatia Andrea Bender, ma Use of online tools for promotion of institution of higher education Lucija Komajić, ma Business journalism between the public and corporations Doris Vodopić Alavanja, ma European enlargement policy: Case study Croatia 16:30-16:45 PRESENTATION OF STUDENT COUNCIL 17:00-18:00 ROUND TABLE: GOVERNMENT AND PUBLIC RELATIONS: MANIPULATION OR NECESSITY? prof. Anne Gregory, Leeds Metropolitan University, UK mr. Aleksandra Kolarić, Croatian Public Relations Association, CROATIA dr. Marko Milosavljevič, University of Ljubljana, SLOVENIA dr. Domagoj Bebić, University of Zagreb, CROATIA
Posted on: Fri, 11 Oct 2013 08:21:23 +0000

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