Of 2014 Beloveds, Last night and today I celebrated my 63rd - TopicsExpress


Of 2014 Beloveds, Last night and today I celebrated my 63rd birthday with family, witches, mages, very wyrd artists, performers, assorted bohemians and academics. I was sung to and had a stand-up comedian horrify me while I laughed till I cried. And while much of the human world is full of crap: too much of everything plastic and problematically disposable everything, I am learning the tango for no good reason. WRITING Tarot continues to be my main work although I was published in November with a short story in Issue 15 of The Crime Factory called Comeuppance (p101) that those of you who are spiritually inclined in your reading would likely cringe at. You see, my time at university doing post graduate work (2013) inspired my joyously wicked side. I discovered (your fault!) that I am a gifted story teller in the genres of crime and thriller. How is it your fault? Of course it is! An accumulated storehouse of inner visual information from readings with cops, lawyers, psychiatrists, anthropologist and those of you battered, lied to or betrayed, from the beautiful paramedics picking up bodies from behind dumpsters at 3AM and those of you forced into marriages through a tradition you wished did not exist. I’ve also just completed a memoir (Bedknobs and Bastards/Memoir of a Witch Queen) but it is currently reclining on an external hard drive until my offspring decide to speak to me again after reading it and demanding Mummy not say some (most) of that. In November I optioned off a screenplay to a Melbourne-based production company. Yes, it’s a thriller/horror with a deeply mystical twist. Called Coalblack. More on that as I find out. MAGICAL TRAINING I worked with an economical but talented group of Melbournians over the past 13 months in a series of magical trainings called Natural Magic workshops. Very challenging in an era of quick-fix armchair occultism. Some of them made it to the end, certainly not all, but I do respect that they could not and did not pretend. FOOD & GARDEN MAGIC Second-last thing is, yes, I went Paleo. So I shed a large percentage of excess body fat (for me) while eating butter and eggs every day. I am now back at the gym three days a week and training three other women. I will be posting a series of videos, on how we eat this way, on my Youtube site, under the header of The Witch’s Kitchen. I live with two other mystics and artists in a hundred year old Edwardian in inner-city Melbourne. Over the last two years we have dug up the entire front and back gardens, composted the shit out of them (or, technically, into them) and grow most of our own produce. Except avos and mushrooms. ASTROLOGY OPPORTUNITY Last thing, I’d like to introduce you to Bernard Casimir circularpaths.wix/signsofthetimes, a magical friend of 30 years, and an inspirationally accurate astrologer. He has been reading for more than those 30 years but always by word of mouth recommendation. Thanks to the technology of Skype he is now available to the world. Contact him for your session, I assure you, you will love his work! You can also discuss tutorial opportunities. TAROT If those of you receiving my newsletter signed up via my homepage and are in Sydney, Melbourne or Byron and surrounds, and want to be informed of when I’m travelling to your area, please email me as you’re on the wrong newsletter (I only send out when there is major news or once a year because I love you all). I’m available for readings in Melbourne (mostly), Byron-to-Brisbane (and Mudgee, hello!) and Sydney occasionally throughout 2015 so email me. If your buddies want sessions and you’ve been before you know the drill, they need to let me know they came through you. MAGIC I hope for you travel, creativity, a potent connection to the Mysteries, compassion and awareness of your own needs and those of Earth. Beannachta, and joy, wherever you are in the world, Ly x For more stuff head to my website: lydeangeles
Posted on: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 10:55:18 +0000

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