Of all the people in Israel God could have blessed, it is very - TopicsExpress


Of all the people in Israel God could have blessed, it is very surprising He chose to bless Obed-Edom. His first name Obed means slave. His second name Edommeans he was an Edomite, known to be an enemy of Israel. On top of these negative labels,the Bible tells us he was from the city of Gath the city of King Davids greatest enemy, Golieth. Just like Obed-Edom, you may have been negatively stereotyped or come from a unsavory past, but it does not matter who you are, or where you are from, or what your past is like, when God comes to live in your house, you are going to be blessed! After three months, King David heard about how blessed Obed-Edom was and he came to get the ark. Obed-Edoms story could have ended there. But, guess what? His story is not finished yet. He is mentioned seven more times in the Bible and each time he has been promoted. Lets take a look at his amazing journey.Obed-Edom was promoted because of his faithfulness. In my life, I have seen this principle at work. The Family Legacy Obed-Edom came from a horrible family background. His name means slave and enemy of Israel. But,all his children and grandchildren eventually serve with him in the house of God. The names of his children mean Heard by Jehovah, Given of God, Healed by God, and other great meanings. Obed-Edom reversed the curse over his family. God wants to do the same for your family. Because of your faithfulness to serve God you are building a family legacy that will continue to be a blessing for generations to come. Temple Treasurer The last time Obed-Edom is mentioned, he is the keeper of the Temple Treasury. King David entrusted him with his kingdom This is the last stage of spiritual promotion, when God gives you stewardship over great wealth.Obed-Edom begins life as a slave, but Gods presence enters his home. Along with Gods presence comes Gods blessings. Because God blesses his house, he starts to bless Gods house. Obed-Edom is promoted from gatekeeper, to harp player, to minister, to leader, to temple treasurer. His entire family serves God because of his example. What was the Secret of Obed-Edom? He was faithful to serve God in every capacity he could find.As you apply The Secret of Obed-Edom to your life, you will be promoted too! Your story is not finished yet! . The Lord blessed his household and everything he had (1 Chron. 13:13). 2 Samuel 6:11-12 And the ark of the LORD continued in the house of Obededom the Gittite three months: and the LORD blessed Obededom, and all his household. And it was told king David, saying, The LORD hath blessed the house of Obededom, and all that [pertaineth] unto him, because of the ark of God. So David went and brought up the ark of God from the house of Obededom into the city of David with gladness. Lord do what men consider as impossible. Lord do what men consider UNUSUAL, UNCOMMON and UNEXPLAINABLE. O Lord disappoint the expectations of my enemies over my life this year. (They expected death for Obededom but the Lord shocked them, he became a super story). What killed Uzzah announced Obededom, Lord, lift my LIFE beyond my expectations.By your great power Lord, give me an amazing testimony that will make the world to turn and look at my LIFE in amazement in Jesus name. My father, my father, do what the world cannot explain in my FAMILY. Lord, give my LIFE a story of deliverance that no brain can interpret in Jesus name.
Posted on: Sat, 26 Oct 2013 07:56:46 +0000

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