Of Hoors and hoories. People especially women are confused about - TopicsExpress


Of Hoors and hoories. People especially women are confused about their reward in paradise. They complain that where pious men will be awarded hoors what will pious women get? This is an important question as women are roughly half the world population and if they dont have incentive what for are they striving and why are they tested? Allah says in sura Baqra, we asked malaika to bow in front of Adam. In sura Nisa Allah says o people be afraid of Allah who created you from a single entity,(jaan) then created his pair from himself. From these two ayas it is clear that Adam was created a single entity, a person. He was neither male nor female. He was not even in the middlle of both genders. When he was sent to this world to live and increase population, the system of pairs and both genders was put in place. This sytem has to continue till the last individual is borne ie qayamat. After this phase, on the day of judgement, every one will be presented before Allah as an entity that Adam was at the time of ist creation. There will be no gender. An example of a stage drama can be given in this regard. In a stage drama in a girls college all the actors are girls. They are given different roles, some one is a father, another a brother, yet another,a husband, a servent, a wife, a mother and so on. they perform their roles on the stage as per their characters. Away from the stage they all are girls. Similar will be the case in a boys college. Their performance is assessed on the stage as per their characters. We are in this world for a test where a stage has been set for us. We are the characters. Our performance is assessed in the roles we are performing, when the curtain will fall, we will be same. as the creation of mankind would stop and there will no need of continuity of race, so there will be no need of genders. Another argument in this respect is that Allah says in sura rehman, that beautiful hoors will be there for the people who are declared pious. THey will be serving them. This will include pious men, women and even the other gender falling in the category of pious people as Allah is just and will be rewarding justly. Views and comments on the issue are welcome, May Allah guide us to the right path, aameen.
Posted on: Mon, 29 Jul 2013 18:48:25 +0000

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