October had been putting up flyers everywhere he - TopicsExpress


October had been putting up flyers everywhere he could: Babysitter in need of work. Good with kids. Along with his address, picture, and phone number, all the basic contact information. However, no matter how many he hung, he hadnt gotten a single response in a span of three days, and it was starting to weigh on him financially. He was a teenager, yes, at only seventeen, but he lived on his own in a one person apartment in order to try and escape his uncomfortable home environment. The last thing he wanted was to have to go back there, but he knew if he didnt get a call soon, he would have to. The boy sat now in his bedroom, typing away uselessly on his laptop and putting up his first online ad, trying for anything he could. It was Sunday afternoon, and quite frankly he had nothing better to do anyways. He was surprised by a sudden tri-tone ring coming from beside him, and picked up his phone to see a text message. It read: Hello! I saw your ad and Im very interested. I have two small children, one boy and one girl. If youd like, please come to this address. Below was a series of numbers and streets which he recognized as not far from where he lived. A grin plastered itself to his face as he slammed the laptop shut, typing quickly: I can make it as early as tonight. Will that be alright? He waited a moment before the client replied: Of course. Evening had fallen, and it was around 8:00p.m when October finally managed to get himself out the door, checking himself in the mirror quickly before making his way over to the house, knocking on the door. He grinned as it was answered, sticking out a hand to shake but was quickly and aggressively pulled inside, stumbling. He panicked as he heard the door slam shut, and a cloth was pressed to his mouth. In a matter of seconds, the world had faded into blackness. // I need a seme who sees the ad and decides to kidnap October. Please be able to write at least one lengthy paragraph (and I mean like 5+ sentences). No one liners or text talk will be tolerated! Likes will be ignored, so leave a comment or PM me if interested!
Posted on: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 20:31:14 +0000

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