October 8, 2014 I think most people that follow my blog, know - TopicsExpress


October 8, 2014 I think most people that follow my blog, know that writing is my therapy. I really needed to spend the day studying for a 2 day class I am taking that starts tomorrow that is intense and difficult, but I just cannot focus! My book is sitting in front of me right now...I know I was a very good nurse at one time, but have not taken this class in years and it’s about Emergency Pediatrics...I know I have avoided the content for reasons that I do not need to explain. Today, I woke up and realized storms were hitting our area once again. Driving in the dark is a challenge for me, but driving in the rain is worse. Thank goodness, it was late day for GPS and Bailey and I stayed home and waited out the worst of the storms, it was still raining when we left, but the drive to GPS and back home was uneventful. Honestly, while driving this morning, I was trying to figure out how I could go back to bed and sleep more and then get in study time. As I exited the interstate this morning headed back home, all I could think about was the teenager that was just diagnosed with leukemia that I found out about yesterday. Her Mom responded to a text of mine that I saw this morning before leaving home, as I was turning on Mill Creek Road, I knew my purpose today was not to go back to bed, not to study but to make a small difference. I made a couple of quick phone calls and got some pertinent information I needed....and then I was on a quick mission...first stop, TJ Maxx, purchased a lamp and a small Lily Pulitzer white board that can hang from a hospital room door and some large reusable bags, then across the street to Kmart for a foam (eggcrate) mattress, a special LED light bulb and a cooler...I was then on my way headed to T.C. Thompson. My plan was to contact a good friend and childlife specialist, but once I loaded the bags, I was set and just wanted to take care of business. I walked up to the ED desk (everything is locked down at T.C. Thompson now, thank goodness)...I knew both of the women sitting there, but my hair is very straight today and one of the ladies said, what’s your name? and the other said, She is Christian’s Mom! That statement warmed my heart so much. Christian has been gone over 2 years, I am not frequently seen anymore, but they still know I am Christian’s Mom! They tried to just tell me to go on up, but I really wanted my visitor’s pass! I arrived on Children’s 300 and decided to just walk directly to the room where I was delivering my purchases. I found the door wide open and inviting, but the Mom, my friend was not there. At this point, I was all in...I stood there and introduced myself and then re introduced myself. The patient remembered Bailey as a former classmate and then the Dad realized who I was...everything was good. The best part...as I was showing him, my few purchases, he was amazed that I knew just what was needed. I said, “I have lived here and know what it is like.” And then, the Mom came to the door and she gasped, “Robyn,” we hugged and cried and talked about how just a few weeks ago, she stood with me and Ty Miller Team Esmes Dad) and Katie Tatum( JeffandKatie Tatum) as Ty and I were talking about the devastation and reality of childhood cancer. I know God brought us together a few weeks ago...but I am still pretty angry that they are starting the journey of childhood cancer. This beautiful patient is an only child, she was adopted from China when she was 10 years old by this amazing couple. So, I just don’t get it...How can you spend most of your first 10 years in a Chinese orphanage and then as a young teen be diagnosed with leukemia. I left the hospital with a mission to get coke and water to fill the cooler I bought. I took my time and returned early afternoon. I dropped off the drinks and headed up to PICU...it’s been over 2 years, but I really consider them my family...thank goodness someone that knows me answered the phone to go back...I had a great visit today with Amy Jo Perry, Pat Pearsont, Nicole D Smith, Dr. Erin Parrish Reade, Peyton Paine, Courtney....Okay, all that said, I am still a cancer Mom, just fighting for others now and so very thankful of the generous donors to The Christian Bryant Foundation...you have made a $59,000 impact since the day of Christian’s death, May 26, 2012. I am also very thankful that I have gotten an extremely tight hug twice this week from on of Christian’s favorite nurse, Jamie Hicks.
Posted on: Thu, 09 Oct 2014 01:58:43 +0000

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