October 20th, 2001. Notice the fumes still coming from the rubble, - TopicsExpress


October 20th, 2001. Notice the fumes still coming from the rubble, and the warped, twisted steel trusses on the left side of the photo. If AVIRIS thermal imaging shows that fires were out and temperatures were no longer hot by September 23rd 2001, why is the ground still fuming? A ground zero worker can be seen cutting steel beams using a thermic lance during cleanup operations. Steel beams sticking out of the ground were often cut at angles with these thermic lances. Video evidence of this can be seen at the links below. (Photo by Edward Keating/NYT, 10/20/01) Source: wtcdata.nist.gov/gallery2/v/Collected+Materials/Organized+Photos+and+Video+Clips/Photos/ Thermic Lance Cuts WTC Beams during WTC Ground Zero Cleanup | 9/11 Myths: youtube/watch?v=5VskSiHS1r0 WTC Steel Columns Cut at Angles During 9/11 Ground Zero Cleanup | 9/11 Myths: youtube/watch?v=DdBv7uaQT_0 United States Geological Survey (USGS) analysis of National Aeronautics & Space Administration (NASA) Airborne Visible/Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS) remote sensing data and interpretations show the distribution and intensity of thermal hot spots in the area in and around the World Trade Center on September 16 and 23, 2001. Hot spots show as orange and yellow areas. Dozens of hot spots are seen on September 16, but most had cooled and the fires had been put out by September 23. Why did the fuming at ground zero continue for years after this time? What can cause long-term fuming without generating significant heat? Source: pubs.usgs.gov/of/2001/ofr-01-0429/thermal.r09.html Thermic Lances Used To Cut Steel Beams during WTC Ground Zero Cleanup | 9/11 Myths: youtube/watch?v=5VskSiHS1r0 WTC Steel Columns Cut at Angles During 9/11 Ground Zero Cleanup | 9/11 Myths: youtube/watch?v=DdBv7uaQT_0 Dear World, I hope you are brave enough to consider my words with an open mind, and to not look negatively upon me for my attempts to make our world a better place. I must stress to you that despite the negative connotations associated with the tragedy of the 9/11 attacks, you may someday agree with me that 9/11 is one of the primary reasons that immensely positive changes and increasing levels of citizen activism are sweeping across our planet at a more rapid pace than ever before. To better understand my intention in sharing this information, please consider the following words from Martin Luther King, Jr. Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter. ?Martin Luther King Jr. (I Have a Dream: Writings and Speeches That Changed the World) Martin Luther King Jr. – ‘A Time to Break Silence’: youtube/watch?v=tKh0zSEJ9rc 9/11 is irrefutable proof that highly advanced forms of energy technology, such as those discovered and inspired by the great Nikola Tesla, do indeed exist and could be providing our entire planet with clean, sustainable energy, right now. 9/11 is irrefutable proof that countless lives and resources have been wasted on wars of death and destruction, all as a result of an extremely inaccurate, unscientific story, when these precious lives and resources could instead be used to improve our beautiful country and planet. Most importantly, 9/11 is irrefutable proof that each and every one of us is capable of seeing right through the dishonesty and corruption by thinking critically and studying the available facts for ourselves, which is a self-empowering and life-transforming fact. The large body of empirical evidence from 9/11, assembled by materials science engineer Dr. Judy Wood PhD, is conclusive and irrefutable, so one only needs to study it in detail to prove this beyond any reasonable doubt, no theorizing or speculation are necessary. Please study the publicly available, verifiable evidence from 9/11, including University of Alaska magnetometer data, Hurricane Erin (category 3), Columbia University NYC seismographic data, USGS dust analysis, NASA AVIRIS thermal imaging, NASA AVIRIS dust and ferrous/ferric imaging, WTC1 lathering up, WTC2 sillystring trails, WTC1 & 2 steel turning to dust in midair, WTC1 & 2 minimal seismic impact, WTC1 & 2 rapid speed of destruction, WTC1 & 2 top-down direction of destruction, WTC7 lathering up, WTC7 minimal seismic impact, WTC7 free fall destruction, disappearance of most of WTC4, vertical cylindrical holes in surrounding WTC buildings, relative lack of rubble, lack of major damage to surrounding non-WTC buildings other than Bankers Trust, rapid spontaneous rusting of metals, Bankers Trust rapid spontaneous rusting, Bankers Trust warped metal beams, 1400+ toasted and warped cars up to 1/2 mile away, numerous flipped cars, spontaneous weird fires, ground zero fuming for years without high heat, truck loads of fresh dirt being hauled in and out of ground zero for years, numerous unharmed survivors in WTC stairwells, mostly undamaged WTC shopping mall, mostly undamaged PATH trains, mostly undamaged WTC Bathtub foundation, presence of dust fuzzballs, strange round window holes, shriveled steel beams, strangely curved steel beams, wavy steel beams, vertical axis rolling up of steel beams, thinning of steel beams, holes in steel beams, objects fusing with unburned paper, missing file cabinets, missing office machinery, missing office furniture, missing toilets, missing door knobs, lack of high heat, cool temperature of WTC dust, unburned paper, unburned clothing, unburned pedestrians, elevated levels of tritium, lack of ionizing radiation, glowing and molten materials, spontaneous explosion of Scott air tanks, numerous similarities between The Hutchison Effect and phenomena observed at ground zero, and much more. Thanks to communication technology and passionate activism that are currently spreading throughout our world, this is the best chance we have ever had in all of history to escape this dishonesty and corruption, so we may create a magnificent future guided by truth, justice, peace, and love, for our children and all future generations. With all of my heart, I request that you please study the large body of empirical evidence from 9/11 in great detail, for our entire planet and everything on it will benefit if you do. WhereDidTheTowersGo DrJudyWood CheckTheEvidence Facebook/DrJudyWood pookzta.blogspot Sincerely, -Abe Abraham Hafiz Rodriguez, M.D. PGY1 Neurological Surgery B.S. Biology/Neurobiology
Posted on: Mon, 17 Feb 2014 05:45:21 +0000

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