October 23 , 20l3 But those who hope in the LORD - TopicsExpress


October 23 , 20l3 But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength . They will soar on wings like eagles ; they will run and not grow weary , they will walk and not be faint . Isaiah 40:3l Nicolae Chapter 5 Part l Buck wanted to jump or shout or run somewhere , but he didnt know where to go . Knowing Chloe was alive was the best news hed ever had , but now he wanted to act on it . He kept punching the redial button and getting that busy signal . Suddenly his phone rang again . Chloe ! No , sorry , Cameron , its Verna again . Verna , please ! Im trying to reach Chloe ! Calm down , big boy . She got through too the Weekly office again . Now , listen up . Where are you now and where have you been ? Im on Michigan Avenue near Water Tower Place , or what used to be Water Tower Place . How did you get there ? Sheridan to Lake Shore Drive . OK , Verna said . Chloe told somebody in our office that shes the other way on Lake Shore Drive . The other way ? Thats all I know , Cameron . Youre going to need to look off the road , Lakeside , the other way from where you might expect on Lake Shore Drive . Buck was already moving that way as he spoke . I dont see how she could have gotten onto the lakeside if she was heading south on the Drive . I dont know either , Verna said . Maybe she was hoping to around everything by heading that way , and saw that she couldnt , and popped a U-turn . Tell anybody who hears from her that she should stay off the phone until I can connect . Shes going to have to direct me right to her , if possible . ______________________ Any remaining doubts Rayford had about the incredible and instant evil power that Nicolae Carpathia wielded were eradicated a few minutes after the Condor 2l6 left the ground at San Francisco International . Through the privately bugged intercom he heard one of Carpathias aides ask , Now sir , on San Francisco ? Trigger , came the whispered reply . The aide , obviously speaking into a phone , said simply , Its a go . Look out the window on that side , Carpathia said , the excitement obvious in his voice . Look at that ! Rayford was tempted to turn the plane so he could see too , but this was something he would try to forget than have visually burned into his memory . He and McCullum looked at each other as their earphones came alive with startled cries from the control tower .Mayday ! Mayday ! Were being attacked from the air ! The concussions knocked out communications , but Rayford knew the bombs themselves would easily take out the whole tower , not to mention the rest of the airport and who knew what portion of the surrounding area . Rayford didnt know how much longer he could take being the devils own pilot . _____________________ Buck was in reasonably good shape for a man in his early thirties , but now his joints ached and his lungs pleaded for air as he sprinted to Chicago Avenue and headed east toward the lake . How far south might Chloe have gotten before turning around ? She had to turn around . Otherwise , how could she have gone off the road and wound up on that side ? When he finally got to the Drive , he found it empty . He knew it was barricaded from the north at the Michigan Avenue exit . It had to have been blocked from the far south end too . Gasping , he hurdled the guardrail , jogged to the middle , heard the clicking of meaningless traffic lights , and raced across to the other side . He jogged south , knowing Chloe was alive but not knowing what he might find . The biggest question now ,assuming Chloe didnt have some life threatening injury , was whether those printouts of Bruces commentaries--or wore , the computer itself--might have fallen into the wrong hands . Surely parts of that narrative were quite clear about Bruces belief that Nicolae Carpathia was Antichrist . Buck didnt know how he was able to put one foot in front of the other , but on he ran , pushing redial and holding the phone to his ear as he went . When he could go no further , he slumped into the sand and leaned back against the outside of the guardrail , gasping . Finally , Chloe answered her phone . Having not planned what to say , Buck found himself majoring on majors . Are you all right ? Are you hurt ? Where are you ? He hadnt told her he loved her or that he was scared to death for her or that he was glad she was alive . He would assume she knew that until he could tell her later . She sounded weak . Buck , she said , where are you ? Im heading south on Lake Shore Drive , south of Chicago Avenue . Thank God , she said . Im guessing youve got about another mile to go . Are you hurt ? Im afraid I am , Buck , she said .I dont know how long I was unconscious . Im not even sure how I got where I am . Which is where , exactly ? Buck had risen and was walking quickly . There was no running left in him , despite the fear that she might be bleeding or in shock . Im in the strangest place , she said , and he sensed her fading . He knew she still had to be in the vehicle because that phone was not removable . The airbag deployed , she added . Is the Rover still drivable ? I have no idea , Buck . Chloe , youre going to have to tell me what Im looking for . Are you out in the open ? Did you elude that cop ? Buck , the Range Rover seems to be stuck between a tree and a concrete abutment . What ? I was doing about sixty , she said , when I thought I saw an exit ramp . I took it , and thats when I heard the bomb go off . The bomb ? Yes , Buck , surely you know a bomb exploded in Chicago . One bomb ? Buck thought . Maybe it was merciful she was out for all the bombs that followed . Anyway , I saw the squad car pass me . Maybe he wasnt after me after all . All the traffic on Lake Shore Drive stopped when they saw and heard the bomb , and the cop slammed into someone . I hope hes all right . I hope he doesnt die . Ill feel responsible . So , where did you wind up then , Chloe ? Well , I guess what I thought was an exit wasnt really an exit . I never hit the brake , but I did take my foot off the gas . The Range Rover was in the air for a few seconds . I felt like I was floating for a hundred feet or so . Theres some sort of dropoff next to me , and I landed on the tops of some trees and turned sideways . The next thing I knew , I woke up and I was alone here . Where ? Buck was exasperated , but he certainly couldnt blame Chloe for not being more specific . Nobody saw me ,, Buck . she said dreamily . Something must have turned my lights off . Im stuck in the front seat , kind of hanging here by the seatbelt . I can reach the rearview mirror , and all I saw was traffic all racing away and then no more traffic . No more emergency lights , no nothing . Theres nobody around you ? Nobody . I had to turn the car off and then back on to get the phone to turn on . I was just praying youd come looking for me , Buck . She sounded as if she were about to fall asleep . Just stay on the line with me , Chloe . Dont talk , just keep the line open so I can be sure I dont miss you . The only lights Buck saw were emergency flashers far in the distance toward the inner city , fires still blazing here and there , and a few tiny lights from the boats on the lake . Lake Shore Drive was dark at midnight . All the streetlights were out north of where he had seen the traffic light flashing . He came around a long bend and squinted into the distance . From the faint light of the moon he thought he saw a torn up stretch of guardrail , some trees , and a concrete abutment , one of those formed an underpass to get to the beach . He moved slowly forward and then stopped to stare . He guessed he was two hundred yards from the spot . Chloe ? he said into the phone . No response . Chloe , are you there ? He heard a sigh . Im here , Buck . But I dont feel so good . Can you reach your lights ? I can try . Do , just dont hurt yourself . Ill try to pull myself up that way by the steering wheel . Buck heard her groan painfully , suddenly in the distance , he saw the crazy , vertical angle of the headlights shining out onto the sand . I see you , Chloe . Hang on . _______________________ Rayford assumed that McCullum assumed that Rayford was sleeping . He was slouched in his pilots char , chin to his chest , breathing evenly . But his headphones were on , and his left hand had depressed the intercom receiver . Carpathia was talking in low tones , thinking he was keeping his secrets from the flight crew . I was so excited and so full of ideas , the potentate said ,that I could not stay seated . I hope I do not have a bruise to show for it . His lackeys all roared with laughter . Nothing funnier than the bosss joke , Rayford thought . We have so much to talk about , so much to do , Carpathia continued . When our compatriots join us in Baghdad , we will get right to work . The destruction of the San Francisco airport and much of the Bay Area had already made the news . Rayford saw the fear in McCullums eyes . Maybe the man would have felt more confident had he known that his ultimate boss , Nicolae Carpathia , had everything under control for the next few years .Suddenly Rayford heard the unmistakable voice of Leon Fortunato . Potentate , he whispered , well need replacements for Hernandez , Halliday , and your fiancée , will we not ? Rayford sat up . Was it possible ? Had they already eliminated those three , and why Hattie Durham ? He felt responsible that his former flight attendant was now not only in Carpathias employ , but also his lover and the soon-to-be-mother of his child . So, was he not going to marry her ? Did he not want a child ? He had put on such a good front before Rayford and Amanda when Hattie had announced the news . Carpathia chuckled .Please do not put Ms. Durham in the same category as our friends . Hernandez was expendable . Halliday was a temporary necessity . Let us replace Hernandez and not worry about replacing Halliday . He served a purpose . The only reason I asked you to replace Hattie is that the job has passed her by . I knew that her clerical skills were suspect when I brought her on . I needed an assistant , and of course I wanted her . But I will use the excuse of her pregnancy to get her out of the office . Did you want me to handle that for you ? Fortunato said . I will tell her myself , if that is what you mean , Carpathia said . I would like you to handle finding new sectorial personnel . Rayford fought for composure . He did not want to give anything away to McCullum . No one could ever know Rayford could hear those conversations . But now he was hearing things he never wanted to hear . Maybe there was some advantage to knowing this stuff , and perhaps it might be useful to the Tribulation Force . But life had become so cheap that in a matter of hours he had lost a new acquaintance , Hernandez , and a dear old mentor and friend , Earl Halliday . He had promised Earl he would communicate with Earls wife should anything happen . He did not look forward to that . Rayford shut off the intercom . He flipped the switch that allowed him to speak to his first officer through the headphones . I think I will take a break in my quarters , he said . McCullum nodded , and Rayford made his way out of the cockpit and into his chamber , which was even more lavishly appointed than his area on the now-destroyed Global Community One . Rayford removed his shoes and stretched out on his back . He thought about Earl . He thought about Amanda . he thought about Chloe and Buck . And he worried . And it all started with the loss of Bruce . Rayford turned on his side and buried his face in his hands and wept . How many close to him might he lose today alone ? ______________________ The Range Rover was lodged between the trunk and lower branches of a large tree and the concrete abutment . Turn those lights off hon ! buck called out . Lets nor draw attention to ourselves now . The wheels of the vehicle pressed almost flat against the wall , and Buck was amazed that the tree could sustain the weight . Buck had to climb into the tree to look down through the drivers-side window . Can you reach the ignition ? he asked . Yes . I had to turn the car off because the wheels were spinning against the wall . Just turn the key halfway and lower the window so I can help you . Chloe seemed to be dangling from the seat belt . Im not sure I can reach the window button on that side . Can you unlatch your seat belt without hurting yourself ? Ill try , Buck , but I hurt all over . Im not sure whats broken and what isnt . Try to brace yourself somehow and get loose of that thing . Then you can stand on the passengers-side window and lower this one . But Chloe was so hopelessly entangled in the strap that it was all she could do to swing her body around and turn the ignition switch halfway . She pulled herself up with her right hand to reach the window button . When the window was open , Buck reached down with both hands to try to support her . I was so worried about you , he said . I was worried about me too , Chloe said . I think I took all the damage to my left side . I think my ankles broken , my wrist is sprained , and I feel pain in my left knee and shoulder . Makes sense from the looks of things , Buck said . Does it hurt if I hold you this way so you can put your good foot down on the passengers-side window ? Buck lay across the side of the nearly upended Range Rover and reached way down in to put one forearm under Chloes right arm and grab her waistband at the back with the other . He lifted as she pushed the seat belt button . She was petite , but with no foundation or way to brace himself it was all Buck could do to keep from dropping her . She moved her feet out from under the dashboard and stood gingerly . Her feet were on the passengers-side door , and her head was now near the steering wheel . Youre not bleeding anywhere ? I dont think so . I hope youre not bleeding internally . Buck , Im sure Id be long gone by now if I were bleeding internally . So youre basically all right if I can get you out of there ? I really want out of here in a bad way , Buck . Can we get that door open , and can you help me climb ? I just have one question for you first . Is this how our married life is going to be ? Im going to buy you expensive cars , and youre going to ruin them the fist day ? Normally that would be funny-- Sorry . Buck directed Chloe to use her good foot as a base and her good arm to push as he pulled open the door . The bottom of the door scraped on the abutment , and Buck was struck with how relatively little other damage there was to the vehicle , from what he could see in the dim light .There should be a flashlight in the glove box , he said . Chloe handed it up to him . He looked all around the vehicle . The tires were still good . There was some damage to the front grille , but nothing substantial . He turned off the flashlight and slid it into his pocket . With much groaning and whimpering , Chloe came out of the car , with Bucks help . ______________________ God Bless You !! Thursday : Nicolae Chapter 5 Part ll October 23 , 20l3 But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength . They will soar on wings like eagles ; they will run and not grow weary , they will walk and not be faint . Isaiah 40:3l Nicolae Chapter 5 Part l Buck wanted to jump or shout or run somewhere , but he didnt know where to go . Knowing Chloe was alive was the best news hed ever had , but now he wanted to act on it . He kept punching the redial button and getting that busy signal . Suddenly his phone rang again . Chloe ! No , sorry , Cameron , its Verna again . Verna , please ! Im trying to reach Chloe ! Calm down , big boy . She got through too the Weekly office again . Now , listen up . Where are you now and where have you been ? Im on Michigan Avenue near Water Tower Place , or what used to be Water Tower Place . How did you get there ? Sheridan to Lake Shore Drive . OK , Verna said . Chloe told somebody in our office that shes the other way on Lake Shore Drive . The other way ? Thats all I know , Cameron . Youre going to need to look off the road , Lakeside , the other way from where you might expect on Lake Shore Drive . Buck was already moving that way as he spoke . I dont see how she could have gotten onto the lakeside if she was heading south on the Drive . I dont know either , Verna said . Maybe she was hoping to around everything by heading that way , and saw that she couldnt , and popped a U-turn . Tell anybody who hears from her that she should stay off the phone until I can connect . Shes going to have to direct me right to her , if possible . ______________________ Any remaining doubts Rayford had about the incredible and instant evil power that Nicolae Carpathia wielded were eradicated a few minutes after the Condor 2l6 left the ground at San Francisco International . Through the privately bugged intercom he heard one of Carpathias aides ask , Now sir , on San Francisco ? Trigger , came the whispered reply . The aide , obviously speaking into a phone , said simply , Its a go . Look out the window on that side , Carpathia said , the excitement obvious in his voice . Look at that ! Rayford was tempted to turn the plane so he could see too , but this was something he would try to forget than have visually burned into his memory . He and McCullum looked at each other as their earphones came alive with startled cries from the control tower .Mayday ! Mayday ! Were being attacked from the air ! The concussions knocked out communications , but Rayford knew the bombs themselves would easily take out the whole tower , not to mention the rest of the airport and who knew what portion of the surrounding area . Rayford didnt know how much longer he could take being the devils own pilot . _____________________ Buck was in reasonably good shape for a man in his early thirties , but now his joints ached and his lungs pleaded for air as he sprinted to Chicago Avenue and headed east toward the lake . How far south might Chloe have gotten before turning around ? She had to turn around . Otherwise , how could she have gone off the road and wound up on that side ? When he finally got to the Drive , he found it empty . He knew it was barricaded from the north at the Michigan Avenue exit . It had to have been blocked from the far south end too . Gasping , he hurdled the guardrail , jogged to the middle , heard the clicking of meaningless traffic lights , and raced across to the other side . He jogged south , knowing Chloe was alive but not knowing what he might find . The biggest question now ,assuming Chloe didnt have some life threatening injury , was whether those printouts of Bruces commentaries--or wore , the computer itself--might have fallen into the wrong hands . Surely parts of that narrative were quite clear about Bruces belief that Nicolae Carpathia was Antichrist . Buck didnt know how he was able to put one foot in front of the other , but on he ran , pushing redial and holding the phone to his ear as he went . When he could go no further , he slumped into the sand and leaned back against the outside of the guardrail , gasping . Finally , Chloe answered her phone . Having not planned what to say , Buck found himself majoring on majors . Are you all right ? Are you hurt ? Where are you ? He hadnt told her he loved her or that he was scared to death for her or that he was glad she was alive . He would assume she knew that until he could tell her later . She sounded weak . Buck , she said , where are you ? Im heading south on Lake Shore Drive , south of Chicago Avenue . Thank God , she said . Im guessing youve got about another mile to go . Are you hurt ? Im afraid I am , Buck , she said .I dont know how long I was unconscious . Im not even sure how I got where I am . Which is where , exactly ? Buck had risen and was walking quickly . There was no running left in him , despite the fear that she might be bleeding or in shock . Im in the strangest place , she said , and he sensed her fading . He knew she still had to be in the vehicle because that phone was not removable . The airbag deployed , she added . Is the Rover still drivable ? I have no idea , Buck . Chloe , youre going to have to tell me what Im looking for . Are you out in the open ? Did you elude that cop ? Buck , the Range Rover seems to be stuck between a tree and a concrete abutment . What ? I was doing about sixty , she said , when I thought I saw an exit ramp . I took it , and thats when I heard the bomb go off . The bomb ? Yes , Buck , surely you know a bomb exploded in Chicago . One bomb ? Buck thought . Maybe it was merciful she was out for all the bombs that followed . Anyway , I saw the squad car pass me . Maybe he wasnt after me after all . All the traffic on Lake Shore Drive stopped when they saw and heard the bomb , and the cop slammed into someone . I hope hes all right . I hope he doesnt die . Ill feel responsible . So , where did you wind up then , Chloe ? Well , I guess what I thought was an exit wasnt really an exit . I never hit the brake , but I did take my foot off the gas . The Range Rover was in the air for a few seconds . I felt like I was floating for a hundred feet or so . Theres some sort of dropoff next to me , and I landed on the tops of some trees and turned sideways . The next thing I knew , I woke up and I was alone here . Where ? Buck was exasperated , but he certainly couldnt blame Chloe for not being more specific . Nobody saw me ,, Buck . she said dreamily . Something must have turned my lights off . Im stuck in the front seat , kind of hanging here by the seatbelt . I can reach the rearview mirror , and all I saw was traffic all racing away and then no more traffic . No more emergency lights , no nothing . Theres nobody around you ? Nobody . I had to turn the car off and then back on to get the phone to turn on . I was just praying youd come looking for me , Buck . She sounded as if she were about to fall asleep . Just stay on the line with me , Chloe . Dont talk , just keep the line open so I can be sure I dont miss you . The only lights Buck saw were emergency flashers far in the distance toward the inner city , fires still blazing here and there , and a few tiny lights from the boats on the lake . Lake Shore Drive was dark at midnight . All the streetlights were out north of where he had seen the traffic light flashing . He came around a long bend and squinted into the distance . From the faint light of the moon he thought he saw a torn up stretch of guardrail , some trees , and a concrete abutment , one of those formed an underpass to get to the beach . He moved slowly forward and then stopped to stare . He guessed he was two hundred yards from the spot . Chloe ? he said into the phone . No response . Chloe , are you there ? He heard a sigh . Im here , Buck . But I dont feel so good . Can you reach your lights ? I can try . Do , just dont hurt yourself . Ill try to pull myself up that way by the steering wheel . Buck heard her groan painfully , suddenly in the distance , he saw the crazy , vertical angle of the headlights shining out onto the sand . I see you , Chloe . Hang on . _______________________ Rayford assumed that McCullum assumed that Rayford was sleeping . He was slouched in his pilots char , chin to his chest , breathing evenly . But his headphones were on , and his left hand had depressed the intercom receiver . Carpathia was talking in low tones , thinking he was keeping his secrets from the flight crew . I was so excited and so full of ideas , the potentate said ,that I could not stay seated . I hope I do not have a bruise to show for it . His lackeys all roared with laughter . Nothing funnier than the bosss joke , Rayford thought . We have so much to talk about , so much to do , Carpathia continued . When our compatriots join us in Baghdad , we will get right to work . The destruction of the San Francisco airport and much of the Bay Area had already made the news . Rayford saw the fear in McCullums eyes . Maybe the man would have felt more confident had he known that his ultimate boss , Nicolae Carpathia , had everything under control for the next few years .Suddenly Rayford heard the unmistakable voice of Leon Fortunato . Potentate , he whispered , well need replacements for Hernandez , Halliday , and your fiancée , will we not ? Rayford sat up . Was it possible ? Had they already eliminated those three , and why Hattie Durham ? He felt responsible that his former flight attendant was now not only in Carpathias employ , but also his lover and the soon-to-be-mother of his child . So, was he not going to marry her ? Did he not want a child ? He had put on such a good front before Rayford and Amanda when Hattie had announced the news . Carpathia chuckled .Please do not put Ms. Durham in the same category as our friends . Hernandez was expendable . Halliday was a temporary necessity . Let us replace Hernandez and not worry about replacing Halliday . He served a purpose . The only reason I asked you to replace Hattie is that the job has passed her by . I knew that her clerical skills were suspect when I brought her on . I needed an assistant , and of course I wanted her . But I will use the excuse of her pregnancy to get her out of the office . Did you want me to handle that for you ? Fortunato said . I will tell her myself , if that is what you mean , Carpathia said . I would like you to handle finding new sectorial personnel . Rayford fought for composure . He did not want to give anything away to McCullum . No one could ever know Rayford could hear those conversations . But now he was hearing things he never wanted to hear . Maybe there was some advantage to knowing this stuff , and perhaps it might be useful to the Tribulation Force . But life had become so cheap that in a matter of hours he had lost a new acquaintance , Hernandez , and a dear old mentor and friend , Earl Halliday . He had promised Earl he would communicate with Earls wife should anything happen . He did not look forward to that . Rayford shut off the intercom . He flipped the switch that allowed him to speak to his first officer through the headphones . I think I will take a break in my quarters , he said . McCullum nodded , and Rayford made his way out of the cockpit and into his chamber , which was even more lavishly appointed than his area on the now-destroyed Global Community One . Rayford removed his shoes and stretched out on his back . He thought about Earl . He thought about Amanda . he thought about Chloe and Buck . And he worried . And it all started with the loss of Bruce . Rayford turned on his side and buried his face in his hands and wept . How many close to him might he lose today alone ? ______________________ The Range Rover was lodged between the trunk and lower branches of a large tree and the concrete abutment . Turn those lights off hon ! buck called out . Lets nor draw attention to ourselves now . The wheels of the vehicle pressed almost flat against the wall , and Buck was amazed that the tree could sustain the weight . Buck had to climb into the tree to look down through the drivers-side window . Can you reach the ignition ? he asked . Yes . I had to turn the car off because the wheels were spinning against the wall . Just turn the key halfway and lower the window so I can help you . Chloe seemed to be dangling from the seat belt . Im not sure I can reach the window button on that side . Can you unlatch your seat belt without hurting yourself ? Ill try , Buck , but I hurt all over . Im not sure whats broken and what isnt . Try to brace yourself somehow and get loose of that thing . Then you can stand on the passengers-side window and lower this one . But Chloe was so hopelessly entangled in the strap that it was all she could do to swing her body around and turn the ignition switch halfway . She pulled herself up with her right hand to reach the window button . When the window was open , Buck reached down with both hands to try to support her . I was so worried about you , he said . I was worried about me too , Chloe said . I think I took all the damage to my left side . I think my ankles broken , my wrist is sprained , and I feel pain in my left knee and shoulder . Makes sense from the looks of things , Buck said . Does it hurt if I hold you this way so you can put your good foot down on the passengers-side window ? Buck lay across the side of the nearly upended Range Rover and reached way down in to put one forearm under Chloes right arm and grab her waistband at the back with the other . He lifted as she pushed the seat belt button . She was petite , but with no foundation or way to brace himself it was all Buck could do to keep from dropping her . She moved her feet out from under the dashboard and stood gingerly . Her feet were on the passengers-side door , and her head was now near the steering wheel . Youre not bleeding anywhere ? I dont think so . I hope youre not bleeding internally . Buck , Im sure Id be long gone by now if I were bleeding internally . So youre basically all right if I can get you out of there ? I really want out of here in a bad way , Buck . Can we get that door open , and can you help me climb ? I just have one question for you first . Is this how our married life is going to be ? Im going to buy you expensive cars , and youre going to ruin them the fist day ? Normally that would be funny-- Sorry . Buck directed Chloe to use her good foot as a base and her good arm to push as he pulled open the door . The bottom of the door scraped on the abutment , and Buck was struck with how relatively little other damage there was to the vehicle , from what he could see in the dim light .There should be a flashlight in the glove box , he said . Chloe handed it up to him . He looked all around the vehicle . The tires were still good . There was some damage to the front grille , but nothing substantial . He turned off the flashlight and slid it into his pocket . With much groaning and whimpering , Chloe came out of the car , with Bucks help . ______________________ God Bless You !! Thursday : Nicolae Chapter 5 Part ll
Posted on: Wed, 23 Oct 2013 12:46:49 +0000

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