Odd. I find myself torn, sometimes. One the one hand, I see - TopicsExpress


Odd. I find myself torn, sometimes. One the one hand, I see all the rotten shitty things that are going on in the world,.. and especially in my own home country... and I want to make things right,.. to put order back into things and honor back into our government,... in other words make it OUR government again. And on the other hand, there is a part of me rooting for Armageddon. Thats partly because my faith insists that the dark days HAVE to happen, to get to the other side of things,.. but its also partly an idea that the chaos, the destruction, the storm if you like,.. would wash away the evil from the face of the earth, and whoever was left might have a chance to start over, with simpler ideals,... peacefully operating under the notion that all men and women are free to go their own way,... walk their own path, in peace. One more chance at paradise. (shakes head) But,.. while there is a chance to bring about a peaceful resolution to our current small version of hell, I am compelled to fight for it. I am driven to seek a solution,... peacefully if possible,.. and by force if necessary. I like to think I am part of the wheat, among which the tares were sown. That I am part of the solution, and not part of the problem,.. that I can make a difference, to someone, somewhere,.. open a pair of eyes,.. make a set of ears to listen, and to bring people together, instead of rending them, one from another. We talk amongst ourselves, seeking solutions,.. answers,... a way to fix the wrongs. But there are people who are still blind,.. who refuse to see the true depths of depravity surrounding us,.. people who still dont even realize there is a problem. We need these people, just as many as we can wake, to open their eyes and see,.. to realize that there is still a chance to save this world,.. IF we all work together. We must gather his people. This is our call. Your brother is not your enemy,.. he merely sleeps. Do not hate him, for his ignorance, but show him the truth. Truth is painful to the deluded. But we cannot let denial stop us. We cannot allow the defense mechanisms people use to hinder us in our efforts. If we cannot give sight to the blind, our cause is lost,.. stillborn in the womb. I call upon you,... and I say, with all my heart, that God himself calls upon you to seek out your brother and sister and bring them into the fold. Enough finger-pointing, politically. Blame provokes defensive posturing and drives potential allies away. Do not be afraid to speak the truth,... do not hesitate to point out what is wrong. But avoid name-calling and the like. Be prepared to offer an alternative to the wrong,.. know your subject,.. When you point to something that is bad, be ready with a way to make it right. THIS is what has been missing from our arguments. And I, myself have been just as guilty of this as anyone. When you point to the withered rose, in the vase on your brothers mantle, hold a bouquet of daisies to replace it. When you see someone has a dirty floor, grab a broom and show them how to sweep. Jesus spoke in parables. Parables are a way to relate a point of morality, in a way that is indirect and non-confrontational. In our efforts to effect change in our nation, we must be like Jesus, in this way. One of my favorites was always the parable of the good father. to paraphrase,.. If your child asks for bread, will you give him a stone? We, in this nation have asked for bread,.. and have routinely been given stone after stone. Obama is not our father, no..... nor is any member of the government. But when these people are elected to office, they accept certain responsibilities,.. which they are not taking care of. We tend to fall back upon the words and deeds of our founding fathers... who were also not our fathers, by the way. They were men. As such, even they were fallible. Humans make mistakes. Stop relying upon THEIR words and actions and ask yourself instead, what would be right to do, here and now, in Gods eyes? In this country, right now, we have several major cities I could compare to both Sodom and Gomorrah. Of these, DC is patently the worst. It is my belief that if WE do not act to cleanse this abomination, God will. But,... I firmly believe that even if we fail, we are meant to TRY. We need leaders who are not politicians. Now,.. Im not sure how exactly to go about electing people who dont really WANT to be in office,.. but the best leaders will be those who have no desire to lead. ... and thats where I run into a brick wall.
Posted on: Sat, 30 Nov 2013 22:09:13 +0000

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