October 22nd marked the national day against the national scandal - TopicsExpress


October 22nd marked the national day against the national scandal of police brutality in the United States. I spoke at four colleges on that day, walked over twenty miles, and marched until I went home to feet that were literally bleeding. My call to action was in the hope and bravery of women all of this country and around the world who have, are, will continue to to shed sweat and blood for equality. Our current petition has 664 signatures. I want 1,000 names before the end of the month at which point I will deliver the petition to New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio calling for a town hall meeting. The NYPD trains police all over this country and world, and it is about time we set the record straight that democracy, womens rights, human rights, are built from the bottom up and not the top down. Will you lend your name, share this petition and rally the call to justice with proactive programs that put those who have been subjected and subjugated to the forefront of this discussion for the benefit of training police in community service, sensitivity, while holding those guilty of brutality responsible for their actions? I need you help. In cooperation we can build bridges: petitions.moveon.org/sign/justice-for-chaumtoli Background: postheatre.wordpress/2014/10/11/over-60-organizations-demand-justice-for-nyc-mom-in-open-letter-to-mayor/ Police Brutality and Women of Color at Home and Around the World: postheatre.wordpress/2014/09/23/chaumtoli-huq-a-rally-call-against-the-police-brutality-of-women/
Posted on: Fri, 24 Oct 2014 05:20:39 +0000

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