October 29th, 2014 * WAITING UPON GOD * * WHEN GOD SAYS WAIT - TopicsExpress


October 29th, 2014 * WAITING UPON GOD * * WHEN GOD SAYS WAIT ~ NOT NOW * WHAT DO WE DO ? WE WAIT UNTIL WE FEEL GOD ISNT AROUND TO SIN We are Like Kids ~ always testing His Patience ~ All creation knows when they shouldnt do something ~ But this FLESH of ours is so weak at times .... Why ? Because you have your eyes on the ITEM, that God said to * WAIT * for ~ While were trying to wait patiently ~ Guess who God allows to come to TEST us ~ oh yeah ~ you got it ~ ~ ~ SATAN ~ ~ ~ AND TEST HE DOES Look How Beautiful ~ Yummy it is ~ Look How Gorgeous ~ He or She is ~ Look How Wonderful ~ That House or Job is ~ Look How Special ~ All those Nice things are Yes Darling ~ Ill provide it for you ~ but I have a special TIME the Lord says ~ Just wait a little while ~ because I have something better for you ~ * YES LORD * But the Moment our communion with Him ends ~ Satans communion with us BEGINS Begins He does & he taunts & he tempts & he whispers * LIES * ~ GOD DOESNT CARE ~ GO AHEAD ~ BUY IT YOU DESERVE IT ~ GOD WANTS YOU TO PROSPER ~ YOU DESERVE HIM OR HER ~ GOD SAYS YOU WILL LACK NO GOOD THING ~ HE LOVES YOU ~ SATAN WILL USE ANYTHING ~ ANYONE ~ TO GET YOU TO NOT WAIT UPON GOD Psalm 27:14 King James Bible Wait on the LORD: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the LORD. Psalms 37:34 - Wait on the LORD, and keep his way, and he shall exalt thee to inherit the land: when the wicked are cut off, thou shalt see [it]. OK LETS PUT ON PATIENCE & READ WHAT GOD HAS WONDERFULLY HERE ~ ABOUT YOUR WAITER… Isaiah 40:31 But they that * wait * upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint (Isaiah 40:31). JOKE-A little boy was fishing but was catching nothing. A man came by and asked him, are you fishing little boy? He replied back, “No I am not fishing, I am just drowning worms.” Sometimes, we may feel that way, that we are accomplishing nothing. But if we wait on the Lord we will reap one day. SOME BIBLICAL EXAMPLES OF WAITERS: A. ABRAHAM AND SARAH (FOR ISAAC) B. NOAH (FOR THE FLOOD AND SUBSIDING WATERS) C. JOSEPH (FOR HIS TIME IN POWER) D. JESUS (FOR THE TIME TO BE FULFILLED) E. MARY AND MARTHA (FOR JESUS TO ARRIVE WHEN LAZARUS DIED.) F. THE DISCIPLES (FOR THE PROMISED HOLY SPIRIT) G. ALL BELIEVERS (AWAITING HIS RETURN) “blessed hope…” when waiting… 1. REMEMBER GOD’S PROMISES 2. REST IN GOD’S CHARACTER 3. RELY UPON GOD’S LOVE IN EACH CASE, IT WAS WORTH THE WAIT!! I-FOR THOSE WHO WAIT ON THE LORD-THEY WILL HAVE INWARD STRENGTH: But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; 31A He is not talking about physical strength here, but he is talking about moral strength. The people in Isaiah’s day were in captivity, they needed inward strength to give them power over temptation. According to Ephesians 6:10, God commands us to be strong Christians that can stand! There is a song that says this: The God on the Mountain Is still God in the valley When things go wrong He’ll make them right The God of the Good Times Is still God in the Bad Times The God of the Day Is still God in the Night That’s the God that we serve. ILLUSTRATION: Many of you have seen the film Chariots of Fire, an outstanding film about a Christian, Eric Liddell, who refuses to run in the prestigious 100 meters in the 1924 Paris Olympics because it involved racing in a preheat on a Sunday, which Liddell believed to be an ungodly use of Sunday. Liddell was probably the fastest man alive at that time and had been the favorite to win it for Britain. The Press and even the Prince of Wales tried to talk him into running but he refused. Instead, he went to the Scottish Presbyterian church that Sunday and read the lesson from Isaiah 40. And verse 31 seem to capture the situation However, he was given the chance to race for Britain in the 400 meters a race he had never even run before. And God honored him for his stand. Liddell ran the 400 meters at a 100 meter pace. The experts thought he was running the first 100 meters too fast and would tire later in the race. But it wasn’t to be and he won with a new world record. Daniel had that inner strength from God, that is the reason he was able to say no to sin. THANK GOD FOR INWARD STRENGTH II-FOR THOSE WHO WAIT ON THE LORD-THEY WILL HAVE UPWARD STRENGTH: they shall mount up with wings as eagles; 31B There are many ups and downs in this life that we live. But God will give us victory over the downs if we learn to * wait on him *. We are often like Lucy in an old Peanuts comic strip. Lucy was complaining about her lousy life. Charlie Brown is trying to cheer her up. Into each life some rain must fall, he said. That didn’t seem to help at all. Then he thought of another saying: Just remember, life has its mountains and its valleys, its ups and downs. To which Lucy replied, All I want is ups and ups and ups! And so it is with us in the Christian life. When we first become Christians we feel protected in the nest, but God soon takes us out of it, so that he can teach us to soar on wings like eagles. The eagle doesn’t like the mud and filth of this world, if you look for him, he will be on the highest mountain. John 15:19-If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you. SO MANY HATE ME ~ SO MANY JUDGE ME ~ BUT I WAIT UPON THE LORD ~ MY ENEMIES WILL BOW ~ IF I TRY TO RUN AHEAD OF GOD & FIX THE PROBLEM ~ ~ BEHOLD WHAT A MESS ~ GODS WAY OF FIXING THINGS IS PERFECT ~ JUST TRUST IN HIM ~~~ Colossians 3:2-Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth. III-FOR THOSE WHO WAIT ON THE LORD- THEY WILL HAVE OUTWARD STRENGTH: they shall run, and not be weary; 31C Gal. 6:9-And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. Notice he didn’t say they shall sit but they shall run! HAVENT I BEEN SAYING LATELY * RUN * TO ABBA FATHER WITH ALL YOUR PROBLEMS * ILLUSTRATION: In the 1954 Cotton Bowl game, Alabama and Rice were playing. On one play, the halfback from Rice broke free from the tacklers from Alabama and was racing down the sidelines for a touchdown. But coming from off the bench was an Alabama player named Tommy Lewis. He ran onto the field and tackled the runner. Because this was illegal he was awarded a touchdown. Later on, Tommy Lewis was drafted to play pro football. The main reason was that he couldn’t stand to lose--shown in his tackle off the bench. He wanted to RUN, to play and not sit. Sometimes we as Christians want to sit, not get involved in the work of the Lord. And yet there are those who are involved and RUNNING for the Lord…but they get weary. Gal. 5:7-Ye did RUN well; who did hinder you that ye should not obey the truth? Have you stopped RUNNING for Jesus? Well the grandstands are full of those cheering you on and the Lord is at the end of your lane…focus your eyes on Him! Many people get tired of RUNNING for Jesus and get weary even to point of quitting. But God can get us out of spiritual retirement. ILLUSTRATION: A little boy told his father, “Today I beat a snake.” The father asked, “Did you beat him with a rock or a stick?” The little boy said, “I beat him running.” We should beat the devil by not only RUNNING from his temptation, but by RUNNING for the Lord and staying close to Him. ILLUSTRATION: One fellow tells about being on an airliner making its way from New York to San Francisco. One of the engines caught fire. The captain came on the speaker system, calmly reassuring his passengers that the fire would soon be out. Besides, the plane could fly as well with three engines as with four. Unfortunately, a second engine burst into flames. Once again the captain assured the passengers that two engines were sufficient. Then a third engine was suddenly ablaze. The captain said no more. There was only silence from the front of the plane. Soon the captain appeared in the cabin with a parachute on his back. As he opened the exit door, he said calmly to the passengers, Don’t anyone panic, I’m going for help. And out he jumped. Also today, many are JUMPING out of the Lord’s work. They become weary or discouraged because of the circumstances and bail out on God. IV-FOR THOSE WAIT ON THE LORD- THEY WILL HAVE ONWARD STRENGTH: and they shall walk, and not faint 31D God will give us strength for the long haul, in other words, He will give us the strength to serve Him all the days of our life. ILLUSTRATION: A story is told about the construction of the overseas highway between Miami, Florida and Key West. In the midst of the construction, a fierce storm destroyed most of the work that had been done. The man in charge called back to his home office, described the great loss and asked what shall I do? The home office wired back just two words, GO ON. GOD TELLS US ALSO TO GO ON God help us not to be like Demas, Paul’s companion who left Paul and quit the Lord’s work in the middle of it. But help us to be like Paul and faithful until the FINISH LINE. God made this world in six days, and the seventh day, the Bible says He rested. He rested not because he was tired but because He was finished with His work. One of these day we will finish out work down here, and enter into our haven of rest in Heaven. But until then, we are to WAIT upon the Lord for His strength to do his work and His will. CONCLUDING STORY: A grandfather was taking a nature hike with his 6 year old grandson. The child was running ahead, and came to a creek...afraid that he was going to fall in, the grandfather said CHILD, WAIT FOR ME AND I’LL GET YOU ACROSS...SURPRISINGLY, THE CHILD OBEYED, AND WHEN THE GRANDFATHER GOT THERE, HE LIFTED THE CHILD UPON HIS SHOULDERS, AND WADED ACROSS THE CREEK. the grandchild said, If I hadn’t WAITED on you, I would never have made it across! How true of us...Let’s WAIT ON GOD.. HE’LL GET US ACROSS ANY OBSTACLE LIFE PUTS IN OUR WAY. THE ISRAELITES WAITED UPON THE LORD TO PART THE WATERS ~ Their backs were up against the wall ~ The enemy fast approaching ~ Do you think God parted the waters immediately ? No He did not ~ He TESTED them ~ He made them * WAIT * UNTIL THE ENEMY WAS ALMOST THERE ~ THINK ABOUT THAT WHY DID GOD * WAIT * TILL THE LAST MINUTE TO SEE IF THEY WOULD TRUST IN HIM ~ TO SHOW THEM ALSO WHAT THEIR TRULY MADE OF ~ They were His Children ~ His Children are not WEAK ~ their STRONG ~ To show also that He would Never leave them nor forsake them ~ But IF THEY WAITED PATIENTLY ~ THEY WOULD SEE THE PROMISE LAND ~ God would destroy the enemy approaching ~~~ SEE IF YOU TRUST ~ GOD DESTROYED THE ENEMY BEFORE THEY REACHED THEM ~ THEY ALL DROWNED ~ GOD WILL DROWN OUT SATAN & HIS EVIL SPIRITS IF YOU * WAIT * ON GOD Today we dont want to see our enemy / people literally destroyed ~ we better not ~ God had Mercy on us when we didnt WAIT on him ~ Remember the Scripture ` Do Good unto your enemies that persecute you ` Matthew 5:43-4821st Century King James Version (KJ21) 43 “Ye have heard that it hath been said, ‘Thou shalt love thy neighbor and hate thine enemy.’ 44 But I say unto you, love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them that despitefully use you and persecute you, WAIT UPON GOD ~ DO YOUR PART ~ LET GOD DO HIS PART VENGEANCE IS HIS ~ LET HIM DO IT ~ SIT BACK & WAIT ~ PRAY MERCY ~ Romans 12:19 King James Version (KJV) 19 Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord. EVE TOOK THE APPLE WHEN SHE THOUGHT GOD WASNT WATCHING ~ ~ ~ GENESIS 3 : 6 6 And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof and ate, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he ate. SHE & HE DIDNT * WAIT UPON GOD ~ IF SHE & HE DID ~ * WE WOULD HAVE BEEN FOREVER WITH THE LORD * ~ GOD HAD A BETTER PLAN ~ ~ A PLAN OF SALVATION & REDEMPTION ~ ~ FREE WILL ~ Once again ~ TO CHOOSE ~ * WAITING OR WANTING * THOSE WHO WAIT UPON THE LORD ~ WILL LACK NO GOOD THING Psalm 34:10 King James Bible The young lions do lack, and suffer hunger: but they that * SEEK * the LORD shall not * WANT * any good thing. LETS LOOK AT THE WORD SEEK IN GREEK MEANING ~ Of uncertain affinity; to seek (literally or figuratively); specially, * to worship (God) *, -- be (go) about, desire, endeavour, enquire (for), require, (X will) seek (after, for, means) DID YOU SEE WHAT IS SAID ~~~ * WORSHIP GOD * So if your Worshiping God like Were suppose to when in * WANT * ~ Our EYES remain STEADFAST on God & not on our * WANTS * ~ The moment we STOP Worshiping our God & WAITING on Him & TRUSTING In Him is when SATAN COMES ~ Sister you dont understand ~ I so busy ~ I cant Worship God all day long ~ You are so absolutely right ~ * YOU CANT ~ BUT YOU YOUR SPIRIT CAN * John 4:24 King James Version (KJV) 24 God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth. STOP WORSHIPING GOD IN THE FLESH & WORSHIP HIM NOW IN THE SPIRIT See how patient you will become to WAIT upon God ~ When you do ~ * NO TEMPTATION WILL BE ABLE TO SWAY YOU TO SIN * GOD WILL BE YOUR STRENGTH ~ A MIGHTY FORTRESS ~ IN WHOM YOU TRUST VIDEO TIME ~ TAKE TIME ~ * WAIT * NOW GO EAT A COOKIE BEFORE YOU GET TEMPTED LOL GOD BLESS YOU ALL ALL MY LOVE & PRAYERS EVANGELIST / SR PASTOR & PROPHETESS DEBRA GAMELLI Grace Church of Christ ~Zion Ministries 336 Springfield St., Springfield, Massachusetts 01107 Visit us on Face Book ~* Grace Church of Christ* for more Prophetic Videos & Post
Posted on: Wed, 29 Oct 2014 19:20:44 +0000

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