October 2014 Volume 37 THE MYSTERY OF INIQUITY When - TopicsExpress


October 2014 Volume 37 THE MYSTERY OF INIQUITY When God brought Israel out of Egypt, the number of able bodied men who were fit for battle was about six hundred thousand (Ex. 12:37). All these men, with the exception of Joshua and Caleb died in the wilderness because of their rebellion against God. The interesting thing however, was that at the point of their entry into Canaan, the number of the men of war had climbed up again to a little over six hundred thousand (Num. 26:51). This means that their being in the wilderness for forty years was not because God hated them. It was because that time frame was necessary for God to restore them to their initial numerical status. In other words, for them to be able to actively occupy and dominate the new territory of Canaan, they had to have a reasonably large military and civilian population. The operation of sin in the life of a man is largely similar to that of a malware program or virus in a computer or mobile device. Among other things, a virus lodges itself in the storage section of the infected device, thereby reducing its memory size and inhibiting successful internet downloads. In the same vein, sin lodges itself in the spirit of a man, thereby limiting his capacity to interact with God or successfully ‘download’ spiritual blessings. When a believer starts toying with sin, he may not know it but his capacity to receive from God will start reducing gradually until it becomes completely blocked. Entering into certain dimensions of the grace of God always require that we have the prerequisite spiritual capacity to handle such a blessing. The enemy knows this. Therefore, he constantly tries to introduce the virus of secret sins into our lives so that our capacity will remain small and we will be unable to experience the best God has for us. According to the plan of God, capacity building is necessary sequel to inheritance possession, just as increase always precedes dominion (Gen. 1:28). God gave the land of Canaan to Abraham by covenant when he was still alive but He did not lead his descendants to take possession of it until He had greatly multiplied and abundantly increased them in number. Adam and Eve were in the process of increasing the capacity of mankind when Satan came and introduced the ‘virus’ into their lives. They installed the malware of sin into their nature and the whole of mankind lost out in the quest for dominion. It took the rigorous intervention scanning of the omnipotent antivirus called The Blood Of The Lamb before mankind could be restored to the path of true and total dominion. Sin makes you lose much more than it claims to be offering you. Its main aim is to hinder you from reaching your full potential in God. It took God forty years to scan and restore Israel to the required capacity. While He was working on them, He needed to keep them in the wilderness, providing them with just enough until they were ready to enter into the land and realm of more than enough. For how long will you continue in this wilderness of Sin? If you were not living in sin, God would still have had to work on you and prepare you for the throne He has prepared for you in life. Adding sin to the equation will only mean more work needs to be done and more time needs to be spent. Clean and pure water always reaches its boiling point faster and with the application of less heat than polluted or impure water. The same principle applies to you and I unless, of course, we want to take the shortcut that always cuts life short! This is the mystery of iniquity. It is responsible for the delay in the manifestation of many glorious destinies in Christ Jesus and you, my dear reader, do not have to join the list!
Posted on: Mon, 13 Oct 2014 06:47:05 +0000

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