Odličan tekst Marka Hoarea o tračerskom pismu danskog suca - TopicsExpress


Odličan tekst Marka Hoarea o tračerskom pismu danskog suca Harhoffa u kojem optužuje predsjednika ICTY-a Merona da je radio u korist Izraela i Amerike i zato oslobodio Gotovinu, Markača, Stanišića...Marko se čudi da ljudi vjeruju da je Meron napravio pritisak na nizozemskog suca Orija, da navodno Ori treba donijeti kontroverznu odluku u korist Izraela, a ne recimo Nizozemske... i još, u tome je bilo i antisemitizma. Marko kaže:The moral of this story is: if you want to create your own conspiracy theory that other people will believe but which isn’t supported by any evidence, it really helps if the person you finger as the leading villain happens to be a Jew. Most members of the anti-Meron campaign are neither anti-Semites nor motivated by anti-Semitism; perhaps none of them are. Many if not most of them are motivated by fully justified outrage at the meagre results of the ICTY and a principled desire to see justice served. Yet they are basing their campaign on allegations, by Judge Harhoff, that at the very least feed off familiar anti-Semitic themes of alleged Jewish power and manipulative behaviour; themes that strike a chord among the wider public, which explains the vibrancy of the campaign
Posted on: Sat, 20 Jul 2013 10:58:07 +0000

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