Of Birch and Hawthorn. Of Yew and Oak. I gathered the wood for the - TopicsExpress


Of Birch and Hawthorn. Of Yew and Oak. I gathered the wood for the pier. Each meaning things that the Old ones knew. I pile these woods upon one another speaking words deep within me. Praying for guidance and hope. The pier stood tall after a while. Upon its top I build a platform of sweet grasses and sage. Of ceder and meadow sweet. This will be her bed. Her final resting place upon this world. I carry her lovingly up to the platform and place her gently down upon the sweet scents of the grasses. I arrange her beautiful purple gown, her favorite color, so that it seems that she only sleeps. In her pouch I put 3 gold coins for her journey to the Summer lands. Leaning over I place my kiss upon her lips. So gentle, so sweet. Rising I look upon her face once more. One final time. A tear falling silently down my cheek. The torch that stands ready for its task, burning brightly as the sun begins to set. The colors matching each other as if by some magic from the ONE. I grasp the torch in my right hand and rise it up. Beseeching the Powers that be. In a clear and powerful voice I call out. "Great Ones hear this small voice in the gathering darkness... Here lies your Daughter ready for her walk among the stars... I ask that you take her hand and lead her to the place of peace for her struggles and pain have been great." I approach the pier and thrust the flaming wood ...once ...twice....thrice as I move about the column of wood setting each place aflame. "My Lady!" I cry "By the fires of the Hearth, by the love in your heart. By the warmth of your healing light. I call upon you to guide her to the place she will be at peace. Let not the pain linger...let not the fear stay....let not the worry crease her brow..." The flames grow stronger and higher as the scared wood catches...the scent of their wood and oils mingle with those of sweet grasses upon which she rests. Soon all there is is but a column of flames the heat and scent is almost overwhelming But I stand fast. Watching and praying for her soul to forgive me....to remember me as I will always remember her. Soon The fires burn themselves down...slowly...leaving only embers... I look upon what remains of my beloved as the winds begin to blow out of the sea towards the mountains...I hear a sound...like that of a distant calling bird....and from the ashes lifting above the flames is the most magnificent creature I have ever beheld...flame was its body and wing, its eyes filled with glowing life...it rose slowly but strongly....it looked upon me and I knew...it was she...my beloved...transformed into the Fire Bird....she gave one cry...strong...fearless...powerful...then flew off towards the mountains tall...flame striking from her tail...filling the gathering night with light... Fair well my beloved wife....fair well. May your new life be of peace. and now I could cry out my pain and lose..... :
Posted on: Thu, 04 Jul 2013 15:46:46 +0000

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