October 9, 2013 - TopicsExpress


October 9, 2013 In cultures with an abundance of Wednesday food choices, bread is no longer a LIFE WITHOUT necessary part of the diet so some BREAD choose to live without it for various READ: reasons. In the first century, however, John 6:25-35 bread was viewed as an essential --------------------------------- staple. A diet without bread was a I am the bread of life. foreign concept. ---John 6:48 One day a crowd of people sought --------------------------------- out Jesus because He had performed THE BIBLE IN ONE YEAR the miracle of multiplying loaves of Isaiah 32-33 bread (John 6: 11,26). They asked Colossians 1 Him to perform a sign like the manna From heaven that God had provided for His people in the desert (6: 30-31; Ex. 16:4). When Jesus said He was “the true bread from heaven” (John 6: 32), the people didn’t understand. They wanted literal daily bread. But Jesus was saying that He had been sent to be their spiritual bread; He would supply their daily spiritual needs. If they, by faith, applied and took His words and life into their very souls, they would experience everlasting satisfaction (v.35). Jesus doesn’t want to be an optional commodity in our diets; He desires to be the essential staple in our lives, our ‘necessary” food. As first-century Jews could never imagine life without physical bread, may we never attempt to live without Jesus, our spiritual bread! --Marvin Williams FOR FURTHER THOUGHT What are some ways you can let Jesus, the Bread of Life, and His words satisfy the Hunger pangs of your soul today? Only spiritual bread satisfies the hunger of the soul. OUR DAILY BREAD
Posted on: Wed, 09 Oct 2013 17:27:16 +0000

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