October 4 Update I Reviewed the financials and I am somewhat - TopicsExpress


October 4 Update I Reviewed the financials and I am somewhat disappointed that there is not enough detail to really determine how things will be viable, I outline my concerns below. Many questions were asked by delegates to the special convention to elicit details on the finances, some questions were answered, but others were not. One such series of questions was regarding Business Agents and the wages, and how many would be retained after the merger transition period. None of the financials presented by the Union contains a breakdown to answer those questions- and aggregates do not reveal individual characteristics. Noting that the Business Agents (once hired spring 2015) can organize into their own union, and noting that the USW rates for the same role is in excess of 100,000, (20,000 at least) over what is currently paid to the 17 BAs (plus additional cost benefits) there is the potential for at least an annual increase of 500,000 over what is currently paid. I believe, that once the Business agents achieve a wage increase through collective bargaining, that the 4 table officers will desire an increase also. If that follows our current practice of paying 8% above BA rate for VP and ST, and 16% above BA rate for president, the total increase over current wages will be in excess of 600, 000 annually. I will say, I am not concerned if they get an increase, but that should be disclosed in order to assess how much money will go to whom, and from that one can determine that if there are (only so many dollars allotted for wages), that there can be only so many bodies on staff. With information as presented, in my opinion there will be one of two things occur; a reduction in number of Business Agents, or a dues increase, some way the books will have to be balanced. If our model will change the role of Business Agent, that may achieve the result. The number reduction could be achieved if Business Agents no longer travel to local meetings; in one case, that reduces several thousand kilometres driven monthly by the Kelowna Business Agent. Taking Business Agents of the road, reducing the numbers from 17 to 9, and parking them at a desk and making them (company equivalent) full time labour relations officers, with Quick Law and Brown and Beatty (on-line legal resources), will be one way to achieve that economy. You do not see any of the employer equivalent LRO’s doing the travel that our current Business Agents do. Why send the Kelowna officer to a meeting in Williams lake, 9 to 10 times a year with a 13 hours round trip driving time for a local that seldom makes quorum and has only 33 members. Why send a Business Agent to Fort McMurray 10 times a year for a local of 34 members, each meeting with flight hotel and expenses runs in excess of $1000. These are things that need to change, and should be, if we are to really become the professional organization that some say we want to be. But none of that is disclosed, and that is the part I have concerns over, because as it is presented, it is not viable, something has to give…cuts/servicing model change or a dues increase I hope the members wake up, I am doing the proverbial “ shouting from the roof tops” stop this thing now! Show me the details, show the members the pertinent details, a few mock up budgets does not make a sound business plan unless the underlying details of how those numbers were constructed are released. People may question, why now, why are you saying this, why not last year. My answer, by the time I found out, it was too late to do anything. I had it said to me by a member on the merger negotiation committee November of last year, that he could see the BA’s going to the USW rate, that is why I am saying this now; it was close to the end of the voting period. To say that I was a little more than shocked, is an understatement, as I had formulated any projections of wages on the status quo. I had also been defending the agreement saying there would be no increases to the USW rate for Business Agents when they are hired. In fact I had sent email to that effect, defending that positon, to none other than local 1 delegate John Sambrooke before I had this new information. This is why I am saying what I am saying. The member of NEC who said this to me knows who he is, and I am certain will recall the conversation we had in his office behind closed doors when he reads this. He may not want to admit to it, but it happened, by God it happened. It matters not to me if the model will change to Business Agents being paid an industry standard if we are to raise the bar and be equal with labour relations officers at TELUS,SHAW et al. I say, if they are doing the work, pay the rate, but there is no way we can afford to pay an industry standard in excess of 100 k by 17 Business Agents without an increase in dues. If we are to down size, I am ok with that, but please disclose that the model will change and will resemble the number of LRO’s at TELUS which is about half of our current contingent. For my concerns articulated above, and my concerns about the opt out clause expiring before bargaining, and my desire to have the USW given the opportunity to prove that they can improve the lot of our members through the next bargaining session by assisting us through our current strategic alliance (not a meger), I strongly urge all members to vote No. In Solidarity Michael Thompson Former TWU National Secretary Treasurer 2011-2014 Former TWU Business Agent 2006-2011 “Truth never damages a cause that is just.” ― Mahatma Gandhi
Posted on: Sat, 04 Oct 2014 19:01:55 +0000

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