Of all the benefits chia seed provides, there are quite a few that - TopicsExpress


Of all the benefits chia seed provides, there are quite a few that most simply find very hard to believe. HOWEVER, within just 3 days of adding chia seed to your diet, you will start to SEE THE BENEFITS in the mirror. Hair grows much more healthily and skin becomes clearer and more radiant. The whites of your eyes becomes brighter and your nails grow twice as quick and strong. The first few benefits are great in their own right, but it is only when you start to realise how the chia seed is helping your entire body, and that these initial improvements are just an indication of your whole body becoming more healthy, that you appreciate how incredible chia seed is. These benefits continue to escalate as you continue to take chia, and within three weeks you feel amazing. You are sleeping better, you have more energy, your body is getting all the nutrition it needs and you feel like you have a new lease of life. You look and feel ten years younger! Those feelings of having no energy or motivation are gone and weight is dropping off you. Chia seed also lifts your moods naturally, so even if you didnt feel great already, you feel happy and ready to conquer the world. As for helping your body drop the unwanted fat, this caused by three separate effects and it can be rapid too, especially at first. Chia seed helps fight fat by reducing your bodys ability to store unused calories. Fat storage is also a natural reaction to a lack of essential nutrition, so the body stops even wanting to store fat. Chia seed also stabilises blood sugar levels, so this reduces fat storage too. Then there is all the dietary fibre in chia, which eases digestion, but also slows it down at the same time, again preventing the need for fat storage. Combine all this with more energy and feeling youthful again, and you begin to understand how many people lose weight rapidly with chia. So, if you dont want to look or feel the way you do, if you know you could be more healthy, but think eating healthy is hard, and if you want to surprise yourself with the levels of energy and vibrancy you have... EAT CHIA! :o)))
Posted on: Sun, 10 Nov 2013 13:05:08 +0000

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