Of Christ and the Church (of man and his wife) by Larry A. - TopicsExpress


Of Christ and the Church (of man and his wife) by Larry A. Cochran I have wrestled for quite a while about the concept of how my marriage represents the relationship between Christ and the Church. In Ephesians 5:21-32 we see that Paul is trying very clearly to layout the idea that marriage represents the relationship that Christ has with believers. This was easy for me to accept because I believe all of scripture to be true, yet I struggle with the application of such an idea. I ask myself, how can I be compared to Christ? The answer is that I cannot. We have to understand that the shadow that points to Jesus the Christ throughout scripture were always in themselves imperfect, but the one to whom they point is not. The union of man and woman is a mystery itself and should not be taken for granted, yet there is the nagging idea of representing Christ through it. How can we do this? What is the application for men? After reading another chapter in the book “The Great Theologians” by Gerald McDermott, he points out that Martin Luther alluded to this. McDermott quoted one of Luther’s works and it seems to make this picture just a little clearer for me. He said that we are “joined together with Christ”. As in the marriage relationship we are so connected that we are now one. Since Christ Jesus’ purpose was to live, die, and be resurrected for the sake of our own sins, this makes sense. Jesus made the promise that He would return for His bride and receive her without spot or blemish (Ephesians 5:27), but how does He do this? By His words, as she lives and breaths and has her being in them. Now I do not for one moment say that my wife should have her being in my words, yet, if they are Christ words then she should always be ready to receive them for it is His words that give life and liberty to the both of us. Again, I asked, what is the application for me? This verse also speaks to the heart of man that he is to give himself for his wife as Christ does for the church. This passage makes it clear when you understand what Christ actually did for the church. Our Lord Jesus considered not Himself when he allowed Himself to be condemned on the cross for our sins. He did not revile us but He loved us with a perfect and steadfast love that would draw us to Himself. He promised that if we would believe in Him, that He would not leave us or forsake us. Christ was the perfect example of grace, forgiveness, and mercy. These three allow a person to come clean and begin the process of restoration. As a man or husband, do I do this? Definitely not perfectly, but I must pray and strive to represent this image daily. Again, what is the impact of this? Luther went on to speak about how Christ took our sins and He gave us His righteousness. Again I am careful to declare that I am even close to being righteous and that my wife would receive anything worthy from my own person, yet if what I do and who I am is in Christ, then that is what she must receive. 2 Corinthians 5:17 lets us know that if we are in Christ we are a new creation and this newness of life is what we are to offer to our wives. She receives the newness of life which we have in Christ Jesus and we are to stand firm regardless of the circumstances that may arise because of her position as the weaker vessel (1 Peter 3:7). The scripture is clear that it is Adam who had the responsibility to stop sin from entering into mankind and he very easily neglected this role. Now we must allow God through the image of Christ Jesus to restore this by accepted the role which will now be much harder because of the nature of sin that abides in both the man and the woman. Christ expects that men would look not on the infirmities of his bride as a thing to condemn her but to love her unconditionally regardless of them. In a nutshell we are to turn the other cheek (Matthew 5:39), we are to do good when reviled (Luke 6:27), we are to love your neighbor (Matthew 12:31), and any other good thing that would be reserved for those who would seem to mistreat you. Here I said “seem to” because that is the very nature of the male and female relationship in a fallen society, we both seem to be against each other and that for all the wrong reasons. My wife is not my enemy even if my lust of the flesh, lust of the eye, and pride of life tells me she is. My wife is part of me and so I can never refuse her intimacy with me for we are one. My wife and I are examples to the world of the bond that Christ has with His bride that will never be broken. Here is a caution; we must remember that we are a shadow of this bond and do not show this image perfectly. When that which is perfect comes, it will do away with the shadows. If a man and woman divorces, this is why He says not to join to another because you are still joined to your first. Again, I caution, divorce does not condemn or prevent remarrying if it is done rightly through full repentance and acceptance of the consequences. It does however call for an even greater abundance of grace toward one another this second or even third time around. I then ask, if we could not find the grace and mercy the first time, it would be harder the second or third, so be careful looking at a license to jump from bed to bed or relationship to relationship. The point is that Christ and the Church are united by a love that is by choice and all of the actions from Christ dictate that regardless of how imperfect His bride was. His love for her cleanses her by steadfastness and is never revocable because He is love and I should be love to my wife. I pray this with all sincerity Lord that You help me to become love to my wife. Let Your grace invade my heart and mind so that I am fully capable of loving my wife as Christ loves the Church. Allow me the eyes to see her as wonderfully and fearfully made. Let my mouth speak only Your affirming and life giving words. Lord, keep my flesh and eyes from all forms of evil that would hinder my ability to love my wife rightly. Father, by the work and faith that You are able to give, teach me to provide what is right, give what is needed, stand firmly as directed, and be a living example. Lord, be the partner in my relationship that holds and binds us as we keep our eyes on You. I pray that you do in our marriage what You are well pleased with, and I pray this in Jesus name. Amen
Posted on: Mon, 29 Jul 2013 22:28:41 +0000

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