October 6, 2014 Hi, Freedom-lovers, Dave Myrland nails the - TopicsExpress


October 6, 2014 Hi, Freedom-lovers, Dave Myrland nails the three key issues IRS relies on to impose an income tax on Americans. So spot on is his analysis of the misapplication of these three KEY issues and related regulations, that government lawyers asked a trial judge for a Protective Order not to have to answer one of his briefs back in the mid 1990s. Dave have been an active litigator since the 1990s, testing his tax issues with his own and others cases. He said hes read over 4000 tax cases. According to his website, over ten tax cases have been stopped using his issues. One of the dropped cases is that of the moderator of the Talkshoe program, American Liberties, Chris “Chappy” Chapman. A grand jury dropped his case on tax charges when he introduced Daves issues plus giving them a copy of Daves Criminal Complaint about IRS to Congress that Chappy had become a joinder to. He tells his story in the uTube videos in the upper left of Daves website, the video titled, Tax Grand Jury Properly Informed, Case Dismissal.” Its a must hear. https://youtube/channel/UC4OSWo_uoplVCnphB-l4LPA or click on the home page....see uTube video link in upper left. takefromcaesar.us . Also, I nearly fell out of my chair listening to another video titled, “Key to the Code Revealed by the One True Master of The Code.” Its the one with a time length of 1:49. In it Dave shows the actual laws and regulations that are being misapplied. His focus for twenty years has been the authority to impose the income tax. Ive listened in part or whole to this video three times, and am about to listen again. Dave unlocks the key to understanding the Codes liability provisions. So far I have Daves awesome book on section 83. Incredibly enlightening. Dave has expanded on an obscure section of the Code that IRS loves to ignore, Section 83, which regulates how personal services are to be taxed. Dave cites the court rulings that affirm that labor is PROPERTY. And property has a COST (time and effort). That cost is deductible from gross income, which would zero out gross taxable income. Value your labor services at $30/hr. Get paid $30 hr. Deduct them to get zero Gross Taxable income. IRSs policy position (not law) on labor is that since one did not pay for it, it is all 100% profit when exchanged for money. However, to follow that arbitrary view (not law) is to violate Section 83 which governs how personal services are to be taxed. Ones labor is PROPERTY and is NOT FREE. The COST is ones TIME and EFFORT. IRS likes to cheat workers out of the value of their labor by saying it has no cost !! In addition to Daves book, I will be obtaining his thumb drive with his 7 key videos. And then read and view everything else he has written in the past twenty years. Hes way ahead of the average law researcher because he litigates his issues to test their validity. When Dave talks, I listen. And I have tens years experience researching and responding to IRS computer letters. Joining his criminal complaint is a powerful defense against wilfulness. Here is the link to Daves radio show, titled, No Confidence: talkshoe/talkshoe/web/talkCast.jsp?masterId=59615&cmd=tc Here is the link to Chappy Chapmans radio show. talkshoe/talkshoe/web/talkCast.jsp?masterId=87488&cmd=tc Chris also has a mailing list. Recommend asking to get on it as he notices upcoming shows on interesting topics. [email protected] Talkshoe is great....one can go back and listen to previous shows at convenient times. Highly recommend reading everything thoroughly on Daves home page: takefromcaesar.us
Posted on: Wed, 08 Oct 2014 13:53:42 +0000

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