October 27th 2014 Daily Encounter Jesus in Public Ministry - TopicsExpress


October 27th 2014 Daily Encounter Jesus in Public Ministry II And He saith unto them, is it lawful to do good on the Sabbath days, or to do evil? To save life, to kill? But they held their peace. Mark 3:4 Today’s Scripture Reading: Mark 3:1-7, Matthew 9:1-8 As we said earlier, the Pharisees and Sadducees were always looking for means to bring Jesus down. In our scripture reading for today, Jesus met a man with a withered hand. They watched to see whether He would heal on the Sabbath day that they might accuse Him. He ignored them and spoke the word and the man was healed. As they gazed on Him, He now threw a question at them which they could not answer. He asked them if it was it lawful to do good on the Sabbath day. They could not answer Him. They held their peace perhaps because they did not know the next question He might ask them. And they knew the crowd would stone them if they said it was unlawful to do good; because that would have contradicted the nature of God. At other times, the Pharisees tried to arrest Him and He either disappeared or went through the crowd unnoticed. Jesus could also read into the minds of the Pharisees and the scribes. Even when they did not openly criticize him, he still knew what they had in mind and He answered them. In Matthew 9, when Jesus healed the man who was sick of the palsy, he told the man ‘your sins are forgiven thee’. Certain of the scribes said within themselves that he blasphemed. He rebuked them immediately, asking if it’s easier to say ‘your sins are forgiven’ or ‘arise and walk’. They thought they were wise in their own conceit. They did not know the Saviour was not just the son of Mary or Carpenter’s son, but he was the Son of God. The enemy does not like that which is good. A man of wisdom will always floor the devil. You need the kind of wisdom Jesus operated to solve challenges that come your way. Prayer: Pray earnestly and seek the God kind of wisdom Faith Confession: I shall not die young in Jesus Name
Posted on: Mon, 27 Oct 2014 09:06:52 +0000

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