October 27, 2014 Dear Esther, God bless your ministry and - TopicsExpress


October 27, 2014 Dear Esther, God bless your ministry and counseling for believers who need advice on what to do. I am kind of like Timothy in the Bible, because I’m under 20, so no one takes me seriously when I talk about God. But I really want to spread the gospel around and get my classmates saved, as I know the Rapture is approaching. Sometimes I send them daily devotionals, or maybe even Rapture ready material that they can understand at their level as most of them are not Christians and those who say they ARE Christians don’t act like Christians and have never even flipped the pages of a Bible at all, let alone read it. And they have no excuse not to read the Bible because they don’t have one -- as our school is a Christian school that provides us with free Bibles. Most of them think that they can take God lightly and manipulate Him in such a way that they always live sinful lives, not breaking any laws but depressing their spirits; such as vulgarities, gossip, pride (basically what every teenager in the world is doing). However, when they run into problems, they will suddenly get on their knees and ask God to help them. Or if they are arguing, most of these fake Christians will suddenly flip to the Bible and take a verse out of context to prove that they are right in the argument. And most of these “Christians” in school are in my church. The church preaches the Word accurately, but focuses too much on the rewards of God when you obey God. Apparently they look “really holy” in church, but in school it is a very different thing. What is most hopping mad is that they are ASHAMED of Christ as no one sings during chapel in school except me, so I look like the only “idiot” professing my faith. I don’t think they actually understand that everyone is a sinner so no one should act holy in church. Everyone should feel grateful and repentant and mend their lives with God’s help and follow God’s will. I have acted empathetic toward them by not judging them, as I fall into sin as well, but I’m also empathetic to the fact that they need God in their lives or they’ll ultimately end-up in hell wondering why since they thought they were Christians. I’ve tried starting to show them what God really is like but apparently they find me longwinded and boring, I suppose. They cut me off and start talking about other things, and these are the closest Christian friends I have. I also realized today that all the devotionals I’ve sent are NOT read as it they are “too long.” (So they couldn’t be bothered to read them.) I don’t know how to get to the point in a way that tells them THOROUGHLY and concisely about the Christian walk with God. We can never fully express God and our salvation in just a few words as He is too wonderful and awesome to be limited. It takes time to nurture God’s Word in the heart, but it must start somewhere. Apparently they are too impatient to wait that long so I’m at a loss on how to get them saved. Basically ANYTHING but good soil for cultivation of the Word. I also don’t think I should say that they’re forever hopeless and lost as God is the one that decides their fate, and then just leave them to find other people to share Gods Word, too. Or should I just “shake off the dust of my feet” and leave them be? As they say salt (Christians being salt of the earth) gathered together all the time is of no use; they must be spread out to “rub off” its flavor to plain food (non believers). I feel sad as the reason why I chose this school is because it is considered a Christian school and I thought it will strengthen my walk with God. Even the teachers doing their devotionals daily make me feel no love for God. An example would be the daily devotionals such as, “When you get stressed during exams, don’t cheat and don’t get pressured to steal things, or you’ll get in trouble with the law.” No mentioning of God, just teaching moral values or something like that. Then they will quote a verse relating to the moral value but that’s it. It’s like the verse is just some mandatory thing they add just to make it sound Christian -- as they don’t teach ABOUT the verses; they use the verses to “teach” moral values. No mentioning of salvation or anything about Christ. They are like Pharisees that wash the outside rather than the inside of the cup. Nothing wrong with teaching moral values, but I believe in inward transformation by the Holy Spirit. I might understand that the school might want to make it easy for the non-believers to relate to and understand, but this is a Christian school and they shouldnt be ashamed to mention Christ. I mean everyone picking schools knows that it is a Christian school, so obviously everyone would expect the school to point to Jesus, which they don’t. Perhaps when they finally do point to God they will see how righteous He is? I feel that the school itself has a serious error about its knowledge of God. The weirdest thing in this school is that when people say vulgarities or do something bad, they are considered “cool.” But read the Bible, and then you get discriminated: IN A CHRISTIAN SCHOOL. Please give some advice on what to do as the leaders in my church which usually dismisses it as it isn’t a big problem such as diseases or financial debt, so I don’t have any good advice on how to act (mega church). I really have a passion for the Lord and to do his good work to get people saved, and I plan to start small by trying to get my friends to believe. As for my family, I feel that they are like Martha who works all the time instead of Mary, so I dont really talk to them much about God. It may not be considered any big problem but its taking a toll on my spirit seeing fake Christians who have no love for God and find the Bible boring, which to me, I find a treasure chest, and reading my Bible at school makes me look like a wanted criminal. Those friends of mine have also influenced me to say vulgarities and participate in gossip, which is something I don’t want to do as I have tried before but I feel empty doing it. I’m just thinking of this as already the standard of a Christian environment, and if I go out into the world it’ll be much worse -- so I’m pretty depressed thinking about it. Please correct me if I have any erroneous beliefs, too. Thank you:) With love, Zoe Dear Zoe, My goodness. What a school. And you! You are amazing. What passion you have for the Lord. It is tough to comprehend the dynamics that go on at your school. No wonder you are frustrated to no end. The obvious first question I have is this: Is there another school you can go to that is at least more of a Christian school? A secular school is not an option. If you are stuck at this school for any number of reasons then I am sure you will make the best of it. You have a strong determined spirit. If you read my letter last week to Jared, although he is younger than you, he is in a situation where he, too, must weather the storm alone, so to speak. At least until the Lord through His mighty power and grace brings about a change . But in your case, one would think being at a Christian school would not be as ridiculously challenging regarding the things of the Lord. My instinct is that there must be at least a few people around, either teachers or students who are not quite so off the mark. Don’t give-up on the entire school, although I can see why you would from what you have shared. It is very admirable that you wish to reach others for Christ. That is the calling God gives all believers. You certainly are filled with enthusiasm and the right kind of concern for your peers. To get to your question on what you should do, go directly to your heavenly Father. You mention your church is a mega church, so it is not only your school but your church as well that is Christian in some selective ways. So God in His infinite wisdom has blessed you with much. Go to Him in fervent prayer and ask Him to strengthen you as you soldier through your school years. I can understand why you are bothered that Scripture is flippantly mentioned only in relation to some moral issues. But at least that is something. I know it should be much more since it is supposed to be a Christian school. Clearly there is a weak biblical foundation at your school and in order to get through your time there, I recommend changing your perspective. I am not saying you should feel differently about reaching out to others and wanting to share the gospel. What I am saying in order for you to function on a daily basis in that environment it would be best for you to change your expectations. You already know we cannot change people. And you have experienced all of the frustrations with trying to get though to those who are lost. Instead of sending out lengthy devotionals, your best approach is the way you live your life. You know in your heart that so many of your classmates (and teachers) are on a different wave length all together. To avoid frustration you must give this all over to the Lord daily. In order to get through all of this, I suggest that you take a different approach You can of course, and should, still, continue to witness to others when you are led by the Holy Spirit. But let go of expectations that others will quickly respond to the gospel. Some people do, but it sounds like taking small steps in your particular setting can do much more when it comes to transforming a person’s heart. It is through our prayers and our good example that we can positively affect others. Of course you are disappointed that you chose your school with the belief that you would be in a real Christian environment. What you are seeing first hand is the overall condition of the church all around the world and it is a staggering realization—that so many who profess Christ are as lost as can be. Zoe, your love and devotion for the Lord is outstanding and I am sure He will use you for His glory in some special ways. Never let others negatively influence you to participate in their godless behavior. Continue to stand steadfastly for the Lord. I have a picture in my mind of you going through your school day, doing your best in your classes and continuing to read your Bible openly. Your classmates will see that you are the real deal when it comes to your faith. Perhaps right now they could not care less, but no one goes through life without facing trials and tribulations, and your good example of faithfulness could be the very thing that gets them finally running to God one day. Hopefully sooner than later. A gentle spirit of loving concern will touch others. Place your focus on your schoolwork and keep reaching out to the Lord to guide you in your daily interactions with your classmates. When they observe that you consistently devoted to the Lord, your example will be a strong testimony. Never lose your enthusiasm, but it is with a spirit of quiet resolve sometimes that we can make the strongest inroads. Once you have shared the gospel, you have done your part. It is the Holy Spirit who gets to people. The Lord knows best when and how a person can be reached. And this is where intercessory prayer comes in. Resolve in your heart to keep praying for the lost at your school. But please don’t feel responsible for the salvation of these people. Your prayers and Christ-like loving demeanor will do more good than verbally trying to convince them of the truth when clearly they are not interested. “The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much” (James 5:16b). Zoe, the disappointments and trials you are going through now are giving you a strong foundation for your future. You are seeing and experiencing firsthand the growing apostasy that Jesus warned would be prevalent in the last days. The lukewarm church is growing and will continue to get worse. Keep in mind after the Rapture there will be many who come to faith, and I imagine some of those you have reached out to will have the shocking realization that they were left behind. All the efforts you made to enlighten them about the gospel will come back to haunt them. From what you say in your letter that is one reason you are busy trying to reach others, which is a wonderful thing. But as you are finding out, too many people who claim to be Christians would rather have their ears tickled. You are right to compare your plight to Timothy, as he said this: “For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers; and they will turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables. But you be watchful in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry” (2 Timothy 4:3-5). Considering that you are to some degree in a den of ravenous wolves every day, it is imperative that you put on the whole armor of God daily as described in Ephesians 6:10-18: “Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness; and your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace; above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God: Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints.” Zoe, when you go to class or walk around campus, know that you are not walking alone. Jesus is walking with you. Hold on to Him and go about your own business of getting an education. Don’t let the foolishness of others become a distraction for you. Understand that nearly everywhere we turn in these last days we will find godless compromise. Too many Christian venues exist that are indifferent toward the gospel and foster any number of unbiblical ideas. Remember Zoe, it is all about having a personal one-on-one relationship with the Lord. If others are foolish enough to reject the gospel, your prayers and steadfast faithfulness may carry more influence than you can see right now. Continue to cultivate your own relationship with Jesus and He might just surprise you in the future with some new like-minded friends. Please keep in touch with me and never lose your loving concern for the lost. We need many more believers like you who will stand strong for Jesus. God bless you for your faithfulness and caring heart. In God’s love, Esther “But even if you should suffer for righteousness’ sake, you are blessed” (1 Peter 3:14).
Posted on: Mon, 27 Oct 2014 10:11:06 +0000

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