October 15th, 2014 Hello Facebook Friends of Dulcie Barth! It - TopicsExpress


October 15th, 2014 Hello Facebook Friends of Dulcie Barth! It has been awhile since I wrote a post in support of her and her never ending battle with Cancer and her never ending battle with her daughter’s father…Robert Ontiveros. Dulcie & Eva desperately need your love, support and prayers once again!!! I am pleased to say that it is not because of Dulcie’s cancer. For now…God and the clinical trial have given her more time on this earth. At her October 8th appointment at Siteman…Dulcie and her Mom (Jeri) received the good news from her latest CT results. Dulcie has now gone from the start-up of the clinical trial (Sept. 2013) to date without a change in her tumor’s size. The Specialists all hoped that her tumors would shrink & die but that has not happened. They explained that they are cautiously optimistic none the less. Statistically Dulcie’s prognosis remains the same. Incurable cancer thus terminally ill. We are elated and feel extremely blessed for the positive and encouraging results that she has received. The problem at hand…Eva’s father. Since January he has been like a dog with a bone to regain full control of Eva. Sharing is not in his mindset and will never be. Robert’s motto… “No court or judge is going to tell me what to do or how to raise my daughter”. Endless false accusations and claims have been in each and every one of Robert’s declarations to the court. One more ridiculous and callous than the next. Just when you think he can’t stoop any lower he does. On the positive side…There have been no Sherriff officers arriving at Dulcie’s door since January 3rd and Dulcie & Eva’s extra time together was priceless. If you all remember…Mr. Lehman is Eva’s principal at George Washington Charter School in Palm Desert, CA. His testimony (at the January hearing) negated Robert’s erroneous claims that Eva’s IL visits with Dulcie were causing Eva to have significant problems at school. Mr. Lehman testified before the court (Commissioner Olson) that Eva was an excellent student and doing very well at school. No behavior problems, no emotional problems and no academic problems were seen. As a result…He gave his complete support & approval for Eva to be part of an Independent Study Program which allowed her to spend a substantial amount of time with Dulcie in IL & not be considered “unexcused” from school and school activities. Dulcie homeschooled Eva for all court ordered visits thru April. The two of them did a great job with the program. A lot of hard work but the two girls put their heads together and made it happen. After Eva’s January visit Ms. Elliott (Eva’s teacher) forwarded the following statements to Dulcie upon Eva’s return to California and school. “Eva did an outstanding job on every single bit of work I assigned in her ISP”. “Thanks to everyone for helping her succeed.” After Eva’s February visit Ms. Elliott stated, “She did another outstanding job on all the work.” “Thanks for overseeing it so carefully to insure that it is all correct and complete”. Ms. Elliott states after the March visit, “The Scootpad work is all complete.” “I love how the kids can teach us about technology”. “The packet was flawless.” “Thanks for all your hard work making sure she finishes everything correctly.” “I’m glad she is able to come back and see you”. Eva’s April visit and independent study results received more positive comments. “She did another outstanding job on all her independent study work that she took on her visit to you last week”. “She is doing very well in class”. “She did a great job on the Scootpad homework”. “If there is any question about her performance at school, please ask the judge to talk to me or to Mr. Lehman”. Per court order…Eva spent the majority of the summer with Dulcie as well. We all had a lot of fun together. Something always going on. A big family wedding the highlight. Eva and my granddaughters (Emma & Zoe) wore beautiful white dresses. They all looked like princesses and did an excellent job with their responsibilities. Watching Mother and daughter back together again was heartwarming! Watching Eva play with all of her cousins was a true joy! During sleepovers Emma & Eva giggled until all hours of the night. Reminds me so much of Dulcie’s Mom and I when we were kids. There is nothing like having a close knit, large extended family. Another added bonus this summer was Dulcie’s birthday. August 20th. Thank you Commissioner Olson for giving Dulcie and Eva that day. They hadn’t been together for Dulcie’s birthday since Eva was a baby. Robert always managed to request that time for his vacation time. Coincidence? Not likely. August 20th was the day that Robert picked up Eva last year to return her to CA& school. He 1st called the Sherriff’s department and then he stuck his cell phone in Eva’s ear demanding that she speak with her step mother as Eva was tearfully waving good bye to her mother. A good bye they both thought could be the last on this earth. Eva returned to her Father’s home on August 21st this year. A hearing for Eva’s future visitation in IL was scheduled shortly thereafter. The October 1st hearing was postponed until October 17th because Robert and his attorney claimed they were too busy to provide the court a response declaration in a timely manner. Stonewalling I do believe it is called. Commissioner Olson granted Robert’s request for an extension but only for a few weeks. Robert and his attorney was hoping for December. Manipulation, lies and scare tactics are Robert’s weapon of choice this round. Sadly the weapon is being used directly on his daughter. It is apparent that he has told Eva that she will not be able to participate in the activities she loves so much at school if she visits her mother in IL. Heartless…Desperate… You tell me. Before you read Robert’s words I would like to make note of a very important fact. Eva was in a multitude of school activities last semester during her Independent Study Program and she wasn’t dropped from any of them. Robert states in his October 2014 response to the court…I quote: · “I am requesting that the court deny Petitioner’s request for one week visitation in Illinois each month during the school year.” · “Petitioner is requesting that our daughter Eva fly back to Illinois one week per month during the school year.” “I do not agree with this is in the best interest of our daughter for the following reasons:” a. “Eva is in sports, school activities, chorus, cheerleading, swim class, special presentation class.” b. “If Eva misses more than two days of any of the above activities, she will not be able to be in the activities.” c. “Eva needs to be in the above activities to grow emotionally and physically.” · “If she goes to Illinois for a week each month, she will not be able to participate these sports and activities she enjoys, as the school will only allow her to remain in them if she does not miss more than a two days.” · “I have attached Exhibit A the Congratulations letter from Eva’s school”. “It also states that if your singer has two unexcused absences in a row, he/she will be dropped”. · “Eva wants the Court to hear her position regarding her feelings about these extra visits in Illinois. “I am requesting that the court speak to our daughter”. · “I am requesting that the court speak with our daughter Eva, as she is now 8 years old as she wants to be heard.” “She is bright and articulate and enjoys her friends, activities, sports and school here in the Coachella Valley and if she goes to Illinois for a week each month, she will not be able to participate these sports and activities she enjoys, as the school will only allow her to remain in them if she does not miss more than a two days.” Last Friday night Dulcie spoke with Eva. She asked her if Daddy spoke to her about testifying in front of the judge. Eva quietly said, “Yes Mommy”. Within seconds Dulcie said the sound of her voice changed dramatically. “I don’t want to talk about this anymore!!!” “I won’t!!!” Dulcie told Eva that she loved her very much and they said their good-byes. Clearly Eva was upset and had had enough. I have used the words “sociopathic behavior” in a few of my writings. As time and events go by I am made even more confident that my choice of words was dead on. A sociopath is frequently described in these ways…I quote: “Sociopathy is typically characterized as something being wrong with a person’s conscience.” “Sociopaths only care about fulfilling their own needs and desires: They are selfish and egocentric to the extreme.” “They see others as objects to be used in fulfilling their own needs and desires.” “They lie very easily” and for a sociopath… “The ends justifies the means”. “The end justifies the means”. Does it really? Does the emotional destruction of a mother/child relationship justify the means? Especially a relationship between a terminally ill mother and her child. Does the destruction of an innocent child’s heart and soul justify the means? No…No it does not! Please Commissioner Olson…Please do something to help this child. All she wants to do is love both of her parents. All she wants to do is spend time with both of her parents and their respective families. All she wants to do is be a normal kid. Isn’t that in the best interest of the child? Robert states that Eva needs “activities to grow emotionally and physically”. This is my opinion but I bet I am not alone. The relentless emotional bruising that Eva has had to endure while in her father’s care and life is just as damaging as physical abuse. The scars and wounds are not visible but they are harmful to a child’s emotional and physical development just as much…If not more. When is this child going to be helped? When is the court going to do something? Friday (October 17th) between 10:30 a.m. and 12:00 p.m. the Indio Family Court will rule on Dulcie’s request for visitation and Robert’s erroneous claims. Please say a prayer in Dulcie & Eva’s behalf. In addition to your prayers…Please post your opinions. There could be eyes from valuable places watching. Hopefully the court will see the facts before them, listen to your words and give an order for change. Thank You, Candy Brucker
Posted on: Thu, 16 Oct 2014 01:35:58 +0000

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