Of all the Fasholas, Rochas, Amaechis, Ndah-Isaiahs, Tambuwals, - TopicsExpress


Of all the Fasholas, Rochas, Amaechis, Ndah-Isaiahs, Tambuwals, Kwamkwasos, and ors that are all camped in the APC, Buhari, the dumbest and bigotest of all politicians in Nigeria who thinks he can single-handedly fight corruption with mere rhetoric (and without judicial and legislative input ) is the one APC is looking to present as a flag bearer in Nigeria of 2014/15? Lets see how that will pan out! Someone should tell him that a lot of water has passed under the bridge and that this is 2014. We no longer have decrees and military tribunals but Courts of Justices. No more barrel-smashing of heads but court gavels. The independent judiciary and Court has the final say and not military prosecutors. We now have a legislature but not a Supreme Military Council. Also, its no longer possible to retroactively invoke some insane decrees because its almost 2015 and no longer 1983. Can he withstand a modern and sophisticated world where technology and human rights are the order of the day? I sincerely dont think so.. Yet, some people born after 1980 are celebrating his candidature like they have been told of the messiahs imminent arrival. Well, I have seen a preview of what is to come from a man who wants to stabilize oil prices and have no concrete answers on how to tackle economical issues Retrogression at its best. #Iamgoingbacktomyhidingplace and I am #whistling #busy
Posted on: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 11:07:16 +0000

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